>start lifting
>notice massive progress every week
Start lifting
Other urls found in this thread:
>start lifting
>misanthropic and suicidal thoughts after every session
>she left me for some other man
>start lifting
>Start lifting
>Go to sleep tired
>Wake up gloriously motivated in the morning
Don't wanna stop now
I usually feel slightly better afterwards
>start lifting
>no progress for 3 months
>start eating more
>still exactly as weak but getting fatter
i think there just might be something wrong with me desu
You aren’t eating right and lifting enough
It's perfectionism and disappointment
>tfw someone benched more than i
>tfw someone squated more than i
>mfw four months lifting and i look like a shit
>mfw pendlay is more than bench
>pendlay is as much as front squat
I'm not gonna make it
>where is my exitbag?
>Start lifting
>Become narcissistic
I like it
>doing PPL 6 days a week
>making okay progress
>get really busy
>only able to do it 3 days a week
>start blasting past plateaus
Gee whilakers..
>Start lifting
>hit 1/2/3/4 after 4 Months
Looks like someone needed more recovery time. Good job learning that about yourself.
>be runescape skeleton
>get first job as a clerk
>they change me to backroom warehouse worker in just a few weeks
>first few weeks are hell
>slowly hands toughen up, wrists fingers getting visibly thicker.
>start supplement work with gym
>getting ridiculous gains as a beginner.
>losing absurd amounts of body fat from manual labor 8 hours a day
>eating like a motherfucker all day now
Holy shit why do i feel so good bros
>friend brings me to gym first time
>i rep all his maxes
>he told me it took him years to achieve those numbers
And thats how i started
Same boat. I started cutting, dropped 10 lbs. and added weight to nearly all my big lifts
>in the mirror im the shit
>in the pictures im a shit
Do not chase the progress like a dragon.You will either get really fat or injure yourself. When progress stalls on heavy shit swap to a bodybuilding routine.
You can revisit heavy lifting periodically.
Yay noobgains! Same here. Losing fat, gaining muscle, lifts going up.
We're all gonna make it, brah.
And then the whole gym clapped.
>tfw ohp 135 my first time
>tfw bench 185 for 3 my first time
Some people are just naturally strong
Thanks! Just goes to show you really do have to experiment and find what works for you, despite what “science” or the community agrees on.
That’s awesome man. I went from staling and adding maybe a rep a week to adding like 3-4 reps a week while working out less.
Fuck you! My Ohp started at just the bar and struggling and now at 4 months I've brought it to 85 pounds which is really damn good
>Start lifting
>Notice good progress
>Get new job
>Takes up so much time and tires me so much I stop going to the gym
>I get sick multiple times in 2 months
>Go out of town multiple times
>Haven't been to the gym in forever
>Can feel myself growing weaker
>Constantly angry and disappointed now
I wanna go back
>you really do have to experiment and find what works for you
So true, user. I wouldn't put quotation marks around science, as science is true, period. But the body is complex, and everyone's different due to genetics, environment, ability, etc. So everything doesn't work for everyone always.
Science gives us the understanding and the tools. It's up to us to use them appropriately.
>tfw bad shoulder
>couldn't The Press™ even the bar, had to start with 35lb
>generally weak as shit, but other lifts going up steadily
>as those lifts are going up and with shoulder accesories, The Press™ is starting to progress
>now at 45lb, should be able to move on session after next
Progress feels so good, my dudes.
Try DB overhead press instead. Some people's shoulders just aren't meant to do barbell OHP. You need more external rotation or something.
Thanks for the tip, man, but I'm gonna keep trying OHP and see if it will keep progressing. If it becomes too difficult I will definitely switch to DBs before I wreck my shoulder for good.
this hit close to home user.
Careful. Wrecking a shoulder is easy. And once done, repair, if possible, takes forever.
I have a slightly weird shoulder. I can do OHP press without pain, but it pops a lot. I talked to a trainer about it, and we did some kettlebell presses instead, with some shoulder rotation. No popping, definitely tough, good shit. I basically did these, but with kettlebells:
www youtube.com/watch?v=n46xuF5TbgA
You might be surprised. Give them a try.
Cheers, user. I'll be careful.
I would really strongly advise against this. I know there's something macho shit to persevering and I respect that, but listen to your body, mate.
