How the fuck do I make my kind of music plays at the gym?

How the fuck do I make my kind of music plays at the gym?

I live in some back country shithole where people don't really cares about music, everything that plays on my gym is shit. pop-porn-music and regional things. The motherfuckers still uses dvd's, and they only have like two albuns, everyday that shit is on repeat and I can't take anymore (I can listen that shit trought my headphones)

I won't push some hardcore-death-edgy-metal-cannibal-thing, I want them to play some modern and classic pop-rock music tier

Queens of the stone age, Foo Fighters, Tame Impala, Rush, Zeppelin and stuff.

I don't have friends in the gym, I don't talk with anyone (only with the instructors when needed), I am the weird one.

How do I convince them?

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Just talk to them, offer to downloads the albums and give to them.

But I have like...0 charisma.

Everyone thinks that i'm going to be the next mass school shooter.

Just do it you fag, what do you have to lose?

how does a weird guy that they dont care about make them change their music playlist?

They dont, get a damn headset

I have one

But that shit it's loud and every now and then I can listen to the same shit everyfuckingday.

Well at my gym they also play the same shitty songs over and over and over and one day I simply got fed up, climbed up on a bench and turned off the speakers that hang from the ceiling.
No one gave a fuck since those who want to listen to music listen with headphones and the athmosphere even improved a bit.
I usually turn off the speakers only when there are fewer people at the gym, but now and then i find the speakers having been turned off by someone else.

As for your question,
>I don't have friends in the gym, I don't talk with anyone (only with the instructors when needed), I am the weird one.
This you have to change before you can make any change to what music is being played.
Honestly, the best advice I can give is
>start taking cold showers in the morning
>meditate for 15-30mins morning and evening
these two things will help your overal mentality and it will help make yourself more socially able.

Well, I like your advice.

But how people makes friends in the gym?

I just don't get it. I'm a very simple-minded guy, I go there do my thing and get the fuck out of there. If someone needs help and I can help them, I don't say a word, I help them and that's it. If someone ask me if i'm using thoses dumbbells, I asnwer them Y or N and that's it, end of conversation.

I'm not antisocial, I just don't know how to interact with people. I am just a machine

I'd rather listen to whatever is on the radio than any of these pleb defener bands.


Normies would quit their gym if I put based Death Grips on the radio.





Fuck, why do you go there? Holy shit, I'd home gym before I worked out in some country - pop blaring club - gym.

Fuck that.

Death Grips is the plebest of all though. No one actually likes it. It's literally impossible for a human being to enjoy that shit. Even fucking Foo Fighters, I can see why somebody would listen to it. It's shit, but it's still music technically.
"liking" death grips just illustrates to the world that you're a dumb insecure /mu/drone who could get memed into liking/doing anything.

Hustle Bones is my pr song, that shit goes hard as fuck. Some of their songs are impossible to listen to, but I love the passionate vocals.

i also live in a country shithole and i just walk up to the computer and put on whatever i like without asking. everyone can do that though so we try to pick something everyone likes unless we are alone. comfy gym

> impossible to listen to
> he doesn't know there is a literal genre of music called Noise

stay pleb

>i could record my farts and call it a genre, wouldn't make it a legitimate form of music
noise is garbage. it is not perceived as music by the human brain.
/mu/drones are so fucking oblivious to how much they lie to themselves i swear to god
>"n-no I r-really like it"

i could record my farts and call it a genre, wouldn't make it a legitimate form of music*
didn't mean to greentext that, some of your autism must've seeped though my screen

> caring what other people like, making objective decisions as to what is good and bad

okay bud.

And I meant my greentext, because I'm not a gigantic newfag.

You should probably move to /mu/ not Veeky Forums my guy

Are you saying death grips is shit?

Because is a good gym and is literally 2minutes away from my house.

I dont have money to build my personal gym.

Make small investments.

Dumbells and a bench are cheap, and will get you really far until you can buy more shit.

but noise is the one genre that objectively isn't recognized by the brain as music and is thus shit, plain and simple. so yeah, I can actually say with 100% certainty that no one actually enjoys listening to death memes.

no, I absolutely recognize the genius, the musical talent, the utter mastery of melody, harmony and lyricism behind masterpieces such as
these absolutely aren't edgy garbage made for 14yo and numales who want people to know that they don't care what people think.
