has anyone here quit weed? did you have a specific strategy to not think about it, forget about the craves, etc? i must defeat the green jew if i want to improve my gas tank. ITT we share tips and experiences on how to defeat the green nigger from nibbling away the strength/motivation/productivity.
War on Reefers
Other urls found in this thread:
>stop being around it
>stop buying it
that's it you weak willed faggot
I quit smoking weed. It's all mental but physical changes need to be made. The kicker for me was the actual comparison of how I felt when I wasn't high all the time compared to what I was when I was stoned. I can say that I've definitely seen benefits.
>more energy
>more motivated to improve my skills
>being sober is actually not as bad as it seems
>better libido
>more comprehension of social situations
>easier to talk to people
>literally feel smarter
and to finish it off, not being stoned helped me to find other things that were enjoyable to me. I've been reading and practicing cybersec as well as being a software dev now more than ever. I love it.
The best bet is to have no weed around you at any time. Don't have it on you, don't have a stash "just for occasions," and don't hang around people that smoke constantly. You know that you'll cave at the temptation so it's not worth it to allow the temptations to tempt you. After a while I just didn't want to smoke because of the benefits outweighed the constant highness.
t. 6 year daily dabber
I miss my concentrates but I'm better off. Video games are just as fun (if not better because I can actually think critically about them) TV is just as good, and my time management skills are MUCH better.
You'll make it brah. Small sustainable changes it what it's all about.
I stopped smoking just before I graduated college. It made me stupid and lazy and, while I know it's not as bad as smoking cigarettes or drinking (as I am constantly told by my friends who still do smoke), it's still not great for you. I just stopped. And I felt much better afterwards. On the other hand, I feel like I am permanently dumber as a result.
>pic related
Sounds like in your experience you abused it a bit too much past its intended use. What worked for me was abusing it so much that it lost its fun.
Kinda slowed me down when I wanted to work.It gave me great ideas of what to work on, but not the motivation to DO the work.
Keep abusing it to the point where it makes you sick thinking of it.
Also when I want to go outside to get high theres this autistic guy who usually comes out soon after and kills my high with his anime and 90's daytime television trivia.
My overall experience is that weed is best alone or occasionally with people who aren't brainlets.
That meme references people who huffed gas outside britbong clubs that actually killed brain cells. You just got an influx of cannabinoids for a few mins, you're good.
quit weed like 10 years ago.
Yeah, I've quit, it sucks.
Do it like you go bankrupt. Gradually, then suddenly. Go 100% weedfree on the first night of a three day weekend (or better, a vacation week) and just accept that that night is going to be an all-nighter. Use it, hang with a bro, go to the movies and see two or three, something like that. You'll eventually crash and it'll be your deepest sleep in a long time.
your drug dealer isn't your friend, he just wants your money. cut him out of your life and watch your bank account rise.
or be a weak willed piece of shit and go buy more weed, watch more money curl up into the sky as smoke because you can't cope with reality.
your choice.
The fact that there are people that think they're actually addicted to weed makes me depressed. They're going to have a rough time once they actually try to stop something even remotely addictive, like coffee or alcohol.
I love weed and its effects, but I stopped because every time I sweat it reaks of weed.
Maybe I'll try tinctures/dabs and see if that gets rid of it. But I hate smelling like weed.
>Acting like weed is a money problem
Confirmed nerd who has never smoked. You can get enough for 2-3 months for $40. It sounds like OP isnt a daily toker.
>has anyone here quit weed?
>strategy to not think about it
but DUDE WEED is not addictive LMAO
Fucking hate every one on this gay earth that smokes weed.
life is better while smoking cannabis than it is without any cannabis at all.
I got stopped by the police a few times with it and my eldest brother who's also a police officer got the charges dropped and said he'd kick my teeth in if I didn't stop smoking it, so I stopped
I'm still vaping the same 100$ half-ounce two years later
now kiss
weed IS a money problem. i used to smoke regularly for years before i wised up and realized what a complete waste of cash it is.
weed is a money problem if daddy doesn't buy everything for you. basement-dwelling trust fund baby confirmed.
you mean if you smoke 0.01g a day?
hmm actually solid advice. i have taken tolerance break before and one thing tht bothered me was loss of appetite for first 2 days. it is definitely much better as you say starting 3-4 days in tho. thanks for tips nigga
lmfao im trying to quit and my gf is starting to smoke so it's kinda hard. she wants to toke after we workout and i end up toking with her and we watch movies and fuck. kind of has become the workout ritual at this point
Trying to ween myself off currently.
