This hurts like a bitch what do

this hurts like a bitch what do

pop it faget

bitch that thing is infected. You could have a staph infection. I say go to your primary care doc and get it looked at.

That's not a fucking staph infection. OP, you are apparently susceptible to leg acne, like me. Just wait until it's ready to pop, then pop and immediately wash it.

Ah shit, that looks like a tumor. Is there a history of cancer in your family?

Looks like an ingrown hair. Gotta dig in there and pluck that shit out.

just got something similar on my asscheek. just squeeze and power through the pain and it will pop and that will be it. inflammation gone by next day

> ingrown hair

'ah shit, that's a tumour'

this fucking website

that's a spiderbite
touch your palm with your middle and ring finger to confirm diagnosis

I hope you die.

Your leg hair looks disgusting

this made me chuckle

>mfw i just did it and got the joke

Also put some first aid ointment on it after it's clean enough, not sure why but that seems to work well

Cut it open faggot

Probably just a boil. Tons of self remedies for that shit, just google it

huh? oh... you clever bastard

Looks like hernia, sorry mate.

I've had this before. Looks exactly like MRSA. Op see Dr immediately before it gets worse. You need heavy antibiotics. I almost lost my leg because I wanted to wait it out. The white head turned black and sunk in. Ended up with a hole in my leg. If there wasnt any pain id say wait. But the pain coupled with that red ring means mrsa. Good luck!

When its ready, pop it, clean it appropriatly and band aid. Just had mine 2 weeks ago.

>get needle
>rinse needle with rubbing alcohol
>puncture it with needle
>squeeze out all juice and blood
>clean wound with alcohol
>apply band aid

Find something sharp and slice the fucker out, gotta dig out the core, you'll know if you've got it when the bleeding stops.

lol goddammit

what a wholesome ruse

that's a beauty. pls use needle and share pics/webm of extraction

took me at least minute to figure out lol


ring worm

aww ingrown hairs in the groin area. The bane of my existence. I get a really bad one about once every 3 months. They fucking suck. The really deep ones are impossible to pop and hurt like a bitch. You just gotta wait it out boss



Looks like an ingrown hair or insect bite, put ice on it and take an anti inflammatory

acne doesnt make the entire area around it red
that shit is an infection

I don't get it

neither do i

That's cellulitis my man, had it a few weeks back. If the entire area is tender and hurts to touch then thats a pretty good sign its a staph infection.

Go get antibiotics, it can be serious.



Looks like a seriously infected ingrown hair. Better get to a doc before it spreads and your leg falls off due to muscle death.

stop being a bitch and pull the hair, then use alcohol to desinfect

Don't do this it creates mustard gas

This large purple-red spot appeared a week or so ago guys, please help. It has a solid mass under the skin and a few days ago it was leaking pus+blood, the skin around the edges has begun to flake off and I'm afraid of what it might be. Its like six inches from the base of my penis. Where the pubic mound meets the thigh.

Its a pimple/cyst. Your inner thighs always get sweaty and the rubbing can cause pimple and cysts. I had one and it got so big and painful that I couldnt walk without waddling around. Ended up going to the doc who lanced it and drained it and gave antibiotics to kill any other leftover infection. Some people are just more prone to getting them. Always remove fitted underwear and shower after workout.

I had something similar a few months ago. It grew to about 3-4x the size in your picture over the course if a week. It was very deep under my skin. Showed it to my doctor and he told me I should not even think about popping it. The infection could spread inwards and literally kill me. He also said that there is a good chance that it gets worse and kill me if left untreated.

He gave my some antibiotics and it was gone in a few weeks. Modern medicine is amazing.

Do with this information whatever you want.

nice tit

Include me in instagram screencap

rip user

Wtf now I'm choking on mustard gas?!?!

Stop wearing whitey tighties soy boy

hi leddit

here is the only picture I have. this was after a few days of antibiotics. the red area around it covered almost the entire outer side of my thigh before I got the antibiotics.

help me out brehs


Sounds like a staph infection.

I get ingrown hairs near my groin, if anyone knows how to stop them let me know.

To fix them I just keep rubbing polysporon extra strength on it, after 2-3 days they are gone. I mean, take a huge glob and paint your balls with it.

For like a period of a month I had several, never had them before or since then, may have been a pair of underwear I have since gotten rid of IDk

Way to join in on the bit you autist

I notice tight pipes or underwear does it, and It's the worse after I just shave my pubes. But the polysporon fixes it, it's just annoying and gross.

I do manual labour, and lift lots, so it's not like im sitting too much. Fucking balls.

Dry fast it off

what an absolute ruse cruise, you devilish lad you.


never change Veeky Forums


you cheeky shit


That's staph, had one JUST like that on my arm. You need antibiotics ASAP

yep, just looked it up. pretty much spot on.
don't think it would have ended well had I left in untreated.

OP, I'd strongly advise you to see a doctor if it gets worse. it can lead to sepsis, which will kill you pretty damn fast.
