What is Veeky Forums's opinion on drugs and drug use? I personally don't, or drink for that matter (straight edge if you will), but a conversation earlier tonight with a friend turned into him talking about a lot of different experiences. Not that him talking about them made me want to try, I still don't, and don't feel comfortable around that stuff at all for personal reasons. But I was wondering what you guys thought about recreation, or moderate drug and alcohol use.
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Recreational use of drugs and alcohol is only beneficial in social situations where others are using. Mostly a waste of time unless you're looking to make new friends with users. Use of psychedelics in proper settings can yield life changing results for better or worse. I occasionally take LSD or mushrooms alone and in a ritual setting, which has so far always been an overwhelmingly positive experience for me.
Moderation is key, it's fun to do sometimes but it shouldn't become a habit. Like drinking alcohol with friends is fun, so is doing MDMA or coke or LSd and it gives a whole different experience.
I've had such great fun walking around the city on 2cb with a couple of friends, we still have a running joke about one of my friends who was afraid to walk past the police building so he made up the excuse 'there are too much visuals in this street guys we shouldn't go there'
Drugs are Fucking great but if you dont have the right attitude and personality to use em sparingly it WILL end bad period
Am a big fan of using cannabis for metacognition from ages 18-22. Anything outside of that and you're playing with fire
I think psychedelics will make me suicide so have no advice there, but if you're the kind of person who doesn't think too much I think you're suited to mushrooms
I don't think it is a coincidence that blacks love cannabis and don't seem to suffer from paranoia
Psychedelics cure depression.
I believe it's more like they have been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression when used under proper supervision and with proper dosage. They shouldn't be seen as a cure-all, and there are a lot of people who simply shouldn't take them.
What do you mean metacognition?
I do LSD once every few months alone in my apartment. Has this mind reset effect. I call it ultra-sobriety. Makes me see clear what im lacking and what im doing right. Id like to try dmt too but havent found a contact carrying.
MDMA or speed when there's a right techno or dnb party for it.
Be cautious tho i've even seen these drugs fuck up people. Drugs are fun but only when handled with caution.
mdma at the right rave.
Psychelics I would probably do once per month if I could find a decent supplier.
I've done cocaine sporadically, but nothing compares to the cocaine they have in mexico/bolivia (in the UK). I suspect most of the coke in the UK is heavily cut with speed.
UK coke is fucking stepped on dude
At least we got good MDMA from being so close to Amsterdam ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pretty degenerate
drugs are for losers
You should do drugs if it makes you a better person or if it makes you have a lot of fun in a social setting. I'm going to order some magic mushrooms soon. That will be fun.
The average person is actually fairly resistant to addiction and won't develop it unless you either are dealing with a highly addictive drug like an opiate or an amphetamine or if they are given unfettered access and pressure to use a drug. However, based on genetics, you could literally get hooked on something after 1 use but this is rare. There are a slew of drugs worth doing and a whole lot more that aren't. They vary extremely widely.
I think anyone who is trying to figure things out, should do LSD at least once.
Alone or in a chill setting with max 4 people.
The way you let go of all the bullshit and open up and discover an entire new, (too)positive/optimistic way of thinking is like nothing else you can experience.
Personally i try to do it at least once every 6 months, since i tend to get depressed/cynical and it just keeps reminding me kinda "oh yea, thats right".
It only takes one experience for everything to change.
t. former dissociative user
it's garbage. drinking is ok every now and then if you're of legal age. but drugs will basically fuck you up and make you a loser. the more square you are the more money you tend to make and more successful you tend to be. it's almost a secret in society. drugs and partying are blasted all over TV but working so hard at something that you become famous or rich is going to get you a far better and far happier life than being a pothead.
Ketamine? I never fuck with that stuff. Acid and psylocybin for this cowboy.
I use psychedelics quite a bit. DMT every couple of weeks, and mushrooms about every other month. For me the experiences are a spiritual outlet for communion with the spirit.
When I was a teenager I was depressed and suicidal as fuck. Constantly going to counseling. Made no progress. At 19 my friend gave me 5g of shrooms. In that 4 or 5 hours I accomplished more transformation than 5 years of therapy. My family and friends even commented that I was different.