I have a stash of 12 grams. Smoke 0.1 to 0.3 grams a day, literally 1-3 hits out of a dugout.
After that is done I wont buy any more.
However i'm looking at a 3 month supply of being high every night and some afternoons. How to get ahead of my addiction?
bro you almost got a hex post off by 1 that sucks
fuckk off you autist of course it's addictive who in this thread said it isnt you brainlet
I lift stoned
I eat an edible before gym time
i'm cutting right now i cant have cookies lel. but that sounds like it would be fun if you do it with ur gym partner
Drinking in moderation is great, binge drinking and alcoholism are absolutely worse, but drinking a bottle of red wine every other week is great and has positive health benefits
I don’t drink coffee, but take caffeine pills as a pre-workout. I used to drink daily, but it was much easier to quit than weed as you don’t get as many negative effects from it as from alcohol, so it’s harder to get off from this “harmless” drug
Get a job loser
This is one main thing, don't waste your money on it, and think about all the money you will lose in the future by being a pothead.
I smoked from 13-25 (slowed down at around 23 years old).
It effected my life negatively in so many ways, and I would be in a much better spot if I never smoked pot.
You not only lose money on the weed you spend, but your lack of ability to focus/clear mindedness will effect your output in everything you do.
If you take one hit, your brain is feels it for 24 hours. So if you smoke once a day you are high perpetually. Not good, trust me.
it's a lot easier to start smoking weed everyday than it is to drink every day.
drinking every day is very hard on the body
well i live in canada so the mail man is my weed dealer so to speak hahaha but yea i should definitely stop ordering for a start.
Honestly for me, I couldn't really kick the habit until I started going to Marijuana Anonymous. The first meeting I went to, I felt like all the stories I were literally about me, I could relate so much. I have problem with addiction, and weed was ruining my life.
I had quit before, for like 6 months or so, and saw many gains. But I fell back into it, and even worse. That's when I finally went to MA, after my shrink had been suggesting it for over a year.
>Calls user nerd
>Claims $40 will get you 2-3 months worth of weed
>haha weed it fun we smoke it and fuck
I want to smoke more pot but I can't because it makes me too anxious these days. Probably better for it. I cant talk to people when I'm high either, I become autistic
I think the key is to quit, literally fucking force yourself to quit and after a while of being sober you will think less and less about it to the point that it becomes a non issue. Don't ever buy it again no matter how much you think you'll just do it one time because it's easy to fall back into smoking every day. At least that's how it is for me.
Is coffee considered a vice?
Not op, but 40 freedom dollars gets you at least 2 grams, which when cooked is anything from 300 to 440mg of THC. I'm lightweight and I get stoned from 10mg, so yeah, that might definitely last two to three months.
Depends how much you depend on it
Glad someone else here understands how addictive caffeine is. This year I'm gonna fuckin beat.
>*beat it
Marijuana still isn't a real addiction you mong. You can easily get hooked on watching TV too, but there's no chemical in your brain that's going to fuck you up if you stop doing it.
Sometimes i'm sure the effects of drugs are culturally defined, since most Aussies will agree smoking hashish makes you stupid, while Arabs smoke it to facilitate noisy partying.
I remember the lead singer of Bad Brains telling Henry Rollins to smoke pot to 'get really crazy' but i've found pot smoking makes people placid and interested in complex arithmetic or chocolate.
TLDR pot is as addictive as cookies, fuck off with your drama
>2 grams of weed
>lasting 2 months
m8 sounds like you are getting stoned just thinking about it
A great, great cracker, my personal favorite.
Not him but you can easily make a gram last a month if you only smoke a couple times a week. Not everyone does it every day.
what craves?
yeah the first few days after stopping can get a bit sweaty and moody, but if youre seriously craving weed after a week? christ man do you even possess a spine?
This. My oil cartridge is $35 and lasts for months. I use it everyday
whut??? maybe if you take like 1 hit and are a 12 year old girl.
Have self control. Cannabis is one of Gods greatest gifts. The dose makes the poison.
Not sure if you are following. If you smoke it won't last. But if you infuse it and create say a chocolate bar, then it will. I smoke half a gram when I do joints, but with edibles I can fare with much less.
See , readlet.
