grug lift rock
Grug lift rock
>grug count stick
grug stick weigh 45 rocks
that grug who wear sabre pelt to quarry
Grug post in two plus three
I meant Grug post END in two plus three
Grug post end in same number twice now
Grug DONT drink mammoth juice only berrygrugs drink that
grug stand up and go down and stand up with four rock
Will Grug ever be Chud and fuck a wild brap beast?
grug never can be chud
chud chosen by gods at born
holy fuck i can't believe i'm laughing my ass off to this shit, the brainlet wojak meme was fucking terrible before based grug came along
>the brainlet wojak meme was fucking terrible
t. Actual conversations on /fit
pls be in boulders
grug notice grud mirin
grug no gay
>live in united caves of grug
>get clubbed
See. 3 same rocks
Praise Gork n' Mork
this meme popped up in a thread that was originally trying to claim how only retards lifted, and OP was someone studying at some uni, claiming that the only people at his uni that lifted were idiots
then he posted this, and it was amazing
>Live in Grugope
>Get raped by wrapped-face tribe
How much pellet you give quarry guard?
Grug always give four pellet
Grug sad, no have ungabunga
grug need mate
grug lift biggest rock
nobody look at grug
nobody love grug