Le bald weed manlet

Supposedly "5'9"
Self reported 5'10"

Really makes you think hmmmmm

2 black belts in bjj.

joe is 5'7" TOPS

also as a listener of the podcast i have heard him say 5'8 multiple times.

So that obviously means the kyle guy is wearing shoe lifts

He's like 5'6" at most lmfao

Met Joe Rogan in Denver. I am 5’8”on a good day and he was an inch shorter than me.

fight him.

fat rogan is 5'6 at most

I agree he has to be 5'6 or maybe even lower

Joe is 5'8

Holm is 5'8 and barefoot in this picture
>having to lie about being 5'8

Who cares, theyre both manlets

>self reported

Holy shit I mean I am insecure, but lying about your fucking height?

Connor is 5'7"

When The Amazing Atheist was on Rogan's podcast he asked him how tall he was, Rogan said 5'10

stop bullying manlets guys they cant help that their bodies are the size of an ethiopian child




short people always add half the distance to 6ft to their height. if you're 5'4", you tell people you're 5'8".

t. I'm 5'8" and tell people i'm 5'10".

i've never understood why people lie about their height. my brother claims to be 5'10. He's 2 inches shorter than me. I'm 5'9 on the dot. Literally have had girls think I was 6' before because they are so used to dudes lying about their height. I've also noticed a lot of people like to lie about how much they weigh. I have friends who I know weigh no more than 135 tell me they weigh like 150. Lots of 250+ people claiming to be like 220 or less, etc. Why do people lie about their height and weight? What else do people lie about? I've also noticed a lot of people like about how much money they make.

Who the fuck cares about this little midget for fuck's sake...? Please fuck off.

Every public figure is at least 2 inches shorter than they claim. Stallone and Schwarzenegger are great examples.

You gotta be turbo-autistic if you're just now figuring out that people lie about the things they're insecure about. If it's something of objective value.

Life is a competition for a lot of people.

Kek, no way that's real

imagine 6'5''

>i've noticed that people lie about things sometimes
hold on user, let me sit down so I can jump out of my seat and say WHAAAAAAT??

he's also multimillionaire celebrity with his own gym inside his fucking studio, cook, whatever the fuck else he wants, is probably healthier than most 30yo soyboys, doesn't have to work a 9-5 job, has a happy family and smokes best weed

I'd gladly give up 2 inches and got bald for that

why do both these guys have retarded posture, especially the one on the left, if they,re professional athletes

lmfao actually is such a manlet

who cares about random dudes height on the internet. holy autism get friends

hi joe

So you are saying guys lie about their height, makes me wonder what other measurements guys lie about.

> H - 2 ~= AH (+-0.5)
> L / 2 + 1 ~= AL (+-0.25)

epic response, but it's true
he might be a bald manlet, but he's living the dream
I doubt he's insecure, he pretty much acknowledges his tiny height all the time instead of boasting about his black belts or whatever
he's a humble man in my opinion, though maybe not very smart

>Secular talk mentioned
Big Seltzer sellout

Kyle has legs? Did not know that.

lmao hes like 5'2" AT BEST


>acknowledges his tiny height all the time

Veeky Forums is filled with spics and brown people but somehow less than 15% of the male population hates on the rest on Veeky Forums and gets away with it. manlet posters must be absolute basement dweller neets to generate so much posts despite being a minority.
or its incels falseflagging. doesnt matter, im leaving this board for the same reason i left /v/. seeing the same pictures reposted thousands of times daily just gets old. same with the console-war shit on /v/.

Kyle is 6 foot you idiot, do you even listen.