>muh semantics
>I am underage
I've smoked 2 grams in a day desu
this guy is so fried he can't even type lol
After I quit smoking every day I realized most of the feelings I liked about getting high were natural feelings I had lost the knowledge of because I hadn't been sober in half a decade.
Weed is a childs drug.
quitting smoking weed for me just a week or two of heavy drinking at night to sleep. then I just stopped drinking and stopped smoking. I smoke every now and then. Just a little toke of the vape. But I never buy it. Thats the key. Same with cigarettes. If you don't buy it you can't sustain the habit. Sure someone will give me a bag of grass every now and then or I'll bum a smoke off someone. But I don't have that continuous habit.
What you have to realize is you smoke weed to cope with the boredom that is you life. If you don't live an interesting life you'll just find some other substance to replace the weed. You'll start drinking every night or you'll find a drug you can function better on.
I am eight months clean
lmao I'm reading this while smoking weed what are you gonna do about it
10 year smoker here. I find if I want to quit for a period I need a real goal. If I'm doing shit like applying for jobs that may test or whatever, I have no issues just going cold turkey. I only get the "fuck man I want to smoke right now" feelings when I don't have a solid reason not to.
The other thing I'd say is seriously look into just minimizing how much you smoke. I've had periods of time where I definitely smoked too much, and it's shitty. The worst part is you don't realize it until you're on the other side and have a moment of clarity. Stay away from concentrated. That shit will make life feel like you're swimming in cement. Don't smoke until you've accomplished everything you want to do in a day. Don't tell yourself that smoking will help or enhance whatever productive thing you're trying to do, that's a load of bullshit. The worst stoners are the ones who smoke themselves stupid while convincing themselves it's actually helping them.
These days I only smoke at the very end of the day. I finish work, go lift, make dinner, do a little work at home, etc. Then if I have nothing left to do, I'll make a bag on the volcano (a bowl on that thing lasts me days now, as opposed to an hour), get my buzz on and watch some TV/vidya.
I'm pretty content with where my weed use is now. Moderation is key.
Weed isn't physically addictive in the way that opioids, nicotine, alcohol, barbiturates and benzos are physically addictive. Weed is psychologically addictive way that anything that stimulates your brain can be psychologically addictive.
Same, your greentext is accurate.
25 quids worth of hash lasted me a good few months
Whereas I can do £300 of coke in a weekend, and that's as a coke noob
Stick to the weed if youre going to do something lads, but preferably do nothing
You haven't smoked enough weed to get sick of it. Maybe you never will.
So like sex... And we all know sex addiction isn't a real thing either. Fucking Intervention pilot got greenlit and all the sudden everyone and everything's addict this and addict that. fuck off. If you say you're addicted to weed then nothing bad has ever happened to you and you are a stupid soft cunt. Try being on heroin for 10 years in the most formative time of your life then come talk to me about addiction
Do you not know the feeling of blowing hard earned money on dope? Either you're a lightweight or you make crazy money. One is far more likely than the other
I love when people quit stuff because of little things.
I started smoking after a breakup and quit because I noticed that when I smoked 2 cigs before muay thai I my gas tank was much smaller. I often don't drink that much when others do because I wanna jerk off when I get home. Some guy in my city stopped doing heroin because he didn't want to lose the ability to take care of his dog.
I talked to some chick like 30 minutes ago that smokes weed all the time. she said if she quits it she can't eat, can't sleep, can't shit. sounds like full blown dependency
This user speaks truth
Wow you're so hard and street.
read allen carr's easy way to stop smoking and apply it all to weed, it's the same thing, I quit weed and tobacco at the same time (was smoking lots of spliffs and cigs at the time)
with the help of the book
War on reefers? I'm all for it. Fuck those things delivering ice cream right to my fucking door. Fucking gains killer truck Must.be.stopped.
I had the worst time when I stopped smoking weed. Felt like I was going crazy and had done some serious permanent damage to my psyche.
2 months later and I feel great. Better memory. concentration, more energy and more productive. Still hang out with some good friends who do lots of drugs and it's quite sad to see how easily they lose focus and also how much of their lives revolves around drugs.
I quit just because I decided I have to be lawful good and I can't really be either if I have vices like that. The best I could have been is true neutral, but I'm now an active member of the community with a reputation to maintain
I don't really have anything against weed though. What I do have a problem with is faggot stoners with money problems. Literally all my friends I smoked with were fucking losers constantly ripping each other off and not working. Scamming people and the government. Fuck them. Scum of the earth. I worked with inner city kids who literally didn't have food because their parents would spend it on drugs (mostly weed; parents that did hard drugs usually had their kids taken away)
i go through a half ounce in a week, what are you saying?
