Is anyone actually retarded enough to believe Connor Murphy is natural?

He found a "new mindset" lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

He's not that big

>not that big
Take an honest look at his arms and delts, then try telling me he's completely natural.

take a look at his perfectly smooth skin and tell me he's on steroids

he is 100% natty

t. roider

bugenhagen looks better and is 100% natty

lol this video ended up convincing me he took roids

You know what? You're right.

He just found a "new mindset" a put on thirty pounds of lean mass in his third year of training.

Fucking noob

all his photos are angles and light tricks. In every normal video he looks dyel as fuck. You think he is some sort of demigod who cycles on and off without having any skin problems? You blast and cruise for a reason.

lol just like those plates he is lifting 100% real

I agree with the lighting thing. My problem is the video; he claimed to put on essentially 2/3 of current mass in ONE YEAR due to a "change in mindset". Sorry dude, but that doesn't happen.


New mindset = tren

What’s unnatural about his physique? Size, conditioning, muscle hardness all look pretty natty

Nigga reached the natty limit by 17?
What have you done?

Reaching the natty limit by 21.

post body.

its a shame how he is absolutely JUSTED now

Is it just me or does he seem really weak compared to the way he looks?

Steroids will do that to you.

He has never been above 210 lbs in the last 3 years fucking retard

There are natural guys in the CBT thread way bigger than this fucker. 205lbs at 6'3" Is decent but absolutely nothing special. At that height he should be 230+ and leaner.

>t. roider

No, you're not. And not everyone gets acne from gear.

Yeah, bruh. Totally natty.


Reaching the Natty limit doesn't count if you use roids to get to it.

Gets me Every time

Pretty sure he's natural. He doesn''t have big roiding forearms, shit skin or crazy vascularity (visible veins on pecs and whatnot)

That being said, he could be on a low dose of test like TRT. So the bottomline is; who knows and who cares?

Dude, you are retarded. Most roiders look vastly worse than this.


>There are pictures of him on and off cycle in this very thread

mah dewd

>could be on low dose of test

Worse? What do you mean worse?
You clown dyels get fooled by a single pic. A single pic doesn't mean shit. I'd say he looks natural *without a doubt* on 90+ % of his pictures online

werent these pictures taken literally 10 minutes apart to prove a point

then how would someone that is on gear at his height&weight look like ?

no, the other one was the old. The other one was to prove a point, but he was still way smaller than the other pic

I mean a lot worse. Every other guy in the gym is roiding whether you realize it or not. And I do mean every other guy. Here's an example. One dude from my gym, has done multiple cycles including test, tren, dbol, stanozolol, etc. Veeky Forums is so goddamn stupid they think a couple of cycles will turn you into Jeff Seid.

t. lifting for 11 years, cycling since year 8

No. The first pic is from years ago.

OP post body otherwise you're just a jelly fag

He must grow his hair as fast as his muscles shrink off roids then

What's his height/weight?

If your picrelated is a roider, he obviously has no fucking clue what to do. If you know what he took, I assume he's a friend? Why don't you help him?

He was 205lbs in both the new pic and that old pic, brainlet.

kek, so you can't be at the same weight years apart?

We're just gym acquaintances. Nobody really hides they're on gear unless they're embarrassed betas. Dude has a good coach, so it's not the lack of knowledge.

Here's another example. This dude takes way more gear than me, he had a coach, a perfect diet, and unlimited money (rich family). As you can see he competed recently.

If anyone posted this on Veeky Forums people would laugh at the idea of this guy being on gear, because the average Veeky Forumsizen's mind has been poisoned by youtube and instagram fake natties.

I don't get it, you can use this bullshit reasoning on anything.
>maintains mass and strength
Proof of roids, real battles lose strength when maintaining 13% body fat
>loses mass and strength
Proof of roids, means he's off cycle
>gains mass and strength
Proof of roids, he doesn't plateau every session
I'll just leave this here

>using a roiding super manlet as proof

Gotta love natty delusions.

Are you a troll or something?
That dude you just posted, unless he's 7'8, has one of the most embarassing roiding body I've ever seen

What kind of pussy gym do you go to?

nofap + limited cardio. Thats how you can do it too.

>roiding to be the size of the average /fitizen/ in the CBT.
Im not gonna sit here and argue about this shit, but he'd have to be fucking stupid to use steroids just to be that size. Just the fact that our Lord Frank Yang defends his nattyness is enough for me to believe it

Who do you know that has lifted naturally for 10 years to use as a reference point then, weak boy? Jeff has no roiding red flags at all and is definitely achievable for anyone his height

These are absolutely fucking sad why is it so hard to believe that someone can look good and be strong naturally? Why is the bar so low? Do you guys just not push yourselves same with these pathetic raiders Serious questions
Also Connor Murphy isn’t fucking natural lol you don’t just lose and gain that much muscle mass in a few months regardless of time training

For example you could look like the left pic in and do push-ups pull-ups and curls for like 10- 20 min every other day and maintain that size it doesn’t just disappear naturally

Mate, this is reality. When I say every other dude is roiding I mean it. Yes, even guys that look like they don't even lift.

>What kind of pussy gym do you go to?
It's one of the best in my country, actually. It has produced many bodybuilding and some powerlifting champions. I'm just giving you the bad cases to show you roids aren't magic.

Here's one of my favorite examples. This bald manlet proudly proclaims he's on gear and walks around like he's the fucking Terminator.

