Veeky Forums, we need to talk about your lifting making you think you’re a good fighter.
The truth is that any lanky, skinny fat, DYEL manlet who’s put half the time and effort into fighting as you’ve put into lifting can beat your ass.
You have nothing resembling fighting skills. Lifting is not and it was never supposed to make you good at fighting. Yes, some of you look impressive and it increases your testosterone but that doesn’t translate into anything remotely assimilating fighting skills. Which by the way, we’ve seen time and time again are negatively affected by the extra mass you put on.
At no point will any of you get strong enough to “rip people apart “, to “tear off limbs or heads”, and unless you’ve specifically trained for wrestling someone nobody believes that “as soon as you grab a hold of him the fight is over”.
Please stop deluding yourselves.
Lifting won’t make you a good fighter
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reminder that diaz won the second fight and the decision was made to make mcgreagor win so that their poster boy that they spent million on could still look like a champ
I don't really follow MMA, but don't they have one victory over each other? Traditionally you have a third, deciding bout.
Lifting does help in fighting though. How are your punches going to have any power if you don't strengthen your core or legs?
That’ll never happen.
McGregor retired with all the money he made from his Mayweather show (I’d hate to call that a fight).
He’s a great fighter, too bad he’s too smart to put his safety at risk again.
>punching with the hands
>trying to make it stronger by training legs
Are you a retard?
>training to look good
>look good
>receive mires
>have sex with women
>enjoy life
>don't train to fight
>get a cc permit instead
>10 year dyel combat yoga master steps up
>gets shot
>gets an extra small coffin
You need speed at form before you need anything that lifting contributes to. You can hit 400 lbs on the squat and 600lbs on the deadlift but if anything you’ve negatively affected your ability to punch hard.
You also need cardio to carry yourself around during the fight.
Force is mass x acceleration. Sure you won't be as fast, but you will have the mass to hit hard. I do think, that is worse though because it burns a lot of fuel.
Also, if you can't punch hard you could alternatively get better at the placement of your punches.
I hope for your sake you never get in a fight
>speed and form
Ducking autocorrect.
>literally too scared to get into a fight
>as men have been doing for the centuries
Get whatever you pack with that cc permit and kys faggot.
>implying being stronger than the average guy doesn't make it way easier to slam someone on the ground and pound there head in
>not just grabbing the guy and throwing him like a ragdoll
Most people don't know how to fight anyways you dumb fuck so someone who is considerably bigger and stronger has a huge advantage in a fight, weight classes exist for a reason
>tyrone and co pull out knives
>get stabbed multiple times and die
>'well at least I'm not a guncuck heheh, I died with honour'
>lifting doesn't help in a fight
Put a 150lb guy who doesnt train for fighting against a 220lb guy who lifts and also doesn't train for fighting and see who has an advantage
So you are going to pull a gun on anyone and everyone when a situation gets somewhat tense? Smart move dude!
Perhaps you have the mass to potentially land devastating punches.
I’m just saying that after enough time in the gym you’ll get to a point where you won’t.
I trained tkd as a teen and because I was heavy set and had a big frame, I thought I was the big shit, so my sabonim (essentially sensei) got me kicking a heavy bag for a full minute non stop.
It only took me one time of doing that before I understood how detrimental mass is if you don’t train to use it athletically.
Yeah and learning mma wont help you from surviving a fight. In a realistic scenario where you ate defending your life, mma doesnt really matter as there are thousands of things in one environment one could utilize.
To an extent though, right? I mean, someone like Rich Piana or Jeff Seif would be too big, but someone with a Zyzz type figure should have no issue training.
>Veeky Forums literally trains to only win against average non fighters smaller than them
>or shoot people who make them uneasy
You truly are a pathetic board.
Tell me again how you’re superior human specimens.
>did nothing but lift and bodybuilding pre MMA
>started actually training at 23 with no experience
>top LHWs in the UFC
Sure it is a weak division, but its still something
Any untrained 16 year old with an ar-15 can defeat a trained fighter though.
>Veeky Forums gets insecure that lifting weight isn't enough
>m-muh gun!
Your thick muscles won't stop bullets either, so I guess you should stop lifting as well, right?
>basketball Americans are pulling out knives
>gee I better not pull out my gun, that'd be escalation!
>better use my hands as sensei taught me!
I don't have a wojak with a small enough brain for this
Are you retarded? Guys who don't lift are way smaller than guys who lift so yeah people who lift have a huge strength and size advantage
He took shots like that the whole first fight
>t.spic who's never watched MMA before this fight
I don't lift weights so I can fight smaller guys you mong. When you lift people don't even try to fight you because you look way stronger than them
People use to make little jokes here and there and fuck around with me until I gained 55lbs and now nobody makes me the butt of any joke
Hypothetical situation, but if you fought a bigger guy what would be the best areas to attack? Knees?
