Is this AIDS?
This is my arm
Is this AIDS?
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Doubles confirm STD'S
I get those when i Wear shirts with sleeves and if i Wear a jacket i would get it on my chest and back.
You just need to put on some fucking lotion bro. Looks like you haven't in months. Do white people seriously not put on lotion? I thought that was a fucking meme
Doesn't look like it warrants a visit to the doctor.
Are they sore? Do they have different texture/color than the rest? If you press on them do they change color in the same way as the rest? Did these appear recently?
If you answered yes to these then you should consult a doctor.
that actually is aids
You can't roll that way you have to roll like this, see.
White people do not get "ashy" skin.
If you supp with fish oil, your skin is thick and not brittle and not greasy--- but internally moisturized.
Bonus: White people cut their fingernails and don't get grillz.
eugh... "lotion"
fucking degenerate.
do you literally wake up, eat, wash and then lube yourself up with lotion?
someone accidentally brushed past your arm.
"wtf why are you so slick?"
Lotion is for people who need it.
Blacks and awful genetics whites.
>White people do not get "ashy" skin.
Do white people believe this? Ashy just means dry m8, everyone's skin gets dry....How fucking ashy are you right now m8? Bill Burr breaks it down rather nicely. OPs skin is ashy/dry as fuck he just needs lotion
Two dubs in a row?!? I must be magical or something.
just get this op.
Do you seriously walk around with your skin dry as fuck? Bruv get some lotion you will thank me
"everyone's skin gets dry"
maybe in your ghetto
yeah i do mate unless its raining. seeing as the alternative to dry is fucking wet.
you walk around like an oil slick disgusting people and leaving smears of your horrible essence.
"look out for that guy, he's inexplicably whet"
who LIKES wearing suncream?
a thin film of gunky phlegm surrounding you.
shaking peoples hands with your clammy appendages. jesus christ
I've had this forever, forget I even have it most of the time.
I think putting some Head and Shoulders on it in the shower might work because that gets rid of forehead bumps that looks like that
That's fucking MRSA dude get to the DR quick
Keratosis Pilaris brethren.
I had that, it was acne...
It is this, OP. Don't listen to anyone else. I suffered from it as well in my early days of lifting.
How about seeing a dermatologist instead of asking Veeky Forums, stop being retard user.
I take a softgel everyday am op
>TFW you have this on your dick.
In white and have never used lotion in my life (not even sunscreen) is this normal?
Those are bedbug bites or some type of bug under your mattress... i get those sometimes
This is what Americans actually believe
Check these repeating digits.
Fuckin skin cancer fella
what this anons said, seriously is very common
putting lotion is not enough
you want to use bha lotion with sunscreen during the day, try paula's choice, i usually get on ebay because is cheaper
get some sunlight on your skin
>just put some chemicals on it, goy
>Keratosis Pilaris
huh. I've lived with this all my life and just thought it was the way my skinned looked (i'm white and pale).
thanks, maybe in a few years i'll look a little better. off to see how I can fix it
>"wtf why are you so slick?"
Said no one ever because lotion doesn't work like that. White people get dry skin and never moisturize its why you age like milk in the August sun.
got back to /pol to hunt elusive jooo
Salicylic acid: derived from the Willow Bark Tree and others.
Citric acid: derived from citrus fruits and considered a cross over acid. It can be an AHA or a BHA depending on its formulation.
i've never moisturised my body in my entire life. also rarely moisturise my face. maybe once or twice a week. healthy skin retains moisture from washing.