Just broke my no fap / no porn after only 5 days

Just broke my no fap / no porn after only 5 days
I want to fucking kill myself

What made you crack user? Was it something degenerate or something socially acceptable like Instagram thots?

was a stoya vid

No shame in that. Stoya can break any man, if he shows only a slither of temptation.

Ye, she is something else. I figure at least it wasn't IR or cuck porn or something

just broke my 2 day streak due to ungodly morning wood. no porn involved tho.

Nik nigr sleep

>in shower
>start feeling my abs
>get erect
>lay down in shower as it fills with water because back is blocking the drain
>masturbate and cum on my abs

It’s too bad you didn’t. People who are dumb enough to believe that shit need to be weeded out of the gene pool.

Just hit 28 days of no fap and 67 days no porn
>You just need to try again m8

>having access to naked females with no effort
brainlet detected

Dont do no fap.
Just once a week fap, but noporn is solid

>being such a testlet that porn deters you from having sex with real women

Jesus fucking Christ kid. You are only proving my point. I don’t think we need to work about your procreating because you probably aren’t capable. You need all these fucking memes to give you false confidence to even make eye contact with a girl, let alone have sex with one.

>what is imagination

>last sunday
>wake up
>feel incredibly horny
>still half asleep, brain not at 100% yet
>jerk off

I don't even care anymore. It felt great, so why should I feel bad about it

nofap is a meme anyways. Went on for 21 days and didn't feel a single bit of difference.

>everyone is like me so it's okay to show porn to 9 year olds, why would they get addicted or ever have a problem?

just do no porn
no fap is a massive meme

>Last Sunday
>Wake up, don't know where I am
>Body aching, feel feverish
>Huge cravings, like wtf
>Inject heroin

I don't even care anymore. It felt great, so why should I feel bad about it

Last night was bad. All I wanted to do was look at porn and jack off. Instead I turned off the PC and phone and went to bed at 9pm. Woke up and felt great. No urges whatsoever. Day 7 btw.

it's just a deload bro

Day 62 Nofap/NoPorn. Feeling a lot better for it, would recommend.
Start over lad, very few beat it on our first attempt. Next go aim for ten days and progress from there.
Being aroused by your own body has to be a sign of making it.

do it. porn is fucking lit who gives a shit.

ur brain does

who could be behind this post?

Broke my streak last night, 9 days was all I could go for. Shit was fucking intense

I've done no porn/no fap for a month. Then just no porn for a month.

It's not the fapping user, it's the porn.

You cant quit cold turkey, only way is the slow painful path of gradually decreasing the dosage.

You dont start doing full marathons right off the bat when youre obese.

>they dont know how to transmute your sexual energies into producitivity

Also, jerking your dingdong without porn is still failing. Nofap is no fap.

Its quite difficult to stop your access to porn when all our daily tasks are done with machines with access to internet.

Can I jerk my ding dong to my imagination/work thots?

you fap thinking about your abs, this is some sissy shit.

More like narcissistic


Day 102 nofap/nocum

No, motherfucker. You don't fucking fap, period. How hard is it to get through your head?

>be me
>go to study at library
>qt sat table next to me but ignores me
>fat old player comes and sit next to her
>fat old player starts to talking to her
>the fat old player draw a portrait of her when she is studying
>she is all smiley

This is unfair.

>be silent
>girls don't approach
You really haven't learned this yet? It's uncommon for guys, but girls will legitimately NEVER, EVER, EVER approach people to talk to them unless you are either very handsome, or in a situation where it's more socially acceptable to do so, like at a party... While they're drunk.

Unironical weak will cope. I never EVER look up porn on my computer. I have managed to completely disassociate porn from my computer. The only time I EVER consider looking up porn is when I go to bed. If you unironically can't go through a day without looking at porn just because you're using a computer, you are pathetic.

Also, disassociating the computer has helped me greatly in nofap. Since the only time I fap is in bed before going to sleep, all I had to do was to get used to not using my phone before going to bed, and that's literally it.

>cereal as an adult
How has this post gone 9 hours without Veeky Forums losing their fucking minds?

im on day 12 of nofap and except for morning wood (which at least happens pretty often) i've gotten exactly 0 boners

is it something to be worried about?

If I'm a newfag,
And I know I'm a newfag,

I doubt it. I'd rather be in your position than mine - I've got a constant fucking boner, can barely walk.

Haven’t watched porn in months, how is it so hard for you guys?

don't feel bad about it, two 5 day runs on nofap, then break it without porn, gradually try to increase the timespan of nofap. The most important aspect is the abstinence of porn, though you can jerk off. Make sure not to view pornographics media thought (written stuff too).

I did 2 x 5 days, 1 x 8 and now I think I'm on 3-4. I don't really care anymore, I'm not frustrated by it because a relapse is not the end of the world. Gradually the habit weakens a bit and it's waaay easier to control. Edging is dangerous. Safest is to not touch your dick or balls at all. Don't say at home, start new activies. I took up salsa, muay thai and bjj. Go out and try to pick up hoes.

nofap is dumb, no porn is where it's at

well in reality I saw girls talking to dudes even in library couple of times out of the blue.
At least I mean look at me, doing an eye contact some shit so I can go and approach.
I tough I was some kind of ghost.

benefits? I'm on day 63 and honestly... havent felt much...

HALP I saw this thick thot on the bus. We we were both falling asleep and she was looking at me twirling her thick legs in my direction. I wanted rip off her yoga pants right there and fuck her. Lent nofap is killing me.

Hmh. Been going for a couple days now. Will keep up. Nice sleep gains due to not wasting time in bed.

is that good advice to follow?