Friday CBT - Progress Edition

>no results
let's see em boys, I'll start

2 months between left photo and the right two
5'10 (178cm) 135 -> 145 lbs (61 -> 66kg); most muscle on back and lats

Posted this yesterday

170 to 157

Body fat went down like 5-6%

Keep lifting breh, amazing frame

Woaw you learnt how to suck in your gut

Fuck off nigger

Height/age? What's the time difference between the photos?
Would love to see your body


Just under 7 weeks

Looking good, if you're seeing progress keep at it, people here are going to fuck with you either way

Feeling bloated and weak

3 weeks lifting, im cutting and down -11 kg from 1st January, should i keep cutting till i see abs ? or stalk clean bulk now

>100 kg
>180 cm

hit obliques hard to fill in your midsection and get rid of the hourglass shape

Good frame, cut to reveal more of it
Keep resisting those urges

9 weeks and around 24 lbs into this cut. Started at 222 weighed in this morning at 198. I think I'm going to keep going until around 190 and then bulk like a tard for a year and try to hit 240.

What's up with your traps? Is it just a weird camera angle?

I wrestled so they were overdeveloped since high school and now I do shitloads of deads/shrugs, which prolly doesn't help them look normal either.

3months liftin
186cm 88kg
R8 body , cut/bulk


You gotta eat more man

Nice job so far.

404'd traps bro

Does your body hold onto fat differently if you were previously morbidly obese (went from 300 to 250lbs) as opposed to if you were just 250lbs at your highest weight? My scale says I'm 22% bf and I assume I'm around 24-25 but I still hold a ton of weight around my midsection, big spare tire.


>scale says
you can't really trust a BF scale, even the most expensive ones aren't a good representation

Don't trust those bodyfat scales to be very accurate, they are one of the worst methods for bodyfat testing. The midsection on lots of guys is the first place the body store excess fat, so its usually the last place is leaves. Otherwise the fat is pretty evenly distributed at a healthy weight.

Dint trust Bf% on scales. They're good for tracking progress but are utterly useless when it comes to putting up an accurate number.

Should I waste the money going to a nutrition store that has a Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer?

What's accurate then?



Currently fighting some bad shoulder bursitis. Any help would be appreciated.

5'6" 172

June vs today. I was probably somewhere between 140-145 in the first pic

No, thats exactly what your scale uses.
The most accurate are DEXA and hydrostatic weighing. Air displacement and electric impedance are both total trash. Calipers aren't great, but are easy and cheap at least.

Honestly I'd say don't worry about it, what will knowing your body fat % actually do for you? You're not going to compete or looking to cut down to 8-9% so it doesn't matter what the scale says or anything like that
ever considered keto?
Any advice on how I can bulk like that?

Is that a belt line on your stomach? Good progress.

what's your cycle? cruising?

Looking good for 3 months.
Don't think you are too high bf to bulk, but depends on whether you want to be cut for summer or just keep adding on muscle - maybe bulk for another month or two, and just do a small cut for 4-6 weeks after to be ripped for summer?

Can someone rate my frame, is it bad or good? Im i too fat for it to be seen?

you need to cut a lot before we can truly say but it looks okay not including your wide hips

Yeah. Been trying to do OMAD but I also drink a lot of booze. At least a 4-5 beers during the week and usually 1 rager on the weekends.

Damn, you probably already know to cut that out so good luck with it

You can't drink and cut really. It takes like 2000 kcal to get me drunk and a pound of fat is around 3300 kcal. You just rape your deficit in 6 hours.

Also, alcohol is sugar in disguise and will shit on meme-tier diets like keto.

a shot is like 100 calories, my dude...what kind of tolerance do you have?

>alcohol is sugar in disguise and will shit on meme-tier diets like keto.

No it isn't.
Its' it's own unique calorie.
A calorie that the body sees as a deadly as fuck poison.
The body hates alcohol s much that it shuts down EVERY process that eliminates waste and metabolic pathway to get that shit out of your body as soon as possible.

Correction: alcohol is the same, metabolically, as fructose. Table sugar isn't 100% fructose though, I believe it's 45-55%.

Fructose is just alcohol that doesn't get you drunk, but will fuck up your liver/metabolism all the same.

a 5th is around 2k (assuming you don't mix it) and I can kill that pretty casually in 3 hours.

A beer is around 150 usually. A 12 pack gets you there.

I don't really have a big tolerance... haven't drank in weeks. I think you just kind of drink like a bitch bro.

bro i had only 2 traps workouts in past 6 years ;D

Yeah I want to be at 13-12% bf mid july
I think bulking till june 1st then doing a cut is the best option ? And then its str8 bulking from september to next june

Is it possible for ex-morbidly obese fatties to achieve an aesthetic physique?

You gotta fix that shit man. Just do heavy af barbell shrugs on your back days.

