How have you been sleeping lately user?
Any exercise, supplement or drug to take before bed to help getting a better & deeper sleep?
How have you been sleeping lately user?
Any exercise, supplement or drug to take before bed to help getting a better & deeper sleep?
Are the sleep phone apps a meme?
how have you been sleeping user? Last two weeks I've been sleeping three hours on average every night
That's terrible
It's not too bad because I take 100mg modafinil every morning and then a 1h nap in the afternoon
I often wake up 1-2 times in the middle of the night for no reason. Never know why.
pfff, like 5-6 hours on weekdays, 7-8 on weekends
getting to sleep is just fine, I would just need to get to bed around 22:00 to get 8 hours, and that just doesnt work with my weekday schedules
unironically weed
did way more for my anxiety and insomnia than any meds or melatonin ever did. I only use it before bed, i cant function on it during the day.
I always have issues falling asleep. Unless I'm really tired it takes 30min-1hr and even if I am tired it takes at least 15min. I get at least 6h everyday and if I can I get 9hr
same. if it's too cold or too hot, then i just keep waking up every 2 hrs...
get off your phone
take diphenhydramine or melatonin if you need to
go to bed earlier
wake up earlier
no coffee after 10:00am
no pre workouts (caffeine)
no computer at night
get the program called flux for your computer
>early to bed and early to wise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
hes coping. with 3 hours of sleep I guarantee he looks like horse shit. hes delusional.
I guess this as a good a place as any to say this, I just woke up from sleep paralysis a few minutes ago and still feel a bit shaken. Was because of a disturbed sleep cycle because of partying/drinking.
Remember to keep a good sleep schedule Veeky Forums, sleep paralysis feels pretty fucking shit.
That’s shits the shit
Me too... Last night I had this nigthmare where I was lying on my bed dead and there were people in my bedroom, wandering. Then I wake up and couldn't fell alseep. Slept like shit.
weed deprives you of REM sleep which is super important for your overall health. I strongly recommend you don't make a daily habit out of it.
Already sleep like shit. Just broke up with my gf yesterday so last night was hell.
I imagine the next few days are gonna be just as bad...
>early to wise
That shit only happened to me twice in my life, I was 16 or 17 at the time. It's kinda cool.
I know that 8hrs sleep a night is a meme and that it's highly dependent on the person.
I do try to get 8 but I just got a fitbit that tracks sleep and I thought I had been getting a solid 7-8 hours a night my whole life.
This fucking thing tells me that I only get 6-7 because you periodically wake during the night, quickly fall back to sleep and don't remember it. These tiny waking periods add up to about an hour per night.
My question is should I go to bed and hour earlier so I'm actually in bed for 9 hours to get 8 hours total sleep?
zinc or zinc magnesium gives me more vivid dreams and i can cum more
thats about the only thing i take and one of the only supplements were i can directly feel a difference
>Fall asleep quickly and easily
>Wake up after 5 hours
>I mean wide fucking awake
>sometimes it takes me an hour to go back to sleep
>Other times I cant at all
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Magnesium Glycinate for good sleeps. Also side benefit of the Ibutamoren I've been using is that I have an easier time getting up in the morning.
early to rise early to bed makes a man healthy but socially dead
are you a smoker?
That's how our ancestors slept. they would sleep 4-5 hours and wake up for an hour and go back to sleep. They found it the best time to do reading and writing or to make love to their wife.
ever since starting alternate day fasting, i am sleeping like a rock 9hours a day. pretty good
As much as I hate the BBC and jews. I don't think they are trying to trick you into the idea that naps are better than 8 hour blocks of sleep.
>our ancestors
>found it the best time to do reading and writing
Are you aware of how many people used to be able to read and write prior to the 18th century?
I quit daily use of weed and swapped for melatonin to get better quality sleep. I didn't smoke at all through feb but I'm alone tonight and I kinda want to get a little high and browse around before bed
Wrong. my ancestors slept in different rooms
Are you me?
