
get your motivation boys

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alpha male

Gotta give it to this manlet, he tries hard.

Would like to see some unmemed big 3 from him to gauge his actual strength

The only thing i envy turbomanlets for is that all the calisthenics stuff is easy af for them

I can't fucking stand his clothes, he looks so unaesthetic wearing them, it's not visually pleasing in any form, he looks like this fucking uncle that stills lives in your granny

but also, this could just mean he's somewhat poor and can't spend money on things like clothes, i feel bad for him, not angry at all

Why is he so fucking cringy?

meme-bands and chains everywhere. wtf just do a normal lift

why would "muh big 3" be a better indicator of strength than any other lift?
he's obviously gonna be much stronger at the lifts he does train.
If you think he's weak just train the same lifts as him and see how you compare.
not even alex but I'm tired of newfags thinking the weight just magically flies up on unconventional lifts. if he moves the weights, he's strong, period.

>why would "muh big 3" be a better indicator of strength than any other lift?

Because everyone does those. Nobody does 3 inch ROM band-assisted hack rack pulls. We can't say how strong he is because we have no basis for comparison

>goes to the gym and purposely destroys their equipment ego lifting
>dresses like he lives in a trailer park
>minoxidil beard
>loudest person in the gym

look I’m also a 5’6 manlet but this guy is the reason the manlet meme even exists

this is the worst overcompensating I have ever seen in a single individual, he wouldn’t be the laughing stock of Veeky Forums and the fitness community if he just shaved his balding head, got rid of that excuse of a “beard”, dressed like actually cares about his appearance, and just did normal lifts

this guy is supposed to be a pick up autist? I honestly believe he is a virgin


Come on now. I hate BetaDeterminism too, but he's objectively not fat by any metric aside from a Physique category competition or something.

>why would "muh big 3" be a better indicator of strength than any other lift?
because i want to know if he can bench more than me but he is using fucking slingshot, bands, chains and gimp suits every time he does it

>why would measuring his strength in lifts that we actually have a ton of data for be relevant

I dont know Einstein but you are probably the same moron who decided to measure length in feet instead of meters.

I feel a bit sorry for him, he cares so much about looking good but is ugly, short, balding, a jawlet, can't grow a decent beard and has shitty taste in clothing. Add the fact that he tries so hard to look masculine, purposefully makes a deep voice, used to write made up stories about his success with women, you never see him with women in his videos or Instagram posts, does unconventional lifts to look strong because he's probably average in the big 3 (considering the amount of time he's been training and his knowledge of exercise science), shaves his body hair to contour his abs, and all the other stuff he does to look better, and I can't see how could anyone hate him. If I were him I'd just focus on selling programs and doing personalized online training and diet plans (using YouTube to promote all that) and use the money to bang escorts.

yeah he is overcompensating, infact he doesnt even try to hide it or excuse it. but guess what by overcompensating he has achieved things he wouldnt have otherwise if he just went on Veeky Forums to cry about his genetics. I respect Alex because he knows he wasnt dealt the best cards but he takes what he got and pushed him self beyond whiny manlets and lanklets by sheer force of will.

i dont understand why people hate on him. Dude has great body and lifts hard.

>i dont understand why people hate on him

“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.

At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:

“What type of man are you looking for?”

They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”

At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.

“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.

They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.

“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.

Of course, their words didn’t faze me.

I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.

After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.

“What did you just say???” they barked.

“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.

They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”

Just as expected, they were coming on to me.

if he shaved his head and got rid of that disgusting ass pube beard he could lean out a little bit and go full American history X mode and actually look a little intimidating but his views on what is “masculine” are so fucked up he has to be the “strongest” person in the gym even if that means doing meme ass lifts, he has to have a beard even if it looos disgusting, and he even put the word alpha into his fucking YouTube handle

he’s a lost cause

stop being a manlet

damn paul alan those are some pretty nice quadruple dubs you got there.

anyway you gotta admire how far alex has come if you consider where he started, so insecure that he even had to edit his voice to sound deeper and make "alpha" handgestures: youtube.com/watch?v=eqf1WV8qTYg

eventually he will figure it out dude he has come a long way already and I respect him for that although I still think he is an autist he still tries hard and doesnt give up which I can respect in a guy.

Get back to selling sunglasses faggot.

Dude has retarded strength that is highly admirable for his height of 5'5".

I believe he's stronger than most /fit and most 6'+ dudes who lift.

I applaud the power of autism, it can take you a long way. Dude rich and strong because of it..

