How do you treat thotts at your gym?
How do you treat thotts at your gym?
Ignore them. Workout.
Try to fuck them
Complain to management about their behaviour of they blow me off
Holy Shit. Back story?
Ignore them. Workout.
context of webm please
>Ignore them. Workout.
This. I'm there for me, not them.
Indifference. No different than anywhere else.
>two thots always in my gym
>posting selfies on insta and whatnot
>one time they were hogging the squat rack taking video of themselves "squatting"
>gym silverback walks over and tells them to gtfo, he needs to lift and starts loading the bar
>thots screech autistically and go tell management.
>complaints ignored bc nobody challenges the silverback
>I enjoyed a hearty kek
Why do people keep posting this image non-stop? Why does it consistently get newfag comments like , ?
I like this one
But seriously though that could mean death.
I mean they are probably curious about the girl getting hit with 2 45 lb plates.
I ignore them but one girl I hate stare at her ass when she is on the stair walker. I want her to know she is a piece of whore meat and it makes me angry.
They don't exist. No eye contact. I will check their ass out when the walk away and have turned around fully though.
Beta uprising
i wish i was big enough to pull this off
i got mired by 2 thots while i was doing weighted chin ups felt great
It's obviously just them avin' a giggle with fake plates, the first one bounces off her shoulder
ignore them and secretly hope they come up to me to talk
I play them at their own game.
>see two girls on arc trainers
>they stare at me, to see if I’m staring at them
>glance at them, and they quickly turn away
>I go to pulley machine that’s right next to them
>do half stack chest flies
>they both stare again
>squeeze chest tightly after each rep for a little “ROM, DOM, thank you Mom”
>one girl moves to the treadmill, which is right next to my fly machine
>starts walking backwards on the treadmill, which I didn’t even know was a real thing that people did
>fucking Game On, bitch
>cross the cable handles and start doing reverse flies, even though that’s a pull excerices, and I’m on a push day
>can’t do ten reps with a half stack, so I do 5 slow, full reps
>turn around and look at girl
>she’s fucking doing dips on the treadmill handles in between brisk jogs
>you stupid ignorant slut
>put on a weighted vest and head over to the jump box
>usually I can do 30” no problem, but never tried with a vest
>took me a minute to build myself up to it, but I nailed it for 10 reps
>both girls walk over to leg machine area, but I still see them eyeballing me from a distance
To be honest, they weren’t even gym bunnies. Just a couple of average girls trying to get attention
>a girl will come up to you and talk
Use the sexual frustration to push through plateaus and make more gains. Seriously no fap + gym thots = going super saiyan
well it's happened once in three years. she came up to me to ask me if i do chest flies. i said nope and that was that.
glance at the ass for an occasional test boost
fucking chad
Are you too fucking cool for chest flies?
And what’s up with your chest to make a girl want to ask if you do flies? Extremely large, or a chestlet?
>a girl got behind me for all 7 deadlift sets today
Hey look it's this thread again
i got nice boobies, i already do enough for chest
probably like a man
A girl came up to me and talked at the gym last week. She had to literally wave me down like the thirsty thot she was because I had my earbuds in and was only focused on myself. She said some bullshit about how she sees me at the gym all the time and I look like someone she knows. Yea right. She wanted my number but I didn't give it to her lol.
Like they aren't there, same as they treat me.
>7 deadlift sets
This site never seizes to amaze me
Fucking chad.
What's wrong with 2 warm up sets and 5 working sets coming off a minor injury?
I'm nice to them and they're nice to me
and we flirt back and forth
just say 5. warm ups dont count
you act like I was saying that to brag as opposed to pointing out some chick moved directly behind me each time I moved the bar
She was moving to the second best angle to see herself in the mirror because you were blocking the best one.
What does the injury have to do with anything?
So you’re telling me you willingly did two warmup sets, (god knows why you needed two) and then 5 “full sets” of lighter weight?
For the record, I don’t mean lighter weight than the warmup. I mean lighter weight than you normally would, as 5 sets is too many for deadlifts. You’d have to be doing a weight far less than you’re capable of, which, if you’re injured, is still bad for you.
The only other thing I can think of is that you’re fucking training for endurance. Who endurance trains for deadlifts?
It's a wall of mirrors though
I was doing slow negatives too
Lol @ thinking 7 sets is weird. I'll do 5 warm-up sets, then 7 sets of doubles all the time for deadlift. What the fuck is your problem cunt?
youre my problem now, nigger.
Yes but your ugly face was reflected in all of them.
That’s not news to me. Firstly, endurance training for deadlifts is retarded and unnecessary. Deadlifts are important for everyone, including people who endurance train, but you don’t fucking wear yourself out from them. That’s horrible on your body. When you train for failure, you encourage sloppier reps. This is fine for lifts like the bench press and curls, but sloppy reps on the deadlift will fuck up your form an lead to damage. Damage that, secondly, is counterintuitive for someone who supposedly just had a minor injury that affects his deadlifting as it stands.
that's not how mirrors work you doorknob
If you think one warm-up set is adequate, you're either using baby weights or a literal retard. In your case I'm confident it's both.
Sniff them
Pretty much all they're worth
My fucking sides
Qt Asian Stephanie "coincidentally" followed me to like 3 different machines
>be me at the pulleys
>setting up for chest flies
>turn around to see qt Asian girl stealing the other cable
>fuck it, eye candy, I'll do cable curls instead
>*qt Asian girl touches my shoulder* oh.. were you using this too? Haha we just keep doing this
Maybe I'll get her number next time
damn you showed her
thot was using a phone in the lifting area. true alpha 5'4 masterrace chad destiny himself finally lost it and went to ask for a number. only to get rejected. the manlet rage in him caused him to literally plate her.
confirmed by alphadestiny vlog 2 episodes ago
Literally no eccentric concentration to bring the weights down in a controlled manner.
>brah just train deadlifts to failure
>this is enough weight to get you into the olympic team
I will never not be mad.
>Double BW snatch
The world record for 105kg men is 200 btw.
can betas throw 45s?
holy shit this whole fucking thread lol
Not going to make it.
Is that a sexmachine squat routine?
Yea last time I ignored them they took pictures of me and shared it with the university snapchat. Never ignore them
Is this some sort of copy cat pose? A girl showed me a pic of this exact same situation once. I bet she repped that bar one time and put it down. These people should be banned.
Thats you? Are you preacher curling 17.5 kgs?
It was a drop set
I'd tell you doing the same to her next time but comparing ones curls to a female is pretty sad
If she breaths she’s a thot
Thankfully the platforms and cages are in another room from the dumbbells and shit.
I don't even understand this, are there actually people that are proud of their numbers on accessories that are usually programmed for high reps and low weights? "Hey you guise look at me I can do the curl thing with soooo much weight I'm like really strong."
Dont worry dude we think no lesser of you for this. Could of happened to any of us drop setting
was this gif ever explained?
Yes, if the plates weren't fake.
This is an English language board
how do you tell meme plates from real plates?
Real plates don't move like that when they're thrown.
how do they move?
>tfw u lift moer than a novice lifterr hahaha
With no real bounce or wiggle. A 45lb plate would blast someone straight to the ground and fall dead, it wouldn't bounce off them and go rolling away like it just stole her wallet
just know that if you stick with it, you'll eventually reach a point (wont take long) where you could rip her skull from her body while she will probably make minimal gains because she was born a weakling girl
I look at them in an awkward fashion.