Yeah. Been down lately because of my shoulders. It hurts to do any kind of lifting so I’m just doing ligh workouts anything Heavy and it just kills my shoulders.

Need to get my motivation back.

Morbidly obese? You'll always have loose skin to deal with I'm sure, but you can look a hell of a lot better. Just find some good progress pics for motivation

That sucks, but at least you can cut while you are waiting for the injury to heal then bulk hard as fuck when its better.

>those hips
>amazing frame

He's auschwitz mode and has no obliques, anyone's hips would look goofy like that,

Yeah, I'm almost considered overweight using BMI standards but I still have a big ass stomach. Lifts are basically 1/2/3/4 whilst cutting.

>hourglass as male

OP here, am I truly fucked bc of hips or is it a meme?

without the leddit formatting this time...
Not on anything yet. I'm got my blood work prescription today actually to get a baseline but don't plan on trying it for another 6-12 months at least. Really want to be knowledgeable about the subject beforehand if that makes any sense.
Still on the fence since I'm not a fan of needles but orals are definitely a no-go since my seizure medication (Divalproex) is very harsh on my liver.
Yeah, legs today. Failed my 340 squat PR attempt though. Thanks dude
I honestly was struggling to gain weight so I started to eat anything in sight. Lots of hoagies, cheese steaks, burritos, chicken alambre, pierogi, chips. Started lifting a bit more seriously and stopped taking break days.
Really inefficient but it helped get past the mental block.

i didnt say they are goofy looking, they are just wide, nothing will change that but he will be a nice bear mode

It's not a good thing but it's not gonna ruin your life
Much like being bald

listen to

You have really wide shoulder genetics that are also complemented by your slim waist. I would continue to build lats and also focus on ab and oblique training to un-smooth your stomach so that it becomes impossible to perceive your mid-abdomen as feminine.

You're not doomed OP the hips are just a little distracting right now

He means getting absolutely blitzed. Yeah you can be buzzing after 6 beers, but you could probably still operate a car. He means like unable to operate machinery drunk.


Is this you?

6’4 100kg/225lbs

OHP 65
Bench 100
Squat 125
Dead 160

Cut or bulk?

no, this guy has way too many freckles

No idea myself whether you should cut or bulk, but what's with that OHP?

Looking good then, is it just bad lighting? You have the skin tone of a true user

not him, I thought he looked like

bf around 15% right now, want to add some mass and cut bf down to 10% and try to stay like that throughout the summer.
am I on the right path lads?

dont know if i should cut or just lack of abs training makes me look like i need to.

I enjoy ohp so do it a lot

I actually shopped them out in the first picture to see what I’d look like with smoother skin etc.

I used to trip with the reference. Curious if people remembered, I haven’t posted in a long time


180 cm, around 78-79 kg

fantastic ab genetics


Damn, mirin hard. Natty?

Thanks. 7 years lifting and dieting

Whats your stack? Im rolling tbol right now but you are using test-e as well dont you


legs? backshot?

Do another angle nigger your abs to chest looks super warped

Kek no offense but you remind me of this

What the literal fuck, you look like an overexagerated anima character.
BTW there's no way you can maintain that LBM and bf% while staying natty

Would make a nice bear mode

It's cool, thumb thumbs are based and my face looks like a thumb anyway
I want to cut back to leanness very badly but I need that chest development, almost have 2pl8 bench

You should see me with chest hair grown out

those hips make my dick hard and I'm only 20% gay. i think you look good.

I hear it every time I post a pic, plenty want me to become a trap, but I won't bc I have to get to something like this

Last monday was the first time i went to the gym since 2014.
Want to get a general aesthetic look till june and get a little ripped by the sumer of 2019 so any advice would be apreciated

Mid 20’s 5’9” 175 lbs

This is also me, left is pre-bulk with good lighting and a pump, right is middle of bulk

It’s been about 2 months since I decided I wanted to lift. Not only because I was tired of being scrawny as shit, but to boost confidence as well. I couldn’t even bench 90Lbs once 2 months ago, now I’m doing 145 for 5 reps. I know it may not be much but I’m loving the way I’m looking even if it most likely doesn’t look like much to most of you.

This was 2 Months ago. 5’10 140Lbs

Now 153Lbs
Does it look like I’ve gained good weight bulking?

Keep going, underage bro. Stuff your face at every opportunity

I see great potential. Keep going

>tfw maintaining is finally applicable

Superior 6'3
190-braphogs get jealous of this, amazed that someone so tall weighs that little, looks that ripped, while only 35 pounds more than them, while being able to pick them up, toss them around
Actually put my body to use as a college athlete previously

So how else am I superior today

You look good, but not as good as you think.

wow dude you look amazing, I wish I could be as cool as you. Sign my mousepad pls?

Is this what you wanted?



looks more like general manlet magic

give it to me str8 boys, lower bf% will make this gut go away right?