He made great success despite being an ultra manlet.

>dresses like a hobo

Okay so I am no means a Alphadestiny sycophant but most of your complaints are straight bullshit.


13-14% bodyfat is exceptionally lean compared to the average man (which is 16 - 22% bodyfat).

>goes to the gym and purposely destroys their equipment ego lifting

Agreed. Rack pulls are an inferior exercise and a huge miss allocation of resources. Just do power shrugs & power cleans.

>dresses like he lives in a trailer park

Why because he wears a wife beater?

>minoxidil beard

So what? Theres nothing wrong with wanting to improve your look.


Even if this were true. So what? You're making fun of someone because of something they have absolutely zero control over.

>loudest person in the gym

Quit being a little bitch. Psyching yourself out and getting excited when you hit PR's is part of helps you make the most gains.

To be real all you guys here are a bunch of effeminate motherfuckers. Last I checked it was teenage girls that gossiped about people behind their backs and talked shit about the way they look; not grown ass men in their 20s and 30s.

If you're gonna attack the guy; go after his credibility, or his viewpoints, or his methods, because making fun of the way somebody looks is an incredibly weak angle to go off of and it makes you all out to be a bunch of caddy bitches.

>lives with his mother

“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.

At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:

“What type of man are you looking for?”

They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”

At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.

“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.

They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.

“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.

Of course, their words didn’t faze me.

I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.

After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.

“What did you just say???” they barked.

“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.

They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”

Just as expected, they were coming on to me.

Yup. Same.

Dude is just flat out below average looking (facially), is 5’6-5’7 and has a receeding hairline. Acts like an overconfident redpilled alpha and lies about his actual B/D/S. One of my best friends is a 6’3 240 lb jacked mofo and one of the nicest dudes I’ve ever met. Squats and Deads 500 for easy reps. Actual “alphas” don’t need to put on a mask of overcompensation on or try too hard. Neither do they act like douches. They’re genuinely solid people

Why don’t “odd lift fags” do Olympic weightlifting? Literally weightlifting is the most functional sport there is.

More like snapcity motivation

He truly is the Krillen of YouTube fitness.

how shory is that guy? the bar is at his KNEE while it's on the floor

well then start benching with a slingshot, bands and chains and see how you compare. it's not rocket science.

that's not what I said

Veeky Forums will actually tell you that even if there were strength standards for the lifts that the manlet does, performance on these still wouldn't be as good an indicator of strength for some reason.

what do they think, the weight just starts levitating as soon as you pull behind the back or trap bar?

what I'm saying is simply that being strong on reverse band+slingshot bench isn't necessarily less or more meaningful than being strong on the regular bench.

these guys complain that betadeterminism is "only strong at hack dl, slingshot bench and rack pulls above the knee" to pick three. yeah, so? an argument could be made that they're "only strong at the big 3" themselves, why would these be better than the other three? conventional lifts are only "conventional" due to history and lineage, every lift "counts". there's nothing inherently better about the big 3.

I don't understand how some people can't see that, it's pretty obvious.

of course it would be more *convenient* if he did lifts for which there are well documented strength standards.

but muh big 3 being more convenient to compare doesn't make them a better indicator of strength.

why would "muh 1 inch partial block jefferson rack pull" be a better indicator of strength than any other lift?

>tfw your deadlift is a normal man’s block pull

wew lad i have more respect for him now knowing he kept this video on his own channel instead of deleting it along with his older shit.

Pure unadulterated cringe.

Because Oly requires serious skill and strength.

I think a majority of Veeky Forums looks like this guy when they train, have problems with women, crippling insecurities, and we're all gonna go bald some day unless you're a dark person(ie native american). Throwing bricks in glass houses.

This is not the first time I'm gonna say "hi alex", it is however the first time I believe I might be right in saying that.

And I actually agree with you. But nonetheless I believe that you might be alex.

>literally fake news
what the fuck. literally the least "functional" strength sport in existence. it's basically acrobatics with weights. there are few things less functional than a snatch. when you shoulder something you don't do an actual clean but rather some weird bear hug/zercher movement. a jerk IS the best way to put something overhead though. anyway try applying weightlifting to anything that isn't a barbell with a nice whip and rotating sleeves, you're in for a surprise.

it's on a block on that pic, and it's still below his knee if he stood up straight. I don't think he's *that* short t b h. what is he, 5'8" or something. that's short but not "out of this world" short.

I didn't say it was, please learn to read.

