>dog owners
>cat owners
which population is high test? and which is made up of soyboys?
>dog owners
>cat owners
which population is high test? and which is made up of soyboys?
Ferret owners are true high test master race.
Cat owner: Scientists agree that unanimously cat owners are soyboys at a 99.9999999999999901% accuracy
Dog owner: high test, less prone to depression has a more active sex life, more likely to be fit
Little rat dog owner (poodle, chihuahua, etc...) Soyboy, without exceptions.
Pitbull / Rotweiller owner: Compensating for tiny peepee
the only people i know who own cats are either single women or feminine guys.
Cats are loyal and loving to a single person in the whole world. If they pick you, you’re in. Plus their purring helps with muscle recovery :3 love kitty
go on hikes, running around, wrestling. pack mentality, barks at intruders
lying about on a cosy couch, indoors 24/7. complete coward and hides from intruders
>purring helps with muscle recovery
Yeah, with your vagina muscle recovery.
A cat is the correct choice. Cute and independant. Taking care of a dog is like taking care of a retard, enjoy picking up poop you fecal-cuck.
picking up shit after your dog is a beta move, my dog shits proudly where he pleases and I confidently stride away
enjoy emptying your cats shitbox thats inside your house
I'd rather pick up shit than keep a litter box and have my whole house smell like cat piss and shit. Seriously, every cat owner I know - their house smells like shit.
My roommate’s cat pisses in her bed whenever she travels.
Nothing screams SOY louder than a man that owns a cat.
>Cats are loyal and loving to a single person in the whole world.
You are literally talking about dogs here retard. And anyone who argues that one is better than the other is a brainlet.
Cats: for people with less free time.
Dogs: for people with more free time.
Both have their cons and pros and that is objective truth.
soym fear the caturai
Cat ran away yesterday =(
>Dog Chad vs Cat Virgin
that's the reality boys
there's a reason we bring dogs into war with us rather than cats.
dogs will literally die for you.
cats, on the other hand, will piss in your bed if you don't enough attention to them.
Cats are lazy shits that sleep or do nothing for most of the day. They ARE soyboys
i hate cats as much as the next alpha but that cat did alright putting the soy boy in his place
while your second point is true, and which animal you own does not dictate your testosterone levels...
dogs will love whoever pets them.
Reminder: Dogs invented stated the BRAAAP meme and enjoy this kind of deviant behavior. 90% change that dog owners are BRAAAP posters and degenerate wastes of space.
Good cat, anti-soy human training.
>spend all day at work
>cant push myself at the gym because i need to save energy to take my dog for a walk
dont fall for the meme, dogs are gain goblins
They are only truly loyal and obediently obey one person.
The high test/soyboy dichotomy is probably the most brainlet beta piece of propaganda to come out of this board.
Mans best friend since who the fuck knows when, loyal as fuck and if u got a dog and look decent, u get mad pussy
Literally no history with us
Doesnt give a fuck who owns it aslong as it gets food
No pussy gains
Every soyfaggot has cats
sorry, but cats are not loyal to anyone. even if a cat does like you more than other people, it will still not hesitate to piss on your bed or attack you every morning if you don't give it enough attention.
unable to control their bladders like babies, overbred into borderline retardation, will eat it's own shit or other animal's shit, prone to obesity, live only 10-12 years
shits whenever it pleases in sand (or dog eats their shit for them), intelligent and cunning, worshipped by Egyptians, agile and lean, live 18-20 years
Well, humans kinda bred literal LOVE into them. Dogs rank #1 on Love and Loyalty charts among all living creatures. No human ever will love you as much as a dog will, but they kinda are heavy maintenance, unless you want untrained little shit that you cant control.
>Save energy for a walk
How /fat/ are you? Or did you fall for the no cardio meme?
I was talking about dogs. Dogs are only truly faithful to one person. If a dog is sick, hurt, or scared its master is who they trust to protect it. They will also protect their master before anyone else.
