Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?

Why they can’t Veeky Forums?

Do any anons play vidya? I’m wanting to play the Witcher 2 and 3.

First ones the best

Those are fucking good. Like, Witcher 3 is absolutely amazeballs. I would love to get a game as close to Witcher 3 as possible but with a less specific player character. Like Skyrim but actually good.

Why do you care what other people do?

I read fiction, play vidya, watch anime, and lift. Fuck off, nothing wrong with escaping reality for a short while.

Because people enjoy different things. You're only a manchild, mentally ill or possibly on the spectrum if you make a specific interest the entire focus of your life and built a "personality" around your investment in that topic/hobby/interest.

>Implying you can't do all that and also lift
Disregarding that, it's still better than most adults whose hobbies are "watching TV and drinking beer"

I'm trying to kick my pc game addiction, I find myself playing fucking Rainbow 6 every time I have spare time which I tell myself I will spend studying. I have a part time job, I have 3 semesters left in college and lift 5 days a week doing light cardio on the 6th, I want to be anything but a man child, I don't obsess over stupid (((Hollywood))) films or sci fi but I just can't fucking kick this gaming habit.

Nah cause they actually have friends and a life and aren't suicidally depressed because
>tfw no gf

Dark Souls? Third one specifically, wait until HD rerelease if you want to play first.
I've played a lot of vidya in the past, but for whatever reason never done the Witcher series. However, a third person game kind of like Skyrim but actually good makes the Soulsborne series come to mind immediately.

>Implying my grandfather didn't drink himself to death
>Implying my father isn't friendless and depressed

>implying they aren't successful based on the fact without them you wouldn't be here

>Live a life of misery with a shitty job, get divorced, drink a lot and die at fifty
>Ids success cause put ponos in vagene

>implying its not

Because video games exploit the need that's innate to every human being - a need for achievement. They take it and make it really easy. You are spoonfed from the start, they show you the controls, you play the tutorial, the game's really easy at first but then gets progressively harder to keep you engaged. Developers studied how to get gamers addicted as far back as during the times of Ultima Online, so this isn't anything new, it's just it was much rarer while now this scheme is in every AAA game. Being good at games takes almost no effort, which is completely opposite if you want to be good at something in real life. If you want to learn how to play a guitar, you will most likely absolutely suck for the first few hours, it's easy to get discouraged. There is nothing like that in games, they are engineered to accomodate everyone hence you can for example choose the difficulty level. They flood your system with dopamine by feeding you small but regular rewards, that's that feeling when you can't stop playing even tho it's 2 am.

I've been playing games since I was 7 or so, I mostly played them because I sucked at everything else. I was bad at soccer so I thought it was stupid, I was bad basketball so I thought I can't get better at it etc. I thought I was born that way and I cannot improve at sports so video games were my escape. At the time I didn't realise why the fuck am I playing them, now I know it's not really because they are so great, it's because my brain was tricked into liking them. These days I can't play a game for more than 2 hours before I'm fucking bored to death. I grew up in a period where games only were starting to get popular, so up until the age of 12 we still were hanging around outside, maybe only one of us had a gaming system so we would spend some time at his place but still mostly outside. Later on when everyone got their own PC everyone stopped going out, like literally.

Actually for the first time reached a char limit, kek. I didn't realise it's so low, only 2000.

So yeah I see kids nowadays and it breaks my heart when I see them glued to their smartphones while their parents don't see a problem. I look back at my life and see how much time I wasted, how many opportunities I missed, how many friendships I lost only because I wanted to play more fucking video games.

>implying it is

Don't waste your money. Ksp is the only game you'll ever need

Lifting > video games

Except there is, manchild

just got a job offer.....do I wagecuck or NEET?

Christ thats fucking sad... How can people say that there isnt a problem with how society is treating boys?

My autism prevented me from just playing 3rd so I had to struggle through the first two games and read the books. First game was pretty good but suffered from horrid combat, second game was pretty awful all around ( which sucks because I kinda wanted to try and get all the Achievements but the game was just too shit to play again ). Now I just need to get around to playing the 3rd.

Currently playing KCD though.

Shoo! Go back to the middleages you under developed loser!

32 here, oldfag by Veeky Forums standards. When i was at school online shit wasnt much of a thing so my m8 and i would play SF and killer instinct at each others place then go fuck around on our bikes.

Was good times

>second game was pretty awful all around

Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time. You don’t need to play the first two, desu.