>uncle that lives in your granny
It's fun for the whole family!

Alex is hilarious. He has muscles, but he's like 5'3 with high body fat.
Part of why muscles look good is because you can see their definition and you can see them shifting around, not because they're round bulges under your skin.
And this whole alpha persona and fake way of speaking, he even forces himself to speak deeper (you can hear his voice cracking and changing back to it's normal pitch often).
It's fucking pathetic.

T. Compensating for shitty snatch

all yall salty ass niggas hatin on a canadian, smdh

well he's much stronger than me, but I could never be that much of a douche about lifting.

that accent tho

yeah I dont like alex that much but let's be real he knows he was a autistic virgin manlet back in the day and he still had enough strength in him to improve a lot. not saying he is perfect but why would I want advice from Chad Thundercock who just tells me "lmao just drink beer play football and be yourself". I would much rather get advice from a beta male who managed to become atleast somewhat alpha even if he is still far off. much more to learn from that sort of person.

alex won't listen, and people around him are enablers.

If he dropped the alpha pua shit, stopped with the forced voice/accent he would be decent.

But he is feeding off this kind of audience that fall for this kind of memes. Even if he managed to improve through it, he's still part of the problem.

He probably makes shit loads of YouTube money, dude just has that strange fashion sense

He's 5'5"
Ultra short.

5'8" is acceptable short.

I know guys who are 5'5, he's definitely shorter than that.

Everyone keeps saying he's balding, but Alex's hair looks better than ever.

He was never balding, just has a Norwood 2 hairline and people don't understand that when you grow back hair form being clean shaven it'll look thin for the first couple of weeks.

I hate seeing him lift desu. His entire body is gonna be destroyed in a few years.

>no weight control
>shaking like crazy
>face almost exploding

He's trying way too hard to impress people needlessly. Then again I'm all about aesthetics/health and think powerlifting in general is retarded so whatever.

Eh if he's happy who cares. Big Ronnie still lifts after like 1000 surgeries and seems as happy as could be.

Bad example. He has completely wrecked himself.

Nah good example, because he's still happy regardless.

It was clearly implied, brainlet. You don't have to say directly something to convey an idea

It's crazy how unimpressive his delts are when he's not flexing them, yet thinks he has roid delts

It wasn't. I think I know what I imply and what I don't.

Wow what a creative rebuttal. You sure proved me wrong. I took a nuanced and objective stance on a subject without just spewing a bunch of negative bullshit so by definition I must be the person you guys are hating on.

are you a faggot? what grown man cares about what another man chooses to wear, and wether it is visually pleasing or not?

height and weight?

>tfw sipping cool glass of lemonade

You’ve got to admit that the gymnastics stuff is pretty cool. I want some rings in my house but idk where to put em.

haha look at 1:47 especially, literally looks like a miniature sized human hahahahahahhahahha I'm in tears

> took a nuanced and objective stance on a subject without just spewing a bunch of negative bullshit so by definition I must be the person you guys are hating on
Welcome to Veeky Forums

because people actually do those lifts, so those lifts have the biggest talent pool

if i want to know how strong someone is relative to other people who lift, i'm going to compare them on the basis of lifts that almost everyone does, and not on obscure memelifts three people in the world do

I'm not hating on anyone. It wasn't a rebuttal, I wasn't trying to prove you wrong, I literally said I agree with you, I actually like some of your vids and I think you're a pretty strong guy. But come on. You're alex. You just are.


what the FUCK is he saying?

read the replies. I didn't say it wasn't more convenient, I said it wasn't necessarily a better indicator.

the big three, while having well established strength standards, are just three completely random lifts.

even if alex were shit at them, it wouldn't take away from the fact that he might be a stronger jefferson/hack/trap bar puller than someone with higher big 3. And the defense to that would be "well no one trains those". Well maybe he doesn't train S/B/D. So who's stronger?

The way I see it, the guy who trains a certain lift will be stronger at the lift he does train, and weaker at the lift he doesn' train. Big fucking breakthrough.

now, if you want to know about what your *potential* is in those lifts vs alex's (without concerning yourself with the average lifter's potential which shouldn't really matter anyways), just train the same lifts he trains.

so has he finally accepted that manlet status has relegated him to being a gymnast which allows him to look good and be "functional"

is he? I have a hard time believing that. That's like a medical condition. Then again, I'm no american so I don't have height autism and thus am shit at estimating people's heights.


in the background is that his girlfriend?

his voice makes it obvious he used sped up footage

he doesn't have a gf
he claims that's because he's a player but I just think he's a virgin except for that one time with phil-from-fitworldexposed
either way he doesn't.

while we're on the subject of alex's female acquaintances, anyone ever seen his sister? he mentioned that she appeared in some vid but I never found it. would love to see if she's as fucked genetically as he is.

you are literally doing less work by decreasing your ROM. At least with a conventional lift you are comparable to others at around the same height and weight.