If you have some shitty little dog that can't protect. Just get a cat
dogs pack behaviour & their smarts has been more useful and adaptable to humanity overall, from hunting, guarding, military, police and disability applications, mountain rescue
watch a good sheep dog and a farmer and tell me there is a cat even nearly as close in terms of usefulness
cats were/are basically rat catchers until some weaklings wanted a cuddle baby and were too weak/pathetic to bro down with a dog
Lol not even close.
Any affection a cat shows you is simply a ruse to manipulate you into give it what it wants. (food, attention, etc.)
>t. soyboy cat owner
>not liking poodles
Absolute shit taste user, Poodles are god tier dogs. Smart as hell, phenomenal hunting dogs and hiking partners. I have a standard poodle/Labrador mix and she’s awesome.
absolute state of cat owners
beta animals for alpha owners
alpha animals for beta cucks
>ITT: A bunch of shitty people that can't earn a cats love and trust
To get a dog to like you, you have to give it some food and you're set. Cats can take care of themselves and are great predators, protect their soil and they hunt for fun when they are bored and their purrs heal.
Dogs on the other hand are like retarded children. You have to take them out to take a shit 3 times a day. They will starve if you don't feed them every day. They need your permission for everything and beg like their low test loser owners and they frequently get scared off by cats.
Anyway, cats are for introverts and people who don't need others and dogs are for extroverts who have a pack mentality.
Pic related are my two killers who bring mice and moles on my terrace. They listen to me and never cause trouble around the house. And they both love to cuddle.
>Literally no history with us
Egypt would beg to differ.
Cat's are alpha choice, also both with cats and dogs not all breeds are equal, Bengal cat master-race here. From dogs samoyed's, german shepherds are some alpha choices.
Also would never pick mixed race cat or dog, the are la creaturas from the birth, and less intelligent than pure breeds in most cases, unless pure breed has been bred with idiocy in mind (poodles, british shorthair).
Dogs work in the army, police force, fire department, help the blind, guard your house, herd sheep, help you hunt, the list goes on.
Meanwhile cats shit in a box and chase birds.
The dog has been a loyal companion to humans and humanity since the stone age. We, as 2 species are inseparable.
A dog will take a bullet for it's owner. The cat will eat his owner's remains.
>wanting a beta animal
>self-describing as alpha
Neither. Pets are disgusting
I like cats (more of a dog person) but outdoor cats are cancer and an/ would argue should be shot on site unless you live on a farm. Cats fuck over the bird populations considerably.
I’m a huge introvert and have had many dogs, so it isn’t true. Cute cats.
>humans worshipping lesser animals
kek, you've just proven that cat owners are all cucks/soyboys
cats dont even come close to dogs in these respects, they are literally cuddlebuddies for weaklings and cowards
What do you mean unable to control their bladder? Dogs hold it all the time until you take them outside. You train them for this. Just like you train a cat to use a litter box. Otherwise a cat shits and pisses where it pleases.
Dogs love you by default. It takes years and years to build trust and affection with a cat, but once you do, it's a total bro. I'd say:
Dog owners = good cat owners > cat owners > yipyip shitdog owners
You faggots will argue about anything and this is probably the saddest thread ever.
Pets are for companionship; chances are that you need them and they need you. It doesn't matter if it's a cat, dog, snake, bird, or fucking capybara, we bring them into our lives because they make them better. And these same pets need humans to, to take them out of shelters and give them good homes, to feed and care for them.
There's no alpha/beta pets; you're alpha for having a companion.
Also, rescue from shelters and save lives; don't support overbreeding and fucking puppy mills.
dogs for outside the house, a cat for inside the house. you can also let the house live outside but it can enter, if you keep your dog inside your house you are dirty and degenerate
>You have to take them out to take a shit 3 times a day
>he lets an animal shit in his house
opinion discarded
cat i meant not house kek
Correct answer:
>Owning another human being, and having them work in your Roman wheat field.
This is the only Veeky Forums acceptable pet
>caring about birds
jesus fucking christ i hate it here
>worship cats
>get conquered by sand niggers
makes sense
> caring about the ecosystem
I mean at that point they were part of the greek empire, so blame them.
They say all dogs look like males and all cats look like females.
