Eat a ton of protein.
Squat heavy.
Push heavy objects.
Have sex.
Love life.
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
dont run conjugate unless youre advanced
run 100 reps protocol
run simple and effective programs
stop doing candi-who and stop listening to whats his name jack buckols
you need big upperbody for big bench
anyone have the non-photoshopped picture?
do i need to actively uncollapse the arch of my foot when squatting
when i just squat the arch collapses and the ankle shifts inside too slightly, if i actively tilt the ankle to the outer it feels more even but im not sure if this is safe long term. Prob is but wanted to see if you guys do this already
>300 wilks
>1/2/3/4pl8 at 75KG
What program should I do?
reminder that on your rest days you should:
100 reps tricep
100 reps bicep
100 reps upper back
15 min of cardio
Think about digging in your pinkie toe really hard during warmups/setup. Foot collapse will lead to knee colllapse.
>toe cues for the squat
+450 wilks
try harder, eat more
... a cute doggo.
I’m 5’9’’ manlet too, if that matter
General accessory suggestion.
Quit skipping your accessories, fags.
does the pitbull fuck her?
Haven’t heard of that program
that explains your lifts
3 days a week full body, one extra day for general hypertrophy work if you like.
Squat 3x/Week, 2x comp squat and 1x variation. Or you could do 1x comp squat and 2x variation (i.e. pin squat and high bar).
Bench 3x/Week. Same as above.
Deadlift 2x/Week, one variation, one comp.
Do two week wave for SBD. Microcyle=1 week. 6s, 5s, then 4s, 3s. After each session do back work, alternate between vertical and horizontal pull. Do abs each session.
Jesus christ.
That ass is fucking ridiculous.
what a white thing to ask.
The only purpose putting that dog in the picture serves is to make me question whether or not she's fucking it.
>girl has uneven hips, squats are awkward as fuck, shes leaning far right
tell him to shut the fuck up, take her from this PT (he was coaching her before we two meetup)
after 2 weeks her hips is perfectly even
>this happened
What program?
did you have sex with her
Does she mean to imply that she fucks the dog or what ?
do ss eat more and try harder should up those numbers by 1 plate easily
if you have average frame you should be near 90kg lean
squats felt good :)
>Does she mean to imply that she fucks the dog or what ?
You have a low bench, and you watch anime, don't you?
*mauls a small child*
What sort of dog is that in the OP? I've always wanted a chunky lad of a dog.
I mean, you take a photo of your ass and a dog. What the fuck am i supposed to think.
I'm hungover and I can't get in the ZONE
Niggerdoggo I think.
SS? That got to be a meme
Today I saw a 400kg deadlift.
My highlight of the day is watching Joe try to eat with chopsticks.
>Professor Sheiko's definition might surprise you. An Intermediate individual is usually measured by time spent lifting and their total relative to bodyweight. An Intermediate lifter is defined here as someone who has spent at least 2 years training and has a Wilks of between 300-450.
who did you see pull 400 tho?
That’s a pitbull. A really big one too.
Some American guy who's name I can't remember. It was eq, but still pretty impressive.
>hernia surgery in 3 months
>have to be 4-5 months without lifting since i cant lift now and have to have month off at mininum after surgery
haha rip gains for entire year
Who else here /7pm bed time/?
>not watching the arnold strongman
Sooby still lifted with a hernia
i dont want to make the 'hole' bigger.
its now 4x4 or so..
Can I see it
i dont want to push my intestines out of my stomach
I want to see your stomach
Occlusion training can help maintain/reduce loss of strength & size with low load. You'll still be able to train your arms and legs.
>hernia surgery
are you the dude with the femoral hernia sticking out your stomach
i have mt. everest over my navel whenever i flex abs
>Eat a ton of protein.
>Squat heavy.
lmao1pl8te, fucked up knee
>Push heavy objects.
lmao40kg dumbbell bench press
>Have sex.
>Love life.
where do you think we are?
I tried to watch it yesterday, but the reporters / commentators are just cringe-tier.
I mean they have been doing this for how many years? Still, they forgot to announce that first polish guy who went on stage / or they announced him with the wrong name.
