I'm tired of doing PPL and living in the gym. I want to switch to training 3 day per week and need some inspiration.
Post your 3x/week routines! Full Body, Push/Pull or whatever other cool ideas you came up with.
I'm tired of doing PPL and living in the gym. I want to switch to training 3 day per week and need some inspiration.
Post your 3x/week routines! Full Body, Push/Pull or whatever other cool ideas you came up with.
Other urls found in this thread:
Monday - Upper
Tuesday - HIIT Sprints
Wednesday - Lower
Thursday - HIIT Sprints
Friday - Upper
Sat + Sun Rest/Sprints/Jog depending on how I feel.
How does anyone actually progress on this garbage routine outline? Anyone actually get to a 500lb dead lift from doing this schlock
Before this I was doing
Monday - Upper
Tuesday - HIIT Sprints
Wednesday - Lower
Thursday - Upper
Friday- HIIT Sprints
Saturday - Lower
Sunday - Rest
I became extremely tired and will try lifting 3 days a week.
My deadlift is lower than my bench which is 200 lbs so I am still DYEL but endurance is decent.
gotta be honest, the progress I had on PPL was really underwhelming relative to the invested time.
My results und Upper/lower were much pretty much the same. but I know guys who absolutely exploded when they switched to PPL. So it depends on the person, I guess ...
allpro's full body
Bench Press 5x4-6
Pendlay Row 5x4-6
Incline Bench Press 3x6-10
Weighted Dips 3x6-10
EZ Preacher Curl 3x6-10
EZ Triceps Extension 3x6-10
Hanging Leg Raise 3xAMRAP
Overhead Press 5x4-6
Weighted Pull-Up 3x4-6
Rack Pull 3x4-6
Close-Grip Bench Press 3x6-10
DB Row 3x6-10
Side Lateral Raise 3x10-15
Farmers Walk 3xF
Aesthetic routine, no legs at the moment cause they're already muscular enough.
Rack Pull instead of Deadlift, again cause of aesthetics.
Also benching every workout. Don't fall for the only benching 1.5 times a week meme.
I've tried a lot of plans over time, 5x5, PPL, PHUL, all kinds of splits. This one is by far the best, very good progression and aesthetic gains as well as strength.
Occasionally you can do volume days with less weight and more reps.
Flat DB press 3x6-8
Incline DB press 3x6-8
Overhead extensions 3x8-12
Rope push downs 3x8-12
Lateral raises 3x10-15
Leg raises 3xF
Neutral pull-ups 3x6-8
DB rows 3x6-8
DB curls 3x8-12
Hammer curls 3x8-12
Rear delt flys 3x10-15
Shrugs 3x8-12
Leg press 3x6-8
Romanian DL 3x6-8
Leg extensions 3x8-12
Hamstring curl 3x8-12
Standing calves 3x10-15
Seated calves 3x10-15
I usually do it 5 days a week but sometimes 3 if I’m busy
reminder routines dont matter shit if you are not incrementing the load weekly
What part of "3x per week" don't you understand?
bent over row
bench press
bicep curl
dumbbell tricep extension
calf raises
farmer walk
lat pulldown
dumbbell press
romanian deadlift
bicep curl
dumbbell tricep extension
calf raises
farmer walk
I just do
Lateral raises
3 days a week, I also do a 4th day when I do hypertrophy or whatever I want, rest of days I go for a run.
Squats and bench is replacable, whatever u want to progress in.
If I do OHP I do something else then Lateral raises, mix it up when i get bored.
I do this + accessories. 3-4 times a week, works really well for me.
Think I'm about to start this soon.
Progress how you see fit by increasing the volume in your preferred way.
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 3x3
Accessories you decide
Squat 3x12
Bench 3x12
Deadlift 3x8
Squat 3x8
Bench 3x8
Deadlift 3x5
>implying that I need to justify my initial response which was based on 3 days of lifting
the extra 3 days of HIIT are extra.
post body
I am a dyel doing full body + PPL accessories. Reason for this is basically because everyone screams at me to do full body but I only care about aesthetics. I want to promote hypertrophy asap and I don't think full body alone is enough volume to do that.