>he thinks there aren't people who are fit and act like regular people but go home and play video games
nigga please

Well it was.

>A reject of the whole society, Witcher
>Generally despised by everyone as a freak
>Gets completely tangled up in major political events
>Directly dealing with kings
>The whole idea of Witcher is to deal with monsters
>Game only occasionally seems to remember this

I mean if you liked it, good for you but I thought the game was mainly annoying as hell.

I use the gym as a form of escapism. Hell the majority of this board seems to do that since diet and exercise is one of the few things in my life I feel like I have control over.

The worst thing about the game is that it was short as fuck.

>good at games
>good at sports
>love competition in all forms
stop projecting your retarded shit because you have no talent

kek. just like user from the other thread
>he thinks there aren't people who are fit and act like regular people but go home and fap to traps and hentai

Because many people have nothing positive to look to in this late capitalist hellscape, so they remain in the period of life when they felt the most comfortable.

Theyre despised by commoners because theyre freaks.

Their abilities and resoursefullness makes them incredibly useful. Also geralts biggest character flaw is that hes a moral fag so he gets wrapped up in things when it goes against the witcher code.

Jesus christ kill yourself commie. Its been late stage capitalism for 200 years.

Any anons have an Xbox one? Thinking of buying one desu

This is true. Still, I prefer Witchering to being a political puppet.

I enjoy sewing and making costumes, cosplay is just a excuse to use them so please don't be too harsh on me

Former manchild here.

I've basically replaced vidya and weed with dieting and working out. Slowly losing fat and making all kinds of gains, physically and mentally. I'm having a tough time being idle now, and it pisses me off when I'm not doing something to further myself. Even now, on a Friday evening, after a day of job hunting and working out, I find it difficult to just kick back and relax.

I still watch anime, though. Not degenerate moeshit, but it's still anime.

Stop playing bad games. There's most of your game time gone.

you get the bullet

>Witcher 3 is absolutely amazeballs.
If this isn't bait...

Buy a PS4 if you’re going to go console, I have an xbox but their exclusives are getting worse and worse. I pretty much only play PC now

>Not doing things you enjoy in reasonable moderation

Reading anything will improve your reading and writing skills 10x. Nothing makes you more of a man child than being half illiterate.

For me its cs:go with the lads

Everything in my life is in check, but I cant help spending a fuckload of time in matchmaking with my childhood friends

It feels so good coordinating and doing your best with people you enjoy and you know they are doing their best too but fuck I cant keep going to bed at 4am everyday

Youre just as bad as capitalism i want you to both die.

> you can be a kike slave or a kike slave


Whats wrong with video games and anime?
Most normies play some kinda video game (fornite or fifa) and binge watch the latest tv show thats all the rage.
Its just they go out on a Friday night and get absolutely smashed.

Yeah but then w3 wouldn't feel like the adventure it is

Wagefuck obviously. You can always quit you dumbshit.

Also save a portion of your paycheck.

Was talking about W2, haven't played W3 yet.

To my understanding though, W3 has a great balance between the two.

Nothing but some of the autists here can't comprehend moderation. They think it's all or nothing, and anything else is "lack of discipline".


Prosperity makes weak men. We're on the 5th generation of wealth the world's never known before.

And we've made men obsolete. We doubled the size of the workforce (women), halved the need for labor (automaton), exported jobs to the third world... And white kids have been beaten over the head by the diversity industry since birth, whites have no culture blah blah blah, whites caused every problem ever.

Also soy.

And entertainment has improved and become more refined.

>highly uninformed on capitalism or communism
>doesn't identify positions of third party
>third position isn't even named
>written by high school student
>no links

you black sun faggots need to neck yourselves if that's the best propaganda you got

It was just a simplisistic picture.

It gets the idea down that modern communism and calitalism suck the soul out of nations.

If you believe people arent naturally tribalistic or that large scale states or community can exist without force and subjugation. You arent really worth arguing with.



I had a similar problem to you, I recently got an interest in geopolitics and have since drifted away from cliche fps and have pretty much stuck to strategy games and the odd battle royale games, they are more of a challenge than fps where you actyally have to think rather than being the fastest. Some strat games ive been enjoying so far are Hoi4, Superpower 2, Stellaris and ive been looking at a new one coming out called surviving mars.

don't do robber baron side quest
it fucks up your save files

play it bro
and make sure u play the expansions too
pure visual treat

There's nothing wrong with any of that as a hobby.

You shitpost on an anonynous anime message board. I personally don't see a difference