I did a ton of other hallucinogens but the one thing I never did was acid. Psilocybin is a bro but obviously not something that is worth repeating very often. Methoxetamine was the crazy one, also did DXM an absolute fuckton and put it up there with any other drug I tried. The thing about dissociatives is they will either scare people off or open up a new world. Once that door is opened it don't shut
Agreed. They're not for everyone but they are truly a miracle for many. It's one of the great travesties of the 20th and 21st centuries that they have been prohibited.
sometimes I use drugs but i have a tendency to binge on stimulants when i can get my hands on them and it makes me feel shitty the next few days, so I havent touched any in a few months. I also don't really enjoy drinking/being drunk so I only do that very rarely, when my friends want to go out to a bar or something.
I think that in moderation it's fine but it can very easily fuck with the rest of your life
ket is foul. I'm a student in the uk and my friends do k like every week (or more often), never got the appeal, it just makes me feel ill and unpleasantly drunk
Acid is great. It's like super sobriety. You're not fucked up at all. You can simply insight and intuit more. The personal revelations can be intense if you're a bad person but it's all real insights you're making. You're not seeing like purple dragons and shit like it's portrayed in pop culture.
only marijuana and alcohol on weekends
Find an honest drug user and let us know how it goes. Fact of the matter is that drug users don't lie because society frowns on their choices. They lie because they're degenerate shitbags. Nothing good ever comes from having any sort of relationship with a liar. Nothing.
>Meth heads stripping copper out of condemned houses = all drug users, including psychedelics
Being a total brainlet seems pretty shitty desu.
I often wonder if drug users here realise that they sound just like the fact acceptance whales on tumblr when they defend their degenerate choices.
>all drugs have identical outcomes
Yea, no, you're a fucktard.
>a D.A.R.E graduate speaks
>sounds like a moron
Color me suprised.
All terrible, don't use them, find IRL things that make you feel good
t. hopelessly addicted to coffee
It all works amazingly for me. That said, I very rarely use them these days. Never had an addiction.
Does it's job. Horrible after effects.
Feels really good. Good for listening to music and chatting with your friends. Never use longer than a couple of days tops.
Meh, good for picking up girls maybe. Always got disappointed.
Absolutely amazing for picking up girl, kicking the shit with friends, studying, videogames - everything. Gives you a limp dick though and the after effects suck. Always keep benzos in handy for sleep.
A wonderful drug. Do not use recreationally (even if fun). One dose once every two weeks is effective for treating depression and has long lasting positive effects on mood. Don't waste it on fun, instead use it for life gains.
Good for sex, conversation, vidya, movies and being a total waste of space. Daily use makes you stop dreaming at night (kinda).
>acid and such
Should be administered to everyone as a rite of passage when you turn 20
50/50 chance that you fuck your life over forever if you use them for fun. I used to do em recreationally and wew lad
Drugs aren't the problem. The lying and mental gymnastics drug users engage in to justify their behavior is. Exhibit A: These responses.
>categorically equating all psychoactive compounds isn't mental gymnastics
Holy shit you dumb hick, stop posting anytime.
That depends on the Acid and how much you take. I've had full on psychedelic hallucinations of some acid that last for what seems like forever., whereas other trips have been more introspective. Definitely depends on the strength of the tab.
stop doing em
I find drinking alone is way more fun than with others
t. brainlet.
Aren't xanax a form of Benzo's? I hear about 50% of people who take xanax end up becoming addicted to them, yet they're regularly prescribed in the states to pretty much anyone for mild anxiety/stress.
America really is fucked
Most of those whom are actually rich and not just middle class do a lot of drugs. You need to rethink your argument as its a poor one.
This guy knows what he's talking about
I was addicted to opiates for a while and god damn I miss that feeling but I know I can't go back to them
The understanding of ones own thought processes.
meta (above) cognition (thought/process of thought)
To simplify. Even during a bad experience (anxiety) on weed you begin to learn a lot about how the mind functions. A good experience allows you to calmly enjoy and experience this. Which is why I would agree with said poster. It's great to take recreationally in a good environment with or without friends as a learning experience over a few years but past that you gain little from doing so. Being in that state of thought all of the time leads to you being quite absent-minded and docile.
Xanax is indeed a form of benzo
They're not all bad as long as you do them in moderation. I got hooked on mkat for a year and it fucked my life up quite a bit.
