Who else /childlike proportions here?

Who else /childlike proportions here?

>thin wrists
> small hands and skinny fingers
>baby fat
> generally just look underdeveloped

Life is suffering lads

>tfw size 9 shoesize

Iktf broskis. I have a big head and thicc neck for some reason, so got them lollipop proportions.

I outgrew my shoes when i gained weight via noobgains (120 skelly to 150), so there may be hope at least for footlets.

Nah I've gained 50lbs and still have the same size feet.

>size 12-13 shoes
REEEEEE stop complaining manlet you don’t know how much of a pain in the arse it is to find shoes

me kill me senpai

size 13 is considered big?

girls having blue shit on the lips aint nothing new lad

UK 13. Never found an IRL shop that stocks anything but CAT boots that size.

Congratulations, you are neotenous.

>NW 2.5 hairline

You faggots have it easy mode

>Complaining about size 13 shoes.
I have size 14 US shoes and 5'11"
I cant stop looking like a clown.

Haha dude I thought I had it bad with size 12s lmao fucking clown foot ass nigga

I’m at 13.5.
Just get huge as fuck legs and shit and it’s not noticeable. Nobody has ever said anything to me about it.
But yeah, shoes are hard as fuck to find.
How long do your pairs last?
Any foot wear of mine implodes after a year.

Ok, so work on it. Anyone looks like a child when they are massively underdeveloped, and lanklets look like 14 year olds with early growth spurts

Honestly, you should walk on your toes, no one would notice the lifts and you'll look a lot taller.

>tfw have all of that
>also 5'2
I know your suffering OP
The good thing is that I'm 19 so there's a chance of delayed puberty or something hopefully

Is deadlift your best exercise?

>size 9.5 shoes
>hands of 5'5 person
>chubby hands
>chubby face

i dont get it

>giant hands
girls say it hurts when i fingerblast them, just kill me already


>the virgin fingering
>the chad clit rub

One day you'll realize fingering does nothing for them and is just invasive like someone prodding your butthole.

>inb4 muh g-spot i read about it on Salon


you aint gonna grow more, sorry mate

This. I went into a sports shop yesterday to get new trainers and they said they only stock up to size 11. And this was a national chain too. Fucking nuisance.

>people think I'm 16 but I'm 27
>5.5 inch dick
>size 9 shoes
>tiny hands

>size 13 feet
I’m clown mode

from 20 to 21 I grew from 5'8 to 5'10, there is still some hope for you

do you have a big benis


>Size 15 shoes
>Everyone notices
>Everyone makes jokes about having a big dick
>only 7' and thin
Fuck you RNG

I have a legit bone pressed 7.5x5.3, so on Veeky Forums I’m baby dicked

> 5'8
> 21 and look it
> Size 9 feet
> exactly 6 inch dingaling
>Tiny wrists make me look bigger
> slay petite girls (sub 5'3) on the reg

Just gotta stick to the smaller girls. At 5'3 and lower they honestly cant tell the difference from you and a taller guy because of their perspective.

You know what I always wondered, if small dicks are better than bigger ones due to the fact you hold it all in one hand when jerking it or quick thrusts etc you technically would get more stimulation, is that why they cum so quick in porn?

wb finger and licky d clit

I have literally no idea what you’re talking abut

Finish middle school then I guess

Nah mate, your sentence literally made no sense. Retype it with some grammar and shit so us non-retards can understand your flow of verbal diarrhoea.

>us non-retards
>with some grammar

They don't teach you those word in Amerilard eh?

Look on the bright side, at least you guys don't have to worry about balance as much with that much surface area to work with.

Guys can hit growth spurts all the way up till 25 or so, it's just uncommon.

There's really too many other factors involved to say anything on the matter without some broad study. More or less it comes down to the individual and their personal level of sensitivity.

You're just skinny.

how old are you?
i was the same at 21, cruised 200mg test-e / week for 2 years and my jaw, cheekbones, browridge have all become more pronounced and i have much less fat on my face, legit best decision i ever made, your results may vary

What do you expect manlet a 7 incher or what? Your dick is above average for your height faggot.

im a manlet with a bwc, its a nice suprise for them

Like literally just added 200mg test everyday for 1 years? did you cycle? is your liver fucked? are your hormones fucked now? what happened to your testicles? did you get gyno?

im very interested in doing this, but there are so many questions and risks im lead to belive

Try being 6'1" with a 5" dingus.
Being a dicklet is the ultimate suffering.

12cm dicklet here, literally in therapy for an attempted suicide because of dicklet mode

Are you neets? Buy a 2nd hand penor extendo and jelq to orc futa all day

>22 years old
>babyfaced as fuck (fat cheeks even at low bf%), don't grow any facial hair
I'm tall and built like a tank but my face belongs to a child, it's ridiculous

>but my face belongs to a child
Hot. Sweden?

> 12% BF
>24 but look 17
> 8-inch penis
>size 12 shoes
I always get asked what school do i play qb for. when at the gym.
on tinder only girls under 21 swipe me. anything older forget it.
its hard to be a sexual cunt when u know ppl look at you is "cute"
starting to consider smoking? i hear that helps u age.

Same feel. I don't consider myself a man and judging by the way people act towards me, neither do most men and women. Ah well

just the way life goes, keep smashing super young pussy until you can't any longer, you would never want to go in reverse my man.

>200mg test a day
Are you trying to leave humanity behind