American fatass

> 246 lbs
> sedentary office job
> spend $600-$800/mo on eating out / bar after work w coworkers
> drink about 3 pints of rum a night, with Coke, at home
> keep buying bigger clothes every 6 mos
> sick of being a fatass
> getting depressed

Found a fasting thread on /fit and read the whole thing. Giving it a shot, what the fuck do I have to lose? Pending I have the willpower (have never tried this before) does /fit think it will work? Mainly looking to get rid of the stomach.

Other urls found in this thread:

>will not eating make me lose weight

Bro, what do you think?

2nd pic for reference

Mostly concerned with any other advice regarding how I carry fat etc. I’ve seen other threads where other things were suggested (ie ‘you should also be doing this because of your fat estrogen thighs etc’) and I obviously don’t know what I’m doing. Hah

I'm fat, should I diet?
I'm weak, should I train?

You're about as dumb as a nigger. Read the sticky, get Veeky Forums sort yourself out man, make a decision for once in your life not to take the path of least resistance.

> has destructive eating and drinking habits
> thinks he can just go from that to no food at all

yea bro, you'll lose that gut in no time :^)



Randy from trailer Park boys?

>chinamoot has to pay for servers just so this dumb lardass can make his retarded threads
life really isnt fair

This is more motivation than coddling would be. No joke. I have pretty much everything else in my life figured out except these vices. That’s what’s frustrating.


gj brah you made it

I'll be your personal coach. You need to fast now and drink water with some salt and potassium chloride in it.

You need to break the mind conditioning that is happening to you at your job. Office jobs and the people who work at them will physically and mentally pressure you into a lifestyle that WILL kill you. And before it kills you, it will make you a depressed, conforming slave.

Fasting is the only way to break this. If you want help, (You) me.

OP you may find /fat/ more helpful than fast. All my previous pre-Veeky Forums diets failed because i tried to starve myself and couldnt maintain it

Thanks. I’ll start reading.

honestly you look like you have a good frame, cut the fat and build some muscle lad, you will look great

You’re an alcoholic

How tall are you?

This is what I’m afraid of. I’m mainly doing this for my kids. I don’t want to die of a heart attack at 50. I’ve never taken a step back and realized how destructive the behavior was until just recently. I knew it was unhealthy sure, but the older we get the faster time goes and soon letting yourself slip for a couple of weeks turns in to letting yourself slip for a couple years.


>drink about 3 pints of rum a night, with Coke

I'm going to be naive and assume that you are drinking diet coke and that pints are measuring the total volume of mixed drink, not the rum. Even so, just eliminating this habit will have a profound effect on your health. You don't need to go on some desert hermit fast (which has it's own serious health risks). Stop the binge drinking first. Then focus on eating healthier foods and smaller portions next. If you are disciplined and set good long term habits, you'll make it. If you're weak and just looking for quick fixes you'll get fatter and fatter until you're too big to fit into your early grave.

Hey, I'm a guy that has done 3 long term fasts since october 2017.

I started in october at 262lb at 5'9, I fasted for a total of 43 days, breaking my fast on the 13th of november at 205lb, I went upto 212lb within a day (likely water weight).

My next fast started on the 27th of december and lasted 24 days, I started the fast at 218lb (ate a lot over christmas period/birthday/work parties) and ended the fast on the 20th of January at 184lb.

My third and final fast was 16 days, commencing on the 30th of january, I started at 195lb (went upto 190 and a half a day after breaking then refed heavily on protein/carbs whilst going to the gym every 2nd day) and went down to 175 pounds.

Currently 179 pounds atm after breaking the fast, have refed primarily on lean meats/veggies/some fruits like watermelon.

I never thought I would go 43 days on my first ever fast but seeing the fat literally melt away from me was the biggest motivation I could have had.

In terms of advice, it is possible for you to achieve, however you should educate yourself on fasting as well as the associated dangers/risks, before I even thought about fasting, I spent 2 weeks reading every source/study/case studies (reddit fasting subreddits/fasting forums/diet forums) and made sure to supplement correctly to cover my electrolyte/vitamin requirements.

Fasting does work if you stick to it, but it'll take willpower (first few days were really shit) to resist the cravings if you were a fat fuck like me.

Your assumptions are correct. I’ve tracked calories for the past few weeks just to see where everything is coming from (kinda like taking a look at your monthly bank statements before creating a budget) and alcohol is where most of my calories come from. I typically don’t eat breakfast and don’t eat big dinners (my wife is skinny because she works at home and makes healthy lunches and dinners), but my lunches are usually not great in terms of being heathy. I’m pretty bad when it comes to portion control, and most places have double or triple what a portion should be. I’m no expert, but from what I’ve been reading it seems that my liver is dealing with alcohol processing all evening / night and is unable to process the lunches and what little I eat for dinner so it just gets stored.

Thanks for the constructive / informative posts for all who have contributed. Be it a fast or OMAD and cutting out the alcohol, I will post progress.

just tell him what to supplement, wtf

Where did you get all the supplements you need?

>Pending I have the willpower (have never tried this before) does /fit think it will work?

is t hat a joke ? you dont have the willpower, just look at you. one glance and I can tell you dont. hell you might even lose a few pounds fasting before it all comes back maybe a few weeks later or months or if you actually try years. but it will come back because you are a lazy piece of shit and we all know it. everybody who meets you on the street knows and so does every person who is around you. you are a slave to food, a lazy fuck who doesnt move and a useless person with no drive and willpower. because if you had those things you wouldnt look like this in the first place, no human being and especially no male would ever do this to themselves if they have the smallest bit of decency and self worth.

