What are YOU doing to become more alpha, user?
What are YOU doing to become more alpha, user?
Reminder that alphaness is relative. If you're surrounded by weak cunts you stand out as the alpha. If you're surrounded by chads you're a beta
>Trying to become a millionaire before 30 by investing (no not with crypto, but I own some)
>want 4 kids
>want to retire in my 40's
>lower my bf to 10-11% so I get the same facial aesthetics I had when I was 130lbs
This. Sauce on girl pic plus
Lol good luck with that
Stop lusting after flesh, it debases is you and chains you to this world. Transcend your desire for flesh so that you may go beyond your earthly limitations. Anons I implore you, strive for what is impossible and settle for nothing less. Let go of your primal desire for endless braphogs and milktrucks
Why did monks have such a stupid haircut
You quite literally would be better off investing in lottery tickets. The entire stock market is predmeditated by extremely large investment funds who decide which stocks need to go up, and which stocks will go down. Unless you have their insider information, you will almost always lose money.
That's Jesus wearing a Yarmulke
you might be retarded
Nothing I like being a sub.
>girl I was close to sent me a message last week after a year of no contact
>she lives 600 miles from where I am
>both of us had a day off from work so we spent the day talking
>started flirting pretty heavily
>ended up having phone sex
>made her cum twice while moaning my name
>she has to hang up because her husband comes home
>they have an argument
>she tells him to sleep on the couch
>she calls me up again
>make her cum three more times
supposed to meet her sometime soon and she wants me to stay at her house, don't know how that will go down
This is beta. Being Alpha is being the best you can be at every opportunity and not worrying so much about others. Leaders do not often compare themselves to those who follow them.
looks like a drawing by Milo Manara
well, it is
I have the looks but I've always been a little awkward so the past few years I've been working on social gains
These days everywhere I go around town I run into someone I know and people give me free stuff or better service, like I can walk into crowded bars and they'll look past everyone and ask what I want
I think if you guys saw me out and about you'd think I'm alpha
What you do to others shall be done to you ten fold.
so, I'm looking at 50 orgasms from this girl? what's the safety limit again?
some high priest was balding and convinced the other monks god told them to shave like that so he wouldn't look as bad
I'm rooting for you pal. Same goals.
What ami doing to be more alpha? Well for starters im not crying anymore used have a panic attack and break down in tears almost every day but i put an end to that
>make her cun 2 times
Nigga, she made herself come while you moaned into your phone like a retard
sounds like he'd fit right in on Veeky Forums
>>made her cum twice while moaning my name
why were you moaning your own name faggot?
If you have no idea, you can always join this place, might help you out become more alpha or at least /fit faggot. You wanna try?
H t t p s://discord. g g/33ykKs
delete the jew hat from Jesus!
>Jesus with yarmulke
>slut showing off ass in pathetic attempt to seduce the earthly incarnation of the Lord
nice try kike
^^ this
You'd have a much easier time becoming a millionaire by investing in crypto rather than the stock market. One week in crypto is like a year in the stocks, shit moves so rapidly. I've made so much profit in just months.
nigga you gay
Is that why most billionaire hedgefunds don't even outperform the market on average?
Those are nice goals user but you need to know that stocks alone won't get you there (unless you already have a lot or are insanely lucky). On average you'll make about 7% return each year. Try starting a business
>Proverbs 6:25 "Do not lust in your heart after hear beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes."
>Romans 8:6 "The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."
you need to live your life with a purpose and drive to become better. fuck all the cunts that say you shouldnt strive to be perfect
You aint no real Christian, bruv
him: [moans own name]
her: ooo yeah keep doing it big boi
him (later that day): >yeah boyz i made her cum saying my own name