Friday night

>friday night
>on Veeky Forums
>not out improving social gains

> being employed so there is an actual difference between a Friday night and a Tuesday night

Lol this 23 yo NEET master race

not doing well today bros. rough day at work and I already know the girl im talking to is going to bail on our plans for the night. Just one of those days where i'm painfully aware of the fact that I don't love anyone on this planet

>go out alone
>feel like garbage

I'm gonna shitpost then watch the simpsons with my parents then shitpost again haha joke's on you loser

>I haven't been here in a while anyway big things going on in my life
>Used to be depressed and felt like a failure but decided to stop and just deal with my problems
>Work is even better since I dealt with my problems
>Basically started feeling better
>anyway, that isn't the point, I just finsihed up a big project at work and now I have another one coming
>I'm traveling next week for business to three states
>A part of me fees like a fucking failure for allowing this to happen in my life but I have made my choices
>I'm selling my life for a career that pays well and next week I have business trips all over the East coast and I'l be back home next Friday in the afternoon
Fuck, I'm headed back to NYC!!!

Also, some other spots in east coast. Damn, I'm freaking out. New project, have some meetings next week and I need to present as well so i',m fucked!!!

>dear diary

Be all right bro I know that feel has happened to many times to meself. Thing is I used to get so upset. Then I realized what's the point. Stupid slags anyway. So now I'm just trying to improve myself physically and mentally even though that's not going to well but fuck it no woman's gonna shape me.

I'm married. Not sure what I'm still doing here.

I have enough money to eat, sleep, and work out. No money for food. No friends. I go to Planet Fatness, nobody socilizes there.
Still haven't gotten a job to give me the time of fucking day.
People keep saying I should do Voice Acting or Radio, but noplace I call gives me the time of day.
Where, how, and why would I go out to try and socilize? No money broke ass motherfucker.
Clearly nobody gives a shit, so why should I?

Is your wife fit and have you got your own house. That's the dream bro. And to get abs and decent arms

>tfw stranded in the middle of nowhere because my car got fucked
>my nearest ride is five hours away
That's why

Do tell

What do you do for work?

When did you both meet?

How old are you now?

Any plans for the future?

me everytime
I'm the only one who doesn't socialize and the only one that comes alone, just end up feeling worse

>What's the story here?
How'd you get stuck and where are you going?

Go out alone, guy tries to chat me up some fucking guy in his 40s

I'm like, bro I'm not gay don't fucking talk to me you fucking faggot ass stranger

I finally got laid fellas and I haven't even started the fit journey. Was a bit underwhelming to be honest but I guess no body is good at what they try for the first time. It has made me want to actually get fit and like myself

I am the last one of my group of friends that doesn't have a significant other.

Nobody wants to go out or do anything, and I don't want to be that guy that goes out by himself.

Damn, iktfb
My friends always go eat out double dating and going on weekend holidays and they never invite me to any of that. I don't really mind on the other hand since I'm really focused on my career and usually don't have the time anyway, still would be nice to get invited once in a while.

>not shitposting in bed while holding your sleeping qt because she's sick
At least I know fat drug addicts have over run fit.

I don't mind it really, but whenever I do hang out with my friends they want to do boring shit, like smoke pot or just watch tv.

I just want to go out, get stupid drunk, dance, come home and sleep. Is that too much to ask for?

Fuck, one friend was trying to lecture me, saying he is too old to go out anymore, and I'm like Dude..we are 25, The fuck.

But user I have a date tomorrow night.

I'm going out with friends later tonight.


Fuck bruh I feel this.
I just want to get trashed and dance. Im lucky I have 2 bros who go out but don't want to dance.
My issue is just, I want to dance. Im not trying to fuck anything on the dance floor and girls always act awkward. I know, Im not the best looking but Im just here to dance.

I'm snowed in

Good luck, user. Hope she doesn't flake and you have a good night.


A lot of people think only girls want to dance, but I've always liked movin to the beat while tipsy.

Hope u have a good time some night bro.

The difference is everyone else goes out on Friday. You'd know if you ever left your room.

Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I always want to go for a drink on friday because I work hard all week and my friends are always too tired and just want to hang and sleep on their couch even though they all work cushy desk jobs but that's the last thing I want to do after a working week, I just don't get it. I always get these fucking cringe soyboy texts too "lol no me and bae are just gonna eat crap and watch netflix tonight, we're so lazy lol", you're fucking boring is what you are.

Just roll up to the club in your "BEGONE THOT" shirt and they'll get the message.

>"BEGONE THOT" shirt

That's probably the 6th friday in a row I don't go out. I'm handsome and have game, but I can't stand the emptiness of going out and picking up random thots anymore. Also have a small social circle in the city I'm living and afraid of the huge criminality here. I'm almost dead inside.

Nigga it's only 5 pm. I'm making some chicken right now. Friends are gonna come over to my place around 8, then we'll go out to bars. This qt I've been hooking up with is also coming over. Gonna get my dick rode real good tonight.

Should I drink or make it a bulk night and go to bed lads?

bulk & bed bro

Just hanging around

Yeah I'm sore & tired I'll get social gains tomorrow

I’m at a birthday dinner right now, whenever I talk I get ignored, I wish I was at home playing fortnite

>comfy friday
>No class tomorrow
>Can study allnight
Jeez, user. You should stop being such a brainlet
[spoiler]University is hell, put me out of my misery[/spoiler]