Pretty boring just turns you into a dickhead.
Annoying with other people because you don't get high you just puff and pass and they all act giggly and annoying.
Wired and everything feels good but you feel awful afterwards
Haven't tried that much but it feels amazing when your rolling, but the next day I suffered from ridiculous paranoia and would think people were saying things under their breath about me.
Unbelievable feeling, this is the one drug I would do again. I haven't felt anything like it and apparently it's very good for curing depression.
A lot of people are saying Psychadelics are good for depression or they are amazing, I've never tried them but I wouldn't advise them for the same reason I haven't tried them. I'm a fairly paranoid person and don't want to have a bad trip because apparently they can be horrific, and if you worry about having a bad trip I've heard you are more likely to have a bad trip. Could be bullshit but that's what I've heard.
Hope this answers your question OP.
Anyone could take them if LSD psychotherapy was legal and they were with a therapist.
I agree the illicit consumption of them by some people would result in bad news bears.
Alcohol - Plague
Meth - Plague
Cocaine - Plague
Heroin - Plague
RCs or similar of the above - Plague
Pot - Problematic but not a plague
MDMA - OK ideally 4x per year but 1x per month is "acceptable"
Mescaline - OK
Mushrooms - OK
Ayahuasca/DMT - OK
RCS of the above - OK except for NBOME/dragonfly those two are plagues
Kratom - OK when raw plant and not an extract
Ketamine - Problematic but if used in true and very conservative moderation OK
RCs of the above - Tread carefully
Caffeine - Vulgar but ok
Noopept/Nootropics - OK
Benzos - OK if used only sparingly
every drug had a downside. its benefits arent as exaggerated as heavy users say they are, and its defects arent as exaggerated as its opposers say they are. weed can help with bulking, sleep, relaxation, but it can also induce panic attacks in the inexperienced and sometimes leave you in a brain fog afterwards, not to mention what youre putting in your lungs, although it has a lot less disgusting additives than cigarettes (typically none.) alcohol doesnt serve to do much except for relaxation and relessing inhibitions, but those are usually met with terrible hangovers the next day and loss of memory.
the key to substances is controlled use. there are some really fucked ones that fuck you up even the first time or get you hooked, but thats why they have such a stigma and why you dont do that shit in the first place. ik weed has stigma but heroine and other highly addictive substances havd a much bigger one and are more often painted in a serious light.
Oh and fentanyl is it's own beast. It is a chemical weapon and should be classified as such. Then those that make/distribute the shit can be tried on charges of terrorism.
Literally don't care what others do or don't do desu. Personally I don't do drugs or alcohol, I prefer to keep my wits and senses keen at all times.
Only fun if you can control yourself and not drink enough to get a hangover the next day.
Fun if you're doing literally nothing but if you do anything other than watch youtube or play video games it's going to make the experience worse unless you're some retarded pot head.
Not even fun just makes you embarrass yourself then have a horrible hangover the next day. Feel super confident but everyone will think you're acting fucked.
feels better than coke but with all the same negatives
Fun like once a year when camping
More visual less mind fucky version of mushrooms, same scenario.
Only people who really like being fucked up have a positive experience
>Pain Killers
Never poop again and feels good.
That's all the drugs i've done personally, I gave up everything except 3 or 4 drinks on weekends to feel more comfortable at the pub
in my personal opinion virtually all drugs are a waste of time, i really liked drugs when my life was bad, but there's a lot better ways to handle the stress of life that don't destroy your health or make you feel like shit every time you're not on them
obviously you can take drugs in moderation. I couldn't, i think it's a genetic thing.
you have not been taking lsd if you're not getting visuals
more than likely you've been taking DOB
>my drugs are okay and you're just too stupid to see their value!
Mental gymnastics, name calling, and lying to yourself. And all so you can justify your degenerate choices. No one is stopping you. Yet here you are attacking me because my opinion differs from yours. Starting to see the problem yet?
Think of it this way; if you're willing to lie to yourself, why should anyone believe that you're not going to lie to them? You've proven my basic point that all drug users are lying, degenrate, shitbags. Have "fun".
>if you worry about having a bad trip I've heard you are more likely to have a bad trip
that is def true. I think if you think that way about psychedelics, you probably shouldnt do them. Until youre in a better place or change your mind because of the overwhelmingly positive respons of people who actually took them.