I'm missing a finger on my left hand, and it fucks up my grip. I can't hold dumbbells straight with it, but I stupidly figured if I just keep doing it, it would improve. Fucked up my elbow trying to compensate on db bench and still recovering
>start dieting
>drop 15 lbs in two months
>start lifting/eating more/better
>minor gains, weight loss slows
>start test
>weight loss haults but gains are insane and fat is going away
>first cutting cycle off of test and I drop 22lbs fat and some muscle in three months
>back to the blast and I regain the lost muscle in one month and then no more gains due to calorie restriction
>15% body fat and only dropping 2% per month.
Why, oh why did I not start off with keto and exercise and drop to 165lbs and then bulk up to 195lns on test? Now I'm at 208 and trying to get down to 195 to get my BF to 10% is painfully slow. I could have been ottermode this whole time instead of daddyTHICC. It's so awkward to have abs and slight love handles at the same time because I only really look great without a shirt on.
I had the same problem only I didn't have issues until I hit a 2pl8 1RM. I kept working it on reduced weight and sometimes the pain would be completely debilitating the next day. My problems originated from a separated shoulder a decade ago.
Give your shoulder a month to heal and then warm up everyday with three sets of close grip chin-ups to failure. Do half of your routine and then do three sets of wide grip pull-ups to failure. After a week of this, reincorporate OHP as your last exercise and start your weight low. Make sure that your elbows are tucked in.
This worked for me to get back into OHP without pain but I'm still only at 205 for 1RM and progress has haulted, probably from calorie reatriction.
Good luck, user. Shoulder injuries are tough to work around.
>she left me for some other man who easily 1/2/3/4
>start lifting
and then the whole reddit upboated
>she left me for a manlet pretty rich boy who can play guitar
Just gotta l-lift those feelings away
yeah I hit that in 6... 1/2/3/4/ really isnt that big of a deal for a normally sized adult male.... ffs I DL 365 my very 1st time
I know i'll never achieve this though
you probably also raised your test naturally by doing man work
what's that thing on the left, though?
>tfw rotary cuff injury
>just hit 35lb OHP and happy about it
I think I could progress faster but I am terrified of aggravating it. The constant undercurrent of pain it was in my life just isn't worth the risk. It took years to get over. We're all gonna make it, even if we have to crawl there.
That's good user. One should never wallow in self pity.
>find god and meaning in life
>start lifting
>Get sick last week
>Lose all the progress I made in the last 5 years
This is a good thing so long as you never stop working out, no matter how good life gets.
Not competing or judging, but here’s my story
>weighed about 160lbs in 2010
>got in car accident in 2011
>broke my neck and back
>weight ballooned to 245 in just a couple of years
>still trying to work labor since it was all I ever knew
>wife is satisfied with my weight, but I wasn’t
>hit the gym 4 months ago, November
>started dieting and lifting heavy
>my friend, who is pretty ripped, kept chastising me for not eating enough and trying to lift heavy
>fuck that, I’m on a 1800 calorie diet
>making mad noob gains and fat loss
>weighed in at 210 yesterday
>wife is thrilled
>finally getting rid of man-tits
>actually getting mired, instead of just relying on my sense of humor to flirt (just for fun)
>back pain is still there, but heavily reduced
It’s been years since I’ve felt this good. I’m actually contemplating whether or not I should start a Dbol cycle.
>6'0 135lb lanklet
>can only bench 50lb
>fast forward 2 months
>still a 135lb lanklet but can now bench 90 lb
I'm glad you are making it user. Eventually you will have to start eating more, but coasting on noob gains is such a good feeling.
1/2/3/4 at 200 lbs is not hard
>lift for a year
>no progress
I must be a secret soy.
I'm probably not gonna make it.
yeah, when i was 14 years old the first time I walked into a gym i benched lmao3plates without even warming up first
I think I beat the cold turkey and first stage of abstinance crisis:
>Haven't smoked in 4 days
>Trained every day for 4 days straight
>Ate clean for 4 days straight
>Didn't waste time on dumb shit
Only mistake I did was probably fapping last night before sleep.
Overall feeling great again and motivated/focused, but fuck me, I though I'm going to give up yesterday. Today I woke up like new, almost.
Eat more drink more. Weight gain is 100% diet
This. I was at my peak last year in July, lost about 60 lbs, was in a really good shape.