Take that how you will.
i guarantee you dogs are smarter and have higher IQs than cats.
thats a piece of retarded shit. you can usually tell the sex of dogs and cats just by looking at their faces and the sexual dymorphism is the same as in humans so they have a more developed and wide face and bigger frontal legs development
You seem frustrated.
well maybe because i've been lifting for 3 years and i am still further than ever from getting a gf and now thanks to lifting sapping energy from my brain i cant focus on studying and am failing every class
>always on leach
Your point is invalid.
found the cat lover
Why don't you get a cat?
i have 2 dogs and live at parents and they have a cat
>live at parents
Cats easily.
Dogs are for lonely people who are so unlikable they need an animal that's entirely dependent on them and has been genetically modified through eugenics for thousands of years just so that it would would be "loyal" and "a man's best friend".
For those of use who don't need that level of commitment and can find best friends in humans, get cats.
Get a cat for companionship. You'll get to know each other, life won't feel so lonely all the time, and they're low-maintenance as long as you get one that doesn't have immediate health issues.
>tfw when you're making tuna patties and cat always runs into the kitchen when you open the can and you can't help but give him a little.
The cat is the source of your failure. Eliminate it.
wrong. soyboys usually move out early becausw the disoution of family values is a main driving factor in soyboyism
you both gave me opposite answers but i feel like you are both right. i like the cat's presence in my house but it's also annoying sometimes and making me gay
dogs being useful translates into "lol loser u want a pet that actually likes u"
cats are useless baby pets for cuddlers and women
cats, companions of warriors. dogs, slaves of soyboys who cant order anything else around.
My family has a dog and a cat. That's the true high test combination.
I love both of them obviously cause they're my pets. I go running and wrestle with my dog and what not. Loyal as fuck. Growls at non-whites for some reason despite not being trained to do so. But the dog is dependent on me for attention and purpose. The cat is independent and just sort of shows up when I'm relaxing and sits with me for a while. I'm at uni now and when I first moved away I had trouble sleeping without the cat purring. The dog allows me to expend energy and the cat helps with relaxation.
>coping for soyboyism
Make a man out of yourself, commie.
>probably castrated
What ?
And aren't most cats castrated, otherwise they piss all over your furnitures
t. soyboy catowner
The only objective answer is that dogs are for men and cats are for turbovirgins and betas who try to attract women.
Remind me how our ancestors used fucking niggerkittens to hunt for food. Right, they didn't, because cats are fucking useless.
Dogs are man's best friend. Cats are fucking gay.
post pic. want to see what a man looks like as an example
>not eating rat, bird and bat stew scavanged by your army of ecosystem destroying cats
dog owner
>i love my dog because he gets me out of the house. we hiked all around golden, colorado this weekend, i’d never been there before! such a rad place
>he used to run way faster than me, but now that we’ve been taking regular walks my cardio has improved so i can keep up when he decides to chase a squirrel, lol
cat owner
>OMG TOE BEANS *squee*
Been taking my dog hiking for the past 2 years. What a great time
Kek. Unironically this. I've been living alone since I turned 14 because of my parents divorce and it was only a source of soy for me.
Here I thought this thread was gonna be about getting your pet fit... I have a rabbit and I make sure she gets daily exercise and good nutrition. Still lively and healthy at 10 years old, 8-12 being the normal lifespan.
>tfw cat of 14 years is dying and I have to put her down soon
Fuck you guys she was the best
>not having one of each
Lads, I'm hoping to adopt a cat soon. What are some Veeky Forums names for a cat that still hide your powerlevel?
Girl cat
>Jen (Thompson)
Boy cat
>Alberto (Salazar)
>Lance (Armstrong)
>mouse üntermensch
This is the faggiest post Ive ever seen on Veeky Forums
>t. beaten by his dad for wearing lipstick
Stay beta
if you have to rely on a dirty, hairy animal for your food then youre a womman.
Sorry for your catto user. Jist be there with them when the time comes. Make their last days really nice. Treated my doggo to some ice cream, took him to parks he liked, etc.
>the fag asking an anonymous weight lifting message board which clever internet maymay name he should give his cat is calling other people beta
Yeah okay