I could be wrong, but i dont think i read about a single bad Trip ITT.
I had two-ish bad ones. i did a 200µg dose of LSD alone, i usually do 100 alone or with friends.
The buildup was great, way better than usual but at the height i got stuck with a thought pattern.
>"ok im high af, im an adult, i live alone"
>"what can i not forget to do? Whats the most importnat thing right now"
>whats the most important thing rn
>me... my cat... dont die, stay warm
>what else am i forgetting? whats important?
>me... my cat... dont die, stay warm
>what else am i forgetting? whats important?
>me... my cat... dont die, stay warm
>what else am i forgetting? whats important?
>me... my cat... dont die, stay warm
>what else am i forgetting? whats important?
I totally got stuck in this spiral.
Anyway i talked to my neighbours, they called the ambulance and i spend a dayin the psych ward just tripping outta my mind and it was fun af.
Explain the ages 18-22 part?
Wrong. There are many people whose brain chemistry simply does not agree with psychedelics, and they can be thrown into psychotic states and develop psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.
Maybe. But of course you dont know that since its not realy allowed to get studied.
So your "many people" is mainly based on absolute nothing and your, and every elses, indoctrination with "drugs are bad",
Tell that to my buddy Tristen who is currently in a psych ward after taking some shrooms last november. He believes he is the reincarnation of Maynard James Keenan, the lead singer of Tool (even though he's still alive). He spends most days coloring.
ok but can you tell your point to my mom?
She works in a callcenter.
Heavy weed blunts and dianabol will make you bigger and taller
I know you've probably heard this a lot but maybe it hasn't clicked right. I don't need drugs to do that. I can let go and understand myself without LSD.
You might need therapy if you feel you need LSD to know yourself.
I've also tried it several times and enjoyed the experiences so I'm not some straight edge fag lording it over you here. Some people just have emotional issues that block their path in life. Therapy is way better than drugs for clearing those.
One of my friends dads was a musician in the 60's and he wakes up screaming sometimes with flashbacks from bad trips. The guy warned his son to avoid LSD and tobacco.
Heroin is fine apparently though.
My point is that everyone's brain is different, and saying that "anyone could take LSD" is pretty fucking dangerous.
ye you seem like an extremely balanced and well adjusted individual who dont need no drugs.
Completely reasonable implications here, no amount of absolutely obscene projecting going on here.
Reddit spacing.
Good luck with your next depression cycle.
Don't have a problem with them per say but I would never take anything other than alcohol because I see people on drugs all the time acting like fucking retards. Most of these peoe don't have fucking jobs or are in and out of them due to drug tests or not turning in for work. I don't want to be one of them, enjoy myself perfectly fine without them.
Not really counting psychedelics in with this just party drugs. No experience with them.
fucking steve jobs and bill gates used to drop acid in college and everyone in the grateful dead band
wtf are you on about?
that shit only happens to people who were already predisposed to mental problems. your body would have gone insane sooner or laer taking mushrooms would have only made him go insane faster
>don’t use an inexpensive drug to help you find your own answers inside yourself, pay some jackass hundreds of dollars to play word games with you and tell you his interpretation of events he wasn’t even there to see, let alone experience
No, not really.
Yeah fair enough I retract that.
The subset of people I know who've been through therapy are better balance and successful than the people I know of who've tried acid tho
I would say 18-22 is an arbitrary number and can be used for a few years at any age but I imagine original poster chose that age because you are likely about to start taking the first concrete steps into adulthood and it would be better to understand how your thoughts work beforehand. Not 30 years down the line.
>>what else am i forgetting? whats im
That sounds like an anxiety attack caused by worrying more than an actual bad trip but that being said I've had similar experiences with just weed. When that happens you either need to find something that captures you completely to take your mind off of it or remind yourself you're tripping and in a bad place (or have somebody remind you) and go to bed.
This is correct.
Those people are borderline retarded and were so to begin with. No wonder therapy works. They need to be given answers from somebody else and can't live without that sad, pathetic foundation.
What, specifically, am I lying to myself about? All I said is that categorically equating all psychoactive compounds is retarded, which it is.
Get a tripsitter or you'll end up killing yourself one of these days.
Projecting. Some of us are ok with ourselves, weirdo.