How soft do you have to be to actually think this.
>getting better at fighting doesn't matter in a fight
Yeah, actually I think someone whose frame and base body structure is good for bodybuilding is probably good for fighting as well.
I’m just saying most people (ie. every user in this thread) won’t ever bother to train like that, and I don’t get it.
Many will say it’s not necessary but neither is it ever necessary to move the weights we’ve been moving but we don’t neglect our body’s ability to make those adaptations. And what I’m suggesting is that there’s a whole machinery behind the act and the capacity to compete in a fighting sport and that it gets rusty as well.
You can't get better at fighting it's just what happens when you totally lose your temper on someone
Use one of the thousands of variables lmao
>Lifters can't fight for shit
>Fighters can't lift for shit
Balance in the world
>Hypothetical situation
Shit, thanks for clarifying. I thought you were in a fight and needed real time advice.
My guy you are unironically foolish. I wont change your mind however. If you ever get in an altercation I hope you do some dumb shit like this.
>vs tall and lanky
body punching, inside boxing, double leg takedown, duckunders, throw-bys, ippon seoi nage, and ground grappling
>vs short and stocky
stay at range, jabs, right crosses, uppercuts, knees, muay thai clinch, takedown defense, guillotine choke, sprawl to back take, suplexes, snapdowns
>taller and stronger
pray to god he's untrained and doesn't know what he's doing
do you think that lowering the weight but focusing on doing the exercises quickly would help with training explosiveness?
This man is right. Luke Rockhold is a perfect example of flaws in tall fighters
You're embarrassing yourself fag
Nice way to expose yourself as someone who knows nothing about fighting. Anyone who trains a martial art will tell you that untrained people can't fight for shit, their instincts are GARBAGE.
But yeah if you happen to end up in a fight good luck with your "I just go crazy" tactic.
>Retards actually think this
>spotted the potato
>Which by the way, we’ve seen time and time again are negatively affected by the extra mass you put on.
Ah, that must be why weight classes exist, so the featherweights dont accidentally kill the heavyweights
Fight night weights are different than weigh ins. Some people are 155 lb FWs and others are 170
>putting your life and well being in danger by street fighting like a nigger for "muh ancestors"
Stay in your freedomless shithole
>lanky, skinny fat, DYEL manlet
>put half the time and effort into fighting
Nice cope there shitbag, i did sambo, combat sambo, boxing and muay thai over the course of last 15 years, none of the guys that train there for more then a year are skinny fat, they are all fit and atleast 70% of them lifts heavy twice a week on top of pushups, pullups, dips and ropeclimbing they do at the end of their regular sport. No skinnyfat dyel has willpower to put any significant "effort into fighting". Anything less then a year of fighting not gonna make you beat a meathead that is 10\20 kilos heavier then you, stop deluding yourself. And no "fighting training" goes without strength training, sorry to burst your coping dyel bubble of "you can be a good fighter without strength training\lifting", nope dyel that thinks he can fight
GSP and Jon Jones did olympic/power lifting and they are the MMA GOATs
>Lifting won’t make you a good fighter
no shit. /thread
Not necessarily.
I think you can train the same weights but also either complement with explosive movements, or even make them the focus of your training if you’re actually concerned about training for explosiveness.
I won’t suggest shit like box jumps though I don’t doubt it helps, but also when I was younger I had a warehousing job and during that time I had to move particularly heavy weights. During that time, I noticed that there’s shit that’s obviously too heavy to lift and carry around, so in that case you sort of yank it around. You put into work the acceleration part of f=m*a.
If I wanted to translate that into the gym I think it would be something like starting a lift from absolutely dead stop, with weight that’s too heavy for you to ever possibly move it without putting some speed into it, and then just go. Form would obviously be essential so as to not fuck yourself up.
I just realized, as I was typing that last sentence, that I’m advertising oly lifts.
>Yeah and learning mma wont help you from surviving a fight
Yes it most definitely will. Besides most streetfights aren't for life and death.
>Mexican flag
La creatura cries as it strikes you
Disagree. I lift and play rugby and ended up getting into a fight with my flatmates dickhead MMA friend who was boasting he could probably beat up anyone on campus. Wasn't even the best fighter in the room. Unless you're an un-coordinated, last pick in gym class, late to the Veeky Forums life autist strength will make you fuck people up
Heavy weights help with explosiveness. Just do the 4 big lifts properly and calisthenics desu
Dude, you play rugby. We’re talking about people who exclusively lift like more than half of Veeky Forums.