3x per week:
OHP or bench press
BB rows or chin ups
Chest press machine
Shoulder press machine
Tricep pushdown
Reverse BB curl
OHP or bench press
BB rows or chin ups
T-bar row or cable row
Lat pulldown
Face pull
BB curl
OHP or bench press
BB rows or chin ups
Leg press
Leg curl
Calf raise
Btw I would love some feedback. Am I retarded for doing this?
I couldn't possibly imagine doing deadlifts and squats in the same workout.
Mine is just a variation on SL.
Squat 5x5
Alternate Bench / Incline Bench 5x5
Pendlay Row 5x5
Dips 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
OHP 5x5
Power clean 5x5
Chinups 3x5
I should probably deadlift a bit more, but it's exhausting.
Supposedly Steve Reeves only did full body 3x per week. You can look up his routine and some different results but these two some of the best i've seen.
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I use a split that's fairly popular in german lifting communities:
Day 1 (torso): Chest, Back, Abs
Day 2 (limbs): Legs, Arms
throw in shoulders where ever you want. I like to do shoulder press on A and side/rear delts on B. Mainly because I tend to get bad elbows when I do pressing exercises too frequently.
reasons why I love this split
>nice frequency of 1.5x/week per body part
>it's easily possible to change it up a little so that you can train a certain lift or body part 2-3x/week. Very useful if you have a weakpoint or just want to focus on it for whatever reason
>can do antagonist sets for chest/back on day A for crazy volume in a reasonable amount of time
>can do antagonist sets for bis/tris on day B, same reason as above
what's the advantage of training antagonist muscles on the same day?
Damn bro, you gonna have some serious Quasimodo hunched shoulders
Try 5/3/1
keep it simple
3 days per week (tues, thurs, sat for me; i also run wed and fri for 45-60 minutes)
proper warm up before hand
2-3 compound movements per day (at least 1 upper, 1 lower)
3-6 accessories per day (go based on what you want to focus on or what feels lacking)
at least 2 easy rehab style accessories (DB flies, hyper/reverse hyper extension, etc.) per day
I just do one of the big 3 + assistance so it's still basically PPL but just split over a week. Something like, for pull:
>5/4/3/2/1 diddly
>4x8 weighted pullups
>3x10 back ext
>3x10 leg raise
>5/4/3/2/1 bench
>5/4/3/2/1 the Press
>3x12 dips
>5/4/3/2/1 back squat
>5/4/3/2/1 front squat
>3x12 leg press
Weighted chin ups
Bench press
All 5x5(3x5 for deadlift)
Face pulls 3x10-15
Cable lateral raises 3x10-15
Farmer's walks/shrugs on squat days
What do you mean?
This is ruffly what I did in college.
Bench Press 1 x 2 ladder up 10lbs each set. go to max
Tricep Pull downs 3 x 10
Standing Curls 3 x 10
Shoulder raises 3 x 10
Lat pull down 3 x 10
Next Day Legs
Looking back I was really missing a lot in my workout. Should have added rows.
it allows you to do things like this
>do one set of bench, then rest a minute
>do one set of pullups, then rest a minute
it's really exhausting at first but you'll get used to it quickly, especially if you have good cardio. it saves a lot of time. you can use this saved time to either do more volume or leave the gym faster if you are busy. It's the single best way to train ever, I don't know why so few people do it. Arnold trained like this btw.
In my experience, having trained 3-6 days a week over the course of three years, 4 days a week with massive amounts of volume is the sweet spot. 2-3 hours in the gym, 4 days a week, bam, gains. This was what took me to 2/3/4/5 and beyond.
1x8, 1x20: Squats
2x8: Decline Bench Presses
2x8: Overhead Presses
2x8: Rack Pulls Below The Knee
2x8: Curls
1x12: Neck Extensions
1x12: Neck Flexions
My thoughts behind this routine is that if you aren't going all out on your two sets for each compound exercise to the point where you have actively STIMULATED, not ANNIHILATED the muscle you're working, then your body will repair itself and you will be able to lift HEAVIER weight.
3xPushes and 1xPulls. You're gonna have serious imbalances. Shoot for some number of pulls and pushes. If you're sitting a lot behind a computer, do more pulls
Thanks for the tip. Gonna add in some pulls for sure
There are a lot of routines in Practical Programming 3 edition. Its on the piratebay