You sound like a pretentious faggot who bases his life off Facebook surveys
Not him but It's better than whatever boring shit you did
I barely even smoked i only did it if i gotg tagged along but I stopped becaused it gets me paranoid
Same as fuck. Proud of you, user.
3rd day sober after smoking very heavy off and on since like 13 in 23 literally can't sleep for shit was up untill like 6am last night probably the same tonight
I was a huge dab smoker. about 2g a week since 2015. Stopped after January 31 of this year. Dont think of it as "how do i quit weed" just think of it as "im not gonna buy any more weed" seriously its easy. also do something dumb so none of your friends want to associate with you for a while.
ez pz
ive been off for a month and still cant fall asleep. it doesnt get better trust me
>tfw i dab daily and still spend less than $5/mo on cannabis
you gotta be fucking retarded or a literal addict if you can't manage your money with weed desu
how tho? how much do you smoke and what do you get it for? i live in the deep south yeehaw and pay 40 for one g which i used to be able to make it through 4 days on average with
i microdose concentrates as a sleep aid because i get wicked nightmares when i'm stressed that turn my sheets into a wet sponge.
also keeping my THC intake low lets me keep my tolerance low which, in essence, lets me save more money on weed
granted i live in a legalised state so that's a boon for me as well.
same here, it's kind of hard to quit when you got a girl who smokes you up and then literally puts your cock inside of her and rides you
>on user, your muscles look so good today
it also feels like it has a positive affect on DOMS
40 dollars wtf??? that could get me like 5 grams at least
Sounds like a woman. She's exaggerating to bait your pity and it worked. Naive male.
Pretty easy for me. I just stopped buying it. I don't really hang around many people who do smoke, nor am I friends with my dealer. I smoked very excessively when I bought it and I guarantee if I had access to any now, I would light up in a heartbeat. But I don't, and I aim to keep it that way. I don't go to parties and I don't have many friends, so I should be in the clear.
The first 3 weeks after stopping were very hard. Depression at it's worst. Your body expects dopamine but doesn't get shit. Everything is boring. Just gotta push through it. The occasional cigarette did help calm me down, but you know, smoking is bad m'kay.
>has anyone here quit weed? did you have a specific strategy to not think about it, forget about the craves, etc? i must defeat the green jew if i want to improve my gas tank. ITT we share tips and experiences on how to defeat the green nigger from nibbling away the strength/motivation/productivity.
I just stopped, it got too expensive. I moved for uni and the price is double up here from what it is back home. So I smoke it once or twice a year when I go home, but that's it.
I barely even drink alcohol anymore, and I quit smoking.
>you body expects dopamine but doesn't get it
Not every good feeling you have is a result of dopamine. Too many experiences are attributed to dopamine when that is inaccurate. THC has such tremendous efficacy because it is actually the phytocannabinoid twin of the naturally occurring endocannabinoid called “anandamide” which is a neurotransmitter commonly associated with the feeling of joy. It's not dopamine or related to dopamine. Ingesting cannabis does not directly affect dopamine levels, that is a myth. Though fulfilling habits does release dopamine and that habit can be anything including ingesting cannabis.
For me it just repeatedly caused such bad consequences in my life that I found it easy to push all of this away.
Pro tip: Look at stoned people or look at video material of yourself stoned, or read something you wrote stoned, just see how retarded weed makes you, and know that the effects last for weeks.
>Weed raises Estrogen levels:
>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):
>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :
>Weed Is Addictive:
>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:
>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:
>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:
>Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
>Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:
>Weed Causes Lung Damage:
>Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:
>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:
>Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:
Every 3/4 days at around 7pm I have a big fat smoke, cook a really good meal. Watch a classic film(predator, gladiator, master and commander, last samurai, saving private Ryan, thin red line or platoon) listen to some old school blues(usually Bobby bland), read then go to sleep. It's bliss. I honestly don't know what's wrong with you retards. Weed isn't the reason you're lazy, it's just an excuse. Quit being pussies and if you're going to be an addict atleast do a proper drug, jeez
Well shit if I'm only 2x more likely to get schizophrenia than I was anyway, and that probability is fucking tiny then I'm probably going to smoke even more. Weeds actually safer than I thought. Cheers for the links guy.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh why can't I sleep
What if you grow it at home?
I smoke one every now and then but I never buy.