I drink a fifth of vodka and gin (martini) every night with caffinee so go to bed around 2 and wake up at 6 feeling like shit. rinse n repeat
My feet sweat like crazy if I don't have socks on
Since early November I’ve woken up exactly once a night, almost exactly at three in the morning, to piss. It’s incredibky frustrating. I can not drink anything since lunch and this will still happen. I don’t know how to make it stop. I just want to sleep through the night again
>go three nights without being sleep more than 4 hours
>by the end of it my gains look like they're gone and my stomach is suddenly back
It's not fair bros. I had abs and now I'm a skinnyfat el goblino again.
I wake up every two hours needing to piss.
No matter what I do, or how long before bed I stop drinking water, it keeps happening.
I've had it happen to me a handful of times. The first time is horrifying, but after that you're totally conscious of what's happening and you kind of dig the trip
Do you have any idea why?
I had been getting some great 8 hours of sleep a day for the past months, but this week I keep waking up in the middle of the night and have soft stool. Not sure what is going on.
I don't think anyone really knows why it happens. It's basically your brain doing a quarter rep on waking up.
>waking up to piss regardless of how little you drink
I have the exact same issue.
sleeping and waking at the same time everyday really helped me with that. if possible give that a try
Usually get only 7 hours. Trying to work toward 8 hours. We’re all gonna make it, brahs.
>Dreamt that someone put a barbell with a dildo in my ass and I had to force it out
>Woke up thinking I shat myself
I did not shit myself, but Veeky Forums may be turning me gay.
>my ancestors
I have no idea. Maybe prostrate related? Or diet? I’m trying to think if I made any radical changes but I don’t think I did.
I'm telling you. If I were to imagine how hell would be it would be very close to sleep paralysis
Anyone use melatonin to reboot their sleep cycle. I usually fall asleep around 4am. I'm aiming to be asleep around 12am. I'm going to take around 9mgs
No, I’m way cooler brah
I'm not sure how other people experience it, but I was constantly switching between nightmares and being glued to my bed.
As in I'd be in a nightmare and usually when you'd wake up (because of dying or jump scare), I'd wake up and couldn't move. Then I'd slowly drift off to sleep and this happened another few times. I was just grateful when I could move again.
when i lay flat on my back i have discomfort in my upper torso just under the chest
also sometimes i can feel my pulse beating really hard there
and my legs get restless and twitch
Go to a doctor
fuck why didn't you tell me earlier
only slept 4-5 hours per day past 2 days.
Went to gym today
I failed all my reps and now everything hurts
now I'm just hoping i didn't injure anything
fuck it hurts.
also while i sleep i tend to lay on my stomach and grind my dick into the mattress, which i think has given me ED or damaged my dick in some way
I got the problem soon after I started going to the gym, and I've convinced myself that it's sleep apnea. Apparently when one's asleep you produce an anti-diarectic hormone that makes your urine more concentrated so you sleep well; I know with myself I'll wake up and am conscious for a while then get the sensation to pee, considering the other diagnosises that one seems the most believable. Sleep apnea of course, forces you to wake up often, even if you're not aware
It'll be ok user
>Sleep has been shit for months
>Stall on lifts at baby weight
>early to wise
Fuck off Jonathan Woss.
I also got a Fitbit tracking my sleep. And when I go to bed earlier I just end up getting more time awake and ending up with the same amount of sleep. 7h 30m is the most I have ever managed since getting this Fitbit.
>slept well for a couple of days
>dreamt about her tonight
>wake up feeling like complete shit
I used to get it a lot. I had dreams within dreams within dreams within dreams. I'd have noises and hands grabbing me, that sort of thing. Then I'd "wake up" only to find I can't move and hands are touching and grabbing me again. I had it so much I finally figured out how to wake up from it.
>Shake your head violently
Unrelated, but the worst nightmare I ever had was one where beautiful women would seduce me and every time I had sex with them, awful things would happen to my friends and then I'd wake up for a minute, my whole body was unrealistically drained, and I'd go back to the same thing. The horrible images only stopped when I stopped choosing to have sex with the women. That nightmare lasted more than 12 hours. I stopped looking at porn and masturbating for a month after that. In general I have a bad relationship with sleep. It's 4:06 right now.
