Can someone tell me who the fuck this guy is?

can someone tell me who the fuck this guy is?

Oblivion NPC posted in /esg/.

necklet school shooter

Some guy who thought he was a 10/10, not an uncanny valley looking necklet with far too feminine features. Now people larp as him for fun.

can you link the original thread?

Nigga needs some head gains, that face is creepy and slender. Gumby looking ass nigga

no way it was him tho i dont believe it
it was larping from start i remember original thread

He's not a guy. He's an ayy lmao

Potion seller, I am going into battle. I want only your strongest potions.

the pinnacle of male facial aesthetics

Second pic always gets me hard
I giggle a bit everytime someone larps at him

Nigga look like they made a him vs hidraulic press youtube video

Some weird looking shitposter that decided to turn himself into a meme. I hope this faggot dies

Swear to god i havent seen a face more punchable than his

as silly as i think this guy looks, mirin hair game

It was him though, all memes about him was created in that thread. You know can tell if pencil neck man is in thread when you read the file name PIC001

The potion seller


the more you look the worse it gets

>these are the guys who have folders with 100+ le 56% memes

Here it is

I would feel unsafe if i saw this >man on the street

No it wasnt. I literally found all the picks on r/malehairadvice.
He has no fucking clue about being turned into a meme. It was a larp from the beginning

poor guy
>being socially retarded enough to ask plebbit for hair advice
>end up being turner into a soylord meme

Who the fuck cares

This is one if my best friended. We have been friended for a long time. We met on the 5th and and by the 8th we were already friended. He told me on the 7th that it upset him the insults. I told him in the 8th that I miss my friended.

faggy irish kid

Deserves it for posting on r*ddit

He has good genes for hair but the style is a bad fit for him. Having tall hair on top elongates his already long and skinny head, making him look like an alien.