Good luck user you are gonna need it. But since you want a quick fix you are already doomed because you need to change who you are as a person fundamentally to change your body permanently. even a quick fix and potentially losing a lot of weight in a few weeks isnt changing anything if your mind is still the same it is gonna come back.

So much intra abdominal fat

say adios to your health

Your fat distribution is absolutely from your drinking. You'll see a significant improvement but in your fitness levels just by stopping drinking. And since you say you drink 3 pints a night, it's a safe bet that you've developed a dependence on it. You should go to your cabinet, throw away all of your alcohol, and never drink another drink, for any reason, ever again. If the shakes get bad, go to an ER because alcohol withdrawal can kill you. Good luck unfucking yourself

I can relate to the office part of your story. Coworkers are always going out drinking and eating greasy shit. Pretty sure they hate me because I don't go out with them lol

he asked if fasting works, I gave him my experience of it.

Amazon/some local health stores, wanted to avoid powders/pills without bulking agents/sweeteners.

You will obviously lose weight if you don't eat. But most people can't change drastically over night - with your habits of excessive eating, not cooking and alcoholism + depressive state, you are unlikely to succeed.
I suggest starting out with a sober life and exercise. When that is in check in 6-12 months, get your diet and finances under control. A few years from now your life will be much better. It's a long road but instant change is overwhelming. Go with slow adjustments and learn to find meaning in the struggle between your willpower and your urges, or you will bounce back to old habits of trying to fill the existential void with material goods, food and alcohol.

I hate the fact my coworkers drink beer on friday and you look like a tool if you dont. I unironically dont like beer it just makes my mind feel clouded. the only reason to drink alcohol is if you want to get wasted otherwise it is degenerate as fuck. why would I drink it when I am at work or home alone and why drink just one beer ? might as well not at all at that point. either I am getting smashed or dont drink at all.

> either I am getting smashed or dont drink at all.

I typically don’t drink enough to feel drunk, just get tired. I sleep like shit without alcohol, which sucks. I don’t think it will be hard to cut it out, contrary to what some of the people here are saying, especially since I’ve already started doing that and have been successful at it for a couple weeks now. It hasn’t been difficult to have one short and then drink water the rest of the night on the couple nights a week that we go out, but I know if I don’t drink before bed I’ll be tossing and turning all night and exhausted in the morning. I’ve been trying melatonin for the past couple nights and it helps a lot.

This sounds like a more solid plan. I’ve already began cutting out the alcohol over the past couple weeks and I don’t eat breakfast typically anyway aside from a cup of coffee, so OMAD doesn’t seem impossible. I started this thread because I didnt know what to try and was looking for advice from people who were successful. Thank you for the constructive and insightful reply.

>I sleep like shit without alcohol
I went through this and let me tell you something, you sleep worse with alcohol. You're just going to have to cut out drinking and suffer several nights of night terrors and sweating. Then one night you will sleep like a baby, wake up, and wonder wtf you've kept yourself in a fog for so long.

You should do it one step at a time OP
Fasting is by far your worst option right now, it's your long-term eating habits you need to change.

That being said, start by cutting out the alcohol you drink at home

>weight fluctuations of 139 lbs over the course of 3-4 months

This isnt healthy and shouldnt be recommended to anyone

What's your height?

Good luck why don't you pic up a new hobby like lifting, cycling, swimming, martial arts or anything physical. It will give you something to focus on besides eating and drinking.

It’s not shaking or terrors or anything like that, my mind just won’t turn off so I can sleep. I have a job where I design complex technical things every day for a variety of different customers so I’m constantly thinking of current problems and their solutions in my head when it’s time to sleep, and it’s hard to turn that off. I’ve gotta figure something out obviously because this isn’t working well. I’ll continue to push through like you suggest and hopefully it’ll get better as I get used to not having an aide.

It's not the safest method but extended water fasts achieves the fastest results but short fasting periods coupled with short low kcal refeeding periods can easily be recommended to anyone.

Intermittent Fasting/Alternate day fasting are both viable diet/lifestyle changes that can be done long term.

It will get better, I am the same way that my brain won't shut off. I've had to room with people for my job in hotels and I know I fall asleep generally 30 mins + anyone I've ever been around. Tbh I say a little prayer nowadays, everynight... It collects my thoughts and gets me comfy. Also take some nice slow deep breaths.

eat less
loot of cardio and reps
constancy and patience

if you are lucky (good genetics) you will see results in two or three months

if you are lucky (good genetics) you will see results in two or three months

You don't even know how to eat properly, how are you going to fucking keep it off once you turn into a deflated skinbag from loosing weight so the fucking work

> I have absolutely no self control whatsoever, is fasting right for me?

> Mofuckas with guys like that are definitely on the cheeseburgers.

You just need to stop drinking. Drink only water, the weight will come off and actually enjoy water after a week or two. As for sleeping read a fucking book in bed.

.....have you tried....working out?

>Mainly looking to get rid of the stomach.

Spot reduction is a myth.

1) download myfitnesspal and COUNT YOUR CALORIES
2) learn to cook and to eat. It will costs you hours a day. Just fucking do it.
3) Watch this:
and stick in your mind the importance of getting strong in your everyday's life.
4) the only way you are going to make it is my noticing and appreciating your progress, in the way it improves your life. if you make it, throughout your adventure, you will see that your focus will change, getting fit will not be a matter of look.