3 years 150lbs -> 220lbs

3 years 150lbs -> 220lbs

u mirin

Sup tastywaves

if natty, what routine + diet?

if roiding, what cycle?

I'm mirin. What did your diet look like and how many daily calories were you taking in?

Ain’t natty. Saw his comment history on reddit

post front pic. did you manage to fix your bitch hips?

how can anyone think this is natty lol

by getting bigger everywhere else

Nice tank-hoodie faggot, do they make some for men as well?

only for alpha men over 6' tall. sorry ur missing out

good work, doesnt matter if ur natty or not you still look aesthetic as fuck

Nah the gay parade here isn't until summer, I should be able to get one by then

>those wide hip genetics

who the fuck would mir

girls love a thick, ripped guy with a full chest and big arms. ottermode is 2011

>all that acne
gross desu

>gained 70lbs of lean mass

This fucking board.

Can't say from that pic.

Do people really want to get this big? Imagine trying to walk up a flight of stairs

Tfw also went from 150-220 but have shit insertions. We're talking tragic. >I lift for strength now

How can you say he is big from that pic? Post better pics.

Just assuming. He said he is 220 lb and he looks really lean, so he probably uses a lot of oxygen just jogging a a minute

What did he mean by this?

>not using maximum effort to just jog in place
are you manlets even trying?

Mirin brah

Needle gains aren't really special

lighting, u mad?


You don't look big.

lol if ur body doesn't produce enough testosterone naturally then u should stop lifting

He's probably quite tall.


there is something highly disturbing with that neck

i've seen the out of shape phaggots who post on this board lmao my neck is bigger than both of your biceps combined

Probably not.

So what type of routine/diet and cycle are you on? Help a brother out rather than taunting people man cmon

TRT dose of test + hard work

absolute FRAT