Any one else do the thing where they nap during the day but can't fall asleep at night?
>Lost FWB
>Struggling so hard to sleep
Fuck man, I just can't
It's so hard to sleep without that warm body next to you
No, "Sleep Cycle" for example is really good. It wakes you up when your not in deep sleep by listening to your breathing. You just don't feel quite that fucked up, even if you didn't sleep long enough.
TFW sleeping a comfy 5am to noon for months consistently.
Sorry user, I just get so productive around 1am-4am. I also drink coffee at like 1am...
i wake up at 3am every night
My cunt overnight guy called me at midnight to tell me something that could have been put in a note for me to see on Monday. Haven't been able to fall back asleep.
Let me just tell you guys, don't fall for the gf meme. I go to sleep late because she wants to fuck, I wake up early because she wants to fuck, I don't even sleep very well inbetween because she keeps waking me up by moving around the bed...
Wtf I have the same exact issue, I suspect it is because of my coffee use. I never woke up during the night to pee before I drank coffee, I could even drink a glass of water before bed and would not wake up.
It can also be my prostate or kidneys or something but I really think it is the coffee due to its diuretic properties. (My last coffee is around 8PM)
Shit. I always dream about my gf who I left 3 years ago. Last time it was like this
>Dream about dating my ex
>It's great
>Wake up
>Feel like shit
>Fall asleep again
>Dream I never fell asleep again and got together with my ex on the same day
>Wake up the second time
It's like my dreams really want to fuck me over
the fuck is that trick lol somebody explain it
what if you use weed and melatonin
You shouldn't drink coffee that late
Tap on the opening of a beer bottle with the bottom of your bottle at an angle so there's no gap, foam builds up and the person has to drink from it to avoid spilling.
Where are you from?
that makes sense since I thought everyone in the first world knew this trick
How do you guys even look like?
-cold showers (OK before bed)
-heavy compound lifts, but don't overtrain
-exercise in general
-chamomile infusion (before bed)
-philosophical lifestyle, also meditation (both help you not concentrate on improper things, like ruminating something in bed)
>philosophical lifestyle
You probably have a normie-core philosophy if you think philosophy doesn't go hand in hand with ruminating over autistic shit
phenibut makes me sleep like a rock
A wise man does not ruminate in bed.
Don't worry bruh, the world out there is full girls more deserving of your love. We all gonna make it.
>tfw wake up from a comfy dream
days goes on
anyone else?
I dont have trouble going to sleep and waking up when I have something to do in the morning that I look forward to, like a list of stuff to do before going to college and whatnot, it helps
>I've found that stretching and a shower before sleep is helpful.
>I sleep best when I sleep alone.
>Cold room temp + extra blankets for maximum /cozy/.
>Melatonin as an occasional sleep aid, but not for regular use.
>Camomile tea as an alternative sleep aid.
>Finish exercising, eating and drinking 2 hours before going to sleep.
>Avoid screens in the last hour before you go to sleep. Read a book instead of phoneposting.
>Dim lights as the sun sets. Especially avoid blue light.
>Sleeping on your back is the optimal position.
My sleep is pretty shitty, it doesn't help that I have a fucking retard nearby blasting his shitty music while doing jump rope at 3am
I have a tendency to wake up at night to have a piss whether I drank water or not, usually around the same time. Then when I get back to bed, I just can't fall asleep but I am not totally awake either, I'm dreaming and still conscious, it's quite weird
I read some interesting article about some guy that studied how tribes without artificial light slept. They did not sleep in two cycles but instead in just one ~9h session. If someone know the article link it because I can't find it
Five hours at most, I get about 7 on Sundays.
you're home is haunted, my dude. ghosts are waking you up for the witching hour.
I don't want an app recording me
gf broke up with me a week ago, sleep's been fucked up, nightmares and panic attacks in the morning. Probably going to take some melatonin.
Just sleep enough and when it's convenient. Like in the summer, I would not go to sleep 3-4 hours before sunset and wake up 1-2 hours after sunset and then go to the second sleep 1 hour after sunrise, just to get two cycles of sleep.
Your wife loves the bbc though
just don't be a faggot.