Girls and Sport

In what sport do you have the best chance to find beautifull girls that are not ever anorexic or ripped?
And why is it long jump?
> Pic related its nina djordevic
Further exampels

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Women should not do competitive sports tho. Women athletes are infertile. Go find a real white woman that can give birth to strong healthy children.

He's right you know

I'd like to put my dick in Djordjevic

Holy shit.
I thought u r talking tresh but I did my research and what u said about birth problems with female athlets is actually right.
Please tell me what sport or what level of fittness is fitting for women.


brap ...

Checked but he's a weird autist, he is basically a cult leader minus the charisma

Thanks, user. Now I want to fap to female long jumpers.

So kaki Slovenci na Veeky Forums-u?
Prekmurje republika


Fencer girls are the best.

i like ur digits m8

I refuse to take advice from a man who at one point unironically went by the name Count Grishnakh.

Why do they wear panties? Wouldn't shorts be better for this?

We speak americun here.

Pole vaulters

Volleyball grills are goat

Unironically golf. Good cardio (6mi of walking) and you gotta carry a bag, and eye-hand coordination is a must, I've seen one fatty in the least year on varsity, and they all look good in college.

>that are not ever anorexic or ripped
Almost every sport besides weight lifting unless you're a fat fetishist and think anorexic means something it doesn't.


You're right, I am going to find a white woman

t. minority



Dancing, or something that puts an emphasis on flexibility with a good cardio


>t. minority
so you're a white person as well then?

because if you were asian, black or brown then you wouldnt be a minority


you HAVE to go back



BASED black man



Pole Vault



they're shaped like boxes
cyclist women are god tier


fuuuuckk meee this thread

Its sad that in her first child she´ll become a fat bitch


Think of the warrior sons she would give you

>the two girls in the background
Oh god every time

So the rich guys who fund the olympics have something to jerk off to

then no one would watch it

Women should not do sports or train seriously if they want to have children. A generally active lifestyle of going places by foot and eating healthy is all that is necessary.

Spankies actaully ride up less than square cut shorts, and even short shorts with loose fabric are distracting. I'm surprised men don't race in briefs desu.



Why is he so obsessed with children? Pedophile?

casual running

need to mount

*desire to mount intensifies*

she's a fatso but i love it



gets me everytime

Is it a good idea to take advice from a severely autistic degenerate? Varg has no appeal to authority to tell people what to do with their lives.

>mfw only non-white in a white as fuck town

I think Im the one getting BLEACHED here guys...

like cheerleading, you get short girls with fridge bodies
dance sports are probably the best

Why do girls have larger asses than men relative to their body size? Those asses were absolutely hot and they weren't even high test thicc baes yet I still want to get inside those delicious asses.

So what are women supposed to do? Sit on their asses and become land whales? Its better they are fit than disgustingly obese. If women didn't exercise they could easily become too fat thanks to a shitty diet. At least true in America.

my wife is a 3 handicap, i like her tan, but golf favours a long trunk, and strong upper body

ice skating has every height with majority being average you retard

im referring to gymnasts being short

>should women train HARD (video title)
>Women should not do COMPETITIVE sports
Nobody is telling that women should not workout. But sports are competitive by default and often hard on the body (Girls and sports , title of the topic). Even Varg said he isnt against exercise, women should just train very light. E.g your average cardiobunny would be a way better woman in terms of fertility compared to a sprinter, jumper , powerlifter branhog or whichever woman that overtrains her body

I think it's fine to train hard, just not competitive level

Depends on the setting.

>So what are women supposed to do?
Like Ballet , All types of dancing , Rhytmic/ artistic gymnastics , Figure skating , Cheerleading , Yoga, Aerobics , Cardiobunnying , Perpaps some lighter swimming disciplines as well. All of those done in modeteration of course , should be fine. Or maybe doing a crapload of houseworking and looking after / playing with your children can really drain you out and turn into a "workout" , like Varg's wife for example.

why does this happen? lots of former olympians have children so i assume its specific forms of training

Again it depends on the sport/activity. You can train hard on the squat and deads or you can do an intense aerobics or cardio session? The first two have a way higher chance of fucking your shit up as a woman when overdone than the last two

I genuinely feel like this board is so fucking retarded that they actually believe being a social outcast autist who puts weights up and down for an hour is comparable to being a world class athlete.
Those people at the olympics have been training since the age of 5-7. They put an extreme amount of stress on their body in major development stages. It's gonna mess with the hormones. Some of them stop growing at a younger age, some girls completely miss their menstrual cycle for example

the top 0.001% of girls groomed to be future olympians or bb pros have this problem.
everyone else is really just average

what the fuck is eddit?

I actually find the olympics to be mega erotic

so do the athletes

>living off welfare
>no job
>shitting out kids
this guy is worse than niggers

This desu.

Also, that's a beautiful ass.

you only follow authority figures, not