Alex is probably significantly stronger than 95%+ of Veeky Forums even though he pretty much only does retarded egolifts.

>fitness uuuutubers

Actually, he is stronger than I thought. And I'm not talking about the retard lifts, but proper exercises.
Anyway, does anybody knows his maxes? I mean the big 6:
>strict ohp
>weighted pullups
>weighted dips

her sister is the blonde in OP video, also having that dorf body type

fuck i legit feel bad for him. im insecure at 6' tall, i might kill myself if i was that short.

>you are literally doing less work by decreasing your ROM
that's why most of the time less ROM=more weight.

I never understood this whole "partials are easier" """""""argument"""""""""".

If they're easier, add weight until they aren't. No movement is inherently easier since you can load it up to no longer be easy.

so yeah, the bell curve and strength standards will just fall into place on any movement.

also since more ROM is better I guess you only do super deficit deadlifts with the bar below your feet right?

I swear I see some retarded shit on Veeky Forums

>At least with a conventional lift you are comparable to others at around the same height and weight.

don't see what that has to do with the first statement but yeah, it's definitely more convenient. I never argued with that.

>And I'm not talking about the retard lifts, but proper exercises
t. sub 5 pl8 jefferson copecel

not sure, he zercher squatted 365+ i think tho


>strict ohp
225 i think, may have used a bit of leg drive tho

315x3 touch and go
405x1 paused with a slingshot on

>weighted pull ups

>weighted dips
> 5pl8s for 1
> 4pl8s for 5

He should just go for the bodyweight and gymnast meme desu

he has the raw strength and height for it just needs to train

Everybody is so fucking preoccupied with his height. Insecure bitches.
And I don't even like him because he is doing retarded lifts and tries to explain his retardedness.

So he is quite strong. Anyone knows why he doesn't squat?

because his legs were getting too massive

you'll never get a completely comprehensive picture of how strong someone is with any selection of lifts

but as far as comparing strength goes, you pick lifts that almost everyone performs and have accepted guidelines for how they are performed

eric bugenhagen keeps it real when it comes to the memelifts, he says he only did them because he knew he would never come close to being the best squat/bench/deadlifter because of the immense talent pool of those lifts (because you know, everyone does those lifts), but knew he could become the best by focusing on obscure lifts

so he is a lil bitch

>what? Me care about my appearance? What am I gay?!

Kys lazy fag



Alpha Destiny
Beta Determinisn

Virgin chad meme this

Can someone do the door/height autism calculation?
The height difference looks insane those boxing stands are usually head height or lower for average height folk

He looks strong but he does a lot of like 1/16th ROM meme ifts, it's hard to tell if hes actual;y strong

>And I don't even like him because he is doing retarded lifts and tries to explain his retardedness.

nothing retarded about what he does. he doesn't "try" to explain anything, he just explains it. Now, granted, I'm not sure he fully understands the physiological concepts behind it but he's not just attention-seeking or trying to mask weaknesses like Veeky Forums seems to think.

He's just applying well known methods (just read a few books, start with Westside's Book of Methods). Except for that fullbody twice a week stuff, I don't know where he got that weird split of his but it's pretty retarded.
That's the one thing he does that HE actually made up, and it's the one that's stupid.

He's just so universally hated, it's unbelievable. I get that he's short and ugly but come the fuck on. People on Veeky Forums are monitoring his every move, waiting for every single slip up.

There are also a lot of newfags who've been memed into believing that if you do unconventional lifts instead of "squatz and oatz xD" you have to be a gimmicky, attention seeking crossfit tier retard. As I said, people who think Alex is just doing random shit need to read up on strength training.

Most of the guy's training methods are well known and have been proven to work. ANYONE who knows the first thing about strength & conditioning knows that.

I get that he's cringy, probably has some mental issues on top of being a pathological liar, but he knows his shit when it comes to training. He just does. That's an objective fact, regardless of how goofy he looks.

Alex and unconventional lifters in general seem to draw the newest, dumbest, least informed dyels out of their holes.

t. Alex

the buffet shit was pretty cringey lol

Hi Alex