Heavy weights don’t help with explosiveness until you actually train them explosively.
>Power comes from the hands
>he thinks BIG MUSCLES is all you need in a fight
LMAOing at your life.
Why does some asshat post basically this exact thread every day? We know. Fuck off.
>"m-muh ancestors" whines the eurocuck as his government explains that his home is being given to ahmed and his twelve half white children
>52% and falling
>obama literally sent niggers and sandniggers in the whitest regions explicitly because they are white
>it's still going on
>somehow he thinks he can insult a country that is over 90% white
Lmao, mutts
>spend a decade and thousands of dollars doing martial arts
>receive permanent and irreversible brain damage in the process
>tyrone mugs you
>attempt to use your ebin ninja skills on him
>he shoots you
90% of people who fight know this. Even my dad told me to stop lifitng if I wanna do MMA on a higher level. It's extremely simple, muscles need oxygen, the bigger they are the more energy they suck from your body to keep the oxygen pumping, eventually your heart can't keep up, you start breathing from you mouth heavily to aid it, you get KO'D to oblivion, the end.
got banged out mate, move on
McGregor is a fucking joke, I still can't believe they put him up against Mayweather.
This man is making up an absolute fantasy. He doesnt carry arounda gun and whip it out every situation. What he probably does if he ever gets into a confrontation is find a way to back out and escape, then pulls his gun when hes a safe distance away.
Reminder that Jon Jones literally gave up his entire career to take steroids, a drug entirely designed to make you stronger.
They did it because normies paid to watch that bullshit. Combat sports are terrible.
>Actually train boxing and mma
>Never feel insecure against gymfit pussies who cant fight
I practice kyokushin and just because im way stronger than everyone in my dojo i always win fights.
My technique isnt dogshit but it isnt good.
The general idea that strength doesnt offer anything in a fight and that a wimpy fuck that knows how to fight can beat up a dude twice as strong as him is wishful thinking and giving too much credit to fighting technique. Grow up my dude.
>implying finding a way out and backing off is a bad thing
Enjoy going to prison for starting fights buddy
>How are your punches going to have any power if you don't strengthen your core or legs?
Smoking Joe Frazier cannot OHP 160 or 170 lbs at 230 lbs + bodyweight. He uses as much momentum and force possible and just can't.
So, if Joe didn't need it neither do you. Just ask any boxer, man. You don't need to lift for a good punch. Actually, you're better off not lifting at all for striking.
Its not a bad thing, backing out and pulling a gun when you think you're safe, is.
Plus in the UK we cant just buy guns and shoot people(and schools) willy nilly so its handy to know how to fight. Infarct its better overall especially if you travel to other countries.
Mouth breathing, not even once!
Thats kinda retarded. There are different weight classes and each of them has their own pace of fighting. HWs usually don't go the distance half the time, so might as well lift and get a lot of mass.
Lmao. Why lie on Veeky Forums? Sad.
>I practice kyokushin and just because im way stronger than everyone in my dojo i always win fights.
Literally doesn't happen, especially in Kyokushin.
Nobody is lifting to be a better fighter
It's just something fighters delude themselves with as a coping mechanism
This man is the pinnacle of strength, flexibility, and function. Lifting is fine for combat sports.
>Thinking we live in MURICA
Not everyone in the world can just go to their nearest walmart and get a gun. Unless you're messing with some dangerous people, the worst you'll find in most first world countries is a knife or a blunt weapon.
The whole point of self defence isn't to save your life in a gun fight, it's to know you can count on yourself in-case some sort of fight does end up happening at one point.
but i think Romero has the most impressive physique in the UFC. dude is pretty old too
People who spout off about guns being for pussies and learning to fight like real men tend to be people that don't know enough about fighting to understand that a fist fight should be the last thing you want to do.
Unless having a tendency to not keep your hands up is specifically a tall person problem I don't see how.
>using Olympic level athletes WHO DIDN’T START BY LIFTING to justify focusing on three movements in your training
Clueless moron opens his mouth again, boxers bench press, squat and clean along with specific excersises religiously. If we are talking skinny MT in thailand, i dont know if they do any lifting, but at the club i went to guys did squat, lift and benched. Keep coping faggot.
>a fucking black belt barely wins over a bodybuilder,
Your point? Give the bodybuilder 1 months of martial arts training..
In his case it's not "the last thing you should do", it's the only thing you can do other than pulling a blade.
UK citizens cannot own firearms for self defense, you illiterate seppo.