The crowd goes absolutely mild, only makes noise for Björnsson and Shaw
you ruptured the abdominal wall somehow grats you must be an ultra fuckup
I read that some guy got it too because he massaged his inner thighs too much
I literally got it after I had racked the bar after squats. Shit sucks.
Jfc I hope that never happens to me. Was it a max effort set?
yeah you dont know that was what the cause, you probally weakened it doing something else
i slipped a disc doing diddlys but if diddlys were what caused it i wouldve slipped a disc again but i am healed and stronger
yes I did 3x5 as heavy as I could without failure.
the thing was that I was consciously trying to brace the ever loving shit (beltless) out of myself to see how FIRM SOLID THICK TIGHT BRACED I could get.
yeah you are right, i just expected if this was to happen somewhere it would happen under load, not after unloading lel
yeah true
If you think a year is lost then you dont deserve to lift.
39 days after hernia surgery (sept)
50 days post surgery (oct)
Hitting loads of pbs within 6 months
Also this was done with a hernia, pre surgery
Do you know any strong guy that got hernia? Did they get the mesh or not?
I read some comments off local weightlifting forum and they all recommend getting this.
You can have hernia surgery with or without the mesh.
wtf how does he dare to lift with hernia, with literal your intestines bulging thru your abs, i almost faint thinking
I literally just posted two!
I dont know, all i know is they had it operated on and came back strong
Because people have goals they want to achieve
Did the two guys, did they document how they started their training post-hernia surgery? day1? day10? day20?
>Fuelled clearly by what must at this point be entirely self loathing and a death wish, a 400kg / 881lb beltless deficit deadlift with hook grip on an already torn open callous. Oh well task complete now, and I suppose a little bit relieved that when it inevitably rips off on my opener I can probably just ignore it and suffer for 2 more attempts...¨
I think its on the first ones insta
9 days off lifting and started with one plate
are pause squats good for building strength or should I rather just do regular ones all teh time ?
Thanks I'll go through the insta accounts.
Anything paused will be harder and recruit more muscle
Hes capable of 1000, but im sceptical of whether or not he can do it outside the uk, the journey to australia will take a lot out of him, you dehydrate a lot quicker on a plane, i think he will need 420 on his third dead to get it
just eat and drink in plane so you dont dehydrate? or leave earlier?
She doesn't look white enough desu
Is westside vs the world up online somewhere yet?
DB bench, wide grip OHP, floor press, BB row, BTN pulldown
Had a nice big diner breakfast with dad.
Phone is just on shuffle right now.
Not too bad. I need to get laid, but I think that's not happening soon.
>tfw no qt azn gf
I think gbro knows something about tren we dont. And apparently tom is on a lot
>no abs
>no delts
piss off
>900 #beltless #conventional #deadlift by @dangreenpowerlifter
i'm going to try a meso of paused work (spoto press, beltless paused deadlift, beltless paused squats) alongside comp lifts. i think its going to go well.
Think I've slipped a disc lads
why do you think so
reminder that lat training is mostly a meme/waste of time and that volume should be used for chest and triceps
I was warming up for diddlies, on my last warm up set someone was taking plates from next to me, slipped and knocked the bar (thanks crowded uni gym.) Felt a pop/snap in my back, same place I'd been feeling almost tightness for a while. Now I can't straighten/flex my spine, walk properly, anything
this is /plg/ not fraud
I hope you beat the shit out of him
>reminder that lat training is mostly a meme/waste of time and that volume should be used for chest and triceps
Post stats so everyone knows that you're a moron, thanks.
might just be strain my man.
do you have pain or numbness saturating somewhere else?
It was a she, a true gentleman never hits a lady *tips fedora*
It's pretty localised in that same spot. Earlier one of my legs would buckle randomly when I put weight on it but that seems to have stopped now
so when you reach your localized recoverable limit for pressing, do you go over that limit with more pressing or take advantage of your remaining systemic recoverable potential to do some accessory work?
what's a reasonable deadlift to deficite deadlift ratio ? assuming I pull from a 2" deficite or so.
Can I do 5x5 bench and close grip bench on the same day?
pull a single@8 youll know
>Can I do 5x5 bench and close grip bench on the same day?
Nppe, your arms fall off.