Don't eat meat today

Don't eat meat today.

I'd only be a soyboy vegan for a day because of you, Jesus.

Fried plantains and tofu today amen

I ate pork today christcuck



Fuck, I forgot and just ate a pot roast.

Can I do the meat thing tomorrow?

Probably better than doing it on Sunday

I don't take advice from kikes on sticks or pussy teetotaler pedophiles

I ate a burger made out of beans

Stop rejecting Logos

cutting down on meat in general isn’t that bad of an idea, but thanks for reminding me bro

yo jesus that's a little hypocritical of you

Fish doesn't count

>fish isn't meat
>eggs aren't meat
>chicken isn't meat
>pork isn't meat
>beef isn't meat
>meat isn't meat

>things aren't what they are if I say so

Fish and shrimp all day, son!

I had chicken for breakfast but im not catholic anyway.

I am catholic and I ate venison sausage and mushrooms for breakfast.

Not my rule user its the Church's rule

Too late

fucking catholics when will they ever learn