Lmfao roiders* the raiders are pretty shit too


>Jeff has no roiding red flags at all
Yeah, his delts scream "natty".

yes i quit, you're deluded

>natural body transformation

how is that even comparable with their height difference? The Manlet magic and lanklet meme aren't complete bullshit, there certainly are differences on how much volume you can put on

You're a fucking troll bro
Here's someone at my gym that I know roids and this is what a roider actually looks like. He's 5'11 for the record

Left is clearly photoshopped


And? There are bigger guys in my gym. That's not the point. You will not look like this dude even on gear if you don't have good genetics, work ethic or diet.

Post pic yourself + stats I need a good laugh
Connor has been 205lbs for the last 2+ years, he never gains and loses mass like you say. Why do you keep ignoring that fact. Every pic where he looks any bigger are from filters and camera lenses.

>roids are magic

If someone injects the ruse-juice and does not work out, then he wont get big. I wouldn't be suprised if there were some skellys on gear too

1) You can clearly see a size difference
2) if he lies about being natural why can’t he lie about his weight?
3) the weight shouldn’t matter at All some people are just lighter than others and there’s a bf% difference Julian Smith is an even more extreme example

What do you mean comparable? I never compared them, I just posted that to explain how he looks soft/harder without very much weight gain. If you want to see what a natural with1 or 2 years lifting looks like just go into an old CBT thread and look at the 6'3" Guys, half of them are bigger than Connor.

How about post yours and stats you fraud ass faggot I could use the laugh let’s see what taking 10 years off your life and damaging your arteries gets you

>There are bigger guys in my gym

So why don't post those guys instead of the worse of the worse steroid users?

You're the fucker who made the claim that you've lifted 10 years naturally faggot, the spotlight is on you- not me. Show your gains, show us the natty limit

yea you're probably right, good job buddy

Nah that wasn’t me you replied to I’m just calling you out bc you’re too weak to achieve anything naturally I don’t flat bench
Incline bench 235
Squat 455
Deadlift 585

Your turn

1. skip to the end, "clear'' size difference is an illusion, you can never know through pictures
2. Literally weighed himself on camera
3. It matters when he's maintaining low body fat. His loss in hardness is consistent with his bad diet

For the record to any naturals that are smaller or weaker in this thread this is Nowhere Near the natty limit in strength Or size keep fuckin grindin boys

Roider delts lmao

Because I'm tired of this natty delusion that one test cycle will turn you into Zyzz

I can clearly see the gear in your swirly blue eyes.

no but seriously nice gains and thanks for the motivation in this swamp of a thread

No you stupid faggot they aren’t roider delts what do you do for shoulders? Like routine and tell me your ohp if I can help you or offer advice I will I’ve been training almost 6 years and when you get to that amount of time busting
Your ass you should seriously look Way way way better than me I’m a Really shit example I’m telling you

I'm the 10 year guy.

I got a 420 bench, a 600 dl and a 575 squat. Not sure what you think your pathetic stats prove.

>10 years
Lmao up your dose and take another 10-20 off your life loser have fun being a bunch of tubes on a telemetry floor

It's obvious he's on them, but why would it be a bad thing for him to admit it?
Would he lose credibility amongst all the fitness industry people who are "secretly" on them too?

If you talk shit about Bugez I'll Zercher knock your ass out

>bowling ball delts the size of Jeff's head and a full as fuck upper chest
>calling him a steroid user
This pic is either not you at all, or you're a fucktard

I didn't say I was on gear, tard.

Looking good. Height? So you're natty?


Oh shit, he has some dating profile. I gotta rib him for this.

Thanks for ruining my bait btw.

CHAD takes pictures of men he finds on the internet to make people feel inadequate online

dude my body is pretty damn close to the roid guy in your pics and I'm 100% natural. People have different genetics, training, diet, and sleep regimens.

left is a video screenshot though

weak? He's hit 315 for a single on incline

can't believe someone said you have roider delts lol. A lot of people with garbage shoulder genetics /training it seems

He's natty you pathetic geneticlet wastes

top zozzle m'friends, coming next buff dudes are natty, jeff seid is natty and matt ogus is natty.


> i get acne from AAS, therefore everyone does.

You're making juicers look bad. Hopefully bait. I'd rather fall for bait than be lumped in with someone like you.

Yeah.. steroids only grown fake muscle. Everyone knows that.

>big forearms
>bad skin

user has finally done it. 3 signs to know for sure if some is using AAS.

I juice, lightly, but blast and cruise. I do have big forearms, but great skin (albeit pale), and very little vascularity, practically nonexistent on bulks.

Really, visually, you're only guessing. The bigger they are the more likely it becomes they are not natty. Other than that the only real give away is proportions of delts and traps to rest of body. There is no way to tell for sure, even make a good guess, unless we are talking top 50 IFBB size dudes.

Someone can look like shit and use AAS. It doesn't work that way. Only works the opposite way, when if you're 5'10 230lb, 8% bf, clearly using. I've seen some very pathetic tiny guys who have admitted to juicing regularly.

>5'10 230lb, 8% bf

Dude. That is real life. Juicing doesn't automatically make your training and nutrition perfect. And despite what you DYELs believe, juice doesn't automatically add muscle. Most juicers look pretty shitty, which is why the "is he natty?"debate is so nauseatingly common.

>inb4 "b-but in this study 600mg of test added tons of LBM!!???" LBM is not muscle. And it dies not continu3 indefinitely

Yes it's dumb. Dumb as hell. If being on Veeky Forums post 2008 hasn't taught you that most people are idiots, nothing will

Please, please... please be bait

Are you implying this could be done naturally?

I really hope you aren't