This is 1 day apart! The left pic after workout with hella pump and good lighting. The right one is this morning with shitty light, no pump no food. What do you guys think?? Massive difference?
I’m 6’2, 230lbs
>roiding for this
Right looks better
>lightning makes a difference
Really reinventing the wheel here user
>those shit abs
your chest looks weird also
He looks fine, what the hell are you blathering on about
I agree with this user, you look good OP.
>No food
What kind of food increased pump?
>lightning makes a huge difference
oh really?
all foods with fast carbs are increasing the pump. just try it out.
and that difference is normal. after workout with pump i also look like a steroide user and at the next morning like a normal sporty guy.
Rate my 12 hour progress.
>shit aesthetics
i know bru
Life is hard when you where fat from childhood until 16.
Something is off
i cri
Huh? Anything else than the faggy instagram filter i used for the pic?
Fast carbs? So shit like cereal and bread? The opposite of pasta and potato?
Your skin looks sickly. kind of like that kid who roided and didn't lift. Too lean imo
Negative cunt
It's the loose skin
It's the filter. Here is an unedited picture (OK lightning and my best angle tho)
I'm at 14% BF cutting down to under 10.
Was fat all my life until 16 when i started working out. Went from 225lbs to 130lbs in 2 years and then bulked on and off. Took a year or two of working out aswell just relaxing. Just got back to lifting and been doing it for 3 months now.
I'm currently 22 and then skin just wont fix itself at the stomach or pecs, fuuaark.
Nigga,how is that pic 14% body fat??RIpped abs and good vascularity,shoulders are close to have striations.Do you store all your fat in your legs and ass???
>tfw store all fat in chest and pecs
Because thats my best angle bro. This is me from the front. Dno what mode i'm in but id call it BOXMODE. Wonder how the body will look sub10% tho
Work your lats and stop training abs nigger.
>stop working abs
>barely done ANY abwork beside compound lifts in these past years
But yea, my lats are shit. Always been doing back to heavy with 0 muscle contact and just figured it out.
>how much gains would i made if i didn't quit lifting, fucked with my diet and lifted smarter under all these years
Lots of focus on the back right now. Doing heavy DLs like crazy and also focusing extra on dat dere contact, not using arms etc like i have done all this time.
>slave to the music jew
There is something about OP's chest and abs that screams "fat dad" even though he's fairly lean and muscular. Is it the lack of clavicles?
>what are insertions
user found no major thing to criticize so he took whatever non-fitness related thing in your pic he could find and added "jew". It's stuff white kids hanging out on /pol/ does, they prefer to believe there's an almighty boogeyman keeping them down rather than admitting their shortcomings.