Unfortunately Started working crazy hours in law firm, stop going to the gym, gained back weight, muscles loosened, now look like shit again. I need to start all over again.
this is me
I feel like a fucking god
i wish i had bulked more after i did my first cut. grass is always greener etc
That's great user, I'm happy for you.
>more than i
>she left me
>start lifting
>pain won't go away
>it's been months
>years will come
>still the same pain inside
>at least I'll have my gains
She wasn’t worth it user. I know it feels like she was but she isn’t
With that mentality youll never be happy, time to switch things up user.
Yea I know mate. How accept your shitty gains when you had lifted as hard as you can? If you do your best and still can't be good how you live with that?
congratulations, you are healing, the right way. You'll get stronger, physically and mentally. good job
Tis me
>dream about her 2.5 years later
I want off this ride
>>Start lifting
>>hit 2/3/4/5 after 4 Months
goml faggot
Been through this last 3 years, slowly getting weaker, now last week I quit after realising gains are more fun than money
>start lifting
>"you'll get noob gains like mad brah"
>after two months only capable of benching 20kg(not including barbell)
you le girl left me faggots have it easy
>mom dies
>she really supported and loved me
>still cry myself to sleep after 2 years
m-mom come back
The science is legit, but it is based on the average of the human population. Of course you have to put in your own time and effort to see which part of the bell curve you're in.
Hang in there man. I remember when I was a kid and my grandma died I was surprised my dad cried, it was the only time I saw him do it.
When my mom I understood though, now it surprised me that he had managed to walk all the way to the car and put on sunglasses before he started crying when they told him his mother died. I just lost my shit on the spot.
>>she really supported and loved me
you have it easy.
>mom is a compulsive liar with bipolar disorder and no social skills who raised me in her image
>only somewhat nice to me when she wants something
>sabotaged me since kindergarden so she can brag to strangers about how much parenting she does for her dumb special kid
>unfucking myself will take years
I would be so happy if she kicked the bucket.
How tall and heavy are you?
>Having a supportive wife
>still flirts with other women
this but unironically
>start lifting
>can feel a massive testosterone surge
>test related eczema returned
>feel itchy and uncomfortable all night
Had this when I was a young teenager. But it's empirical evidence that my test is increasing. Unfortunately it's spreading up my body. Shit's fucked lads.
Why do I read this shit. I feel weak now.
go back bro, make time for it. dont complain. you got this bro
You're on the skinny side then. I'm 185cm and 83.5 kg. Start bulking, if you eat in excess in no time you will be lifting weights like crazy trust me.
Going through this right now, fuck user we have to make it.
>Chad greeted me today
Did I make it ?
same boat my dude, same boat
Flirtation and sexual tension are inevitable elements of interaction between the opposite sexes. It's not like he's being unfaithful, betraying his wife's trust, or seeking anything more than conversation. Stop being so autistic.
Well yeah, sure, skinny, but it's not like I'm without fat, and I am eating a lot more than I did before. I'm just not making good gains.
This. I've never seen my dad cry my whole life, but when grandma died I could hear him crying from the parents bedroom when I went to take a piss at night. I can't understand how he managed to keep his shit together in front of me and my little sister back then.
My parents still live, but I know I will have to deal with this one day. How is it anons? Do you ever fully recover? Is it any different when mother dies and when father does?
I get it.. It sucks either way you go. I'm just venting because I'm at a frustrating point in my journey. I have six of my abs showing (genetics for ten) but this stubborn fat at the bottom of my torso which is incredibly fucking slow to go away. My biceps have decreased in size from 19" to 16.5" and my lifts are going down and I'm on fucking test. My scale is showing decent progress over time but it's so slow that it's frustrating. I'm working out hard almost daily, my diet is autistic and I'm shooting bathtub chemicals into my butt and I'm lucky to drop 1lb in two weeks or 1% BF per month. I could go on keto now and accelerate it but I feel like my gains will waste away.
>she rejected you
>start lifting
Will I make it bros
>break up with gf
>start to push myself more at the gym
>make loads of progress
>feel on top of the world
>bad luck and gym closures (including tomorrow) mean I only work out once or twice a week
>don't even know who I am without the gym
I'll be back on track in a couple days but FeelsBadMan all the same
We all will
>start lifting
>slow progress
>still weak
>test my bloods
Mfw I'm a soy boy with gyno
Don't lift anymore
find a legit TDEE calculator (or better yet take the average of a few), and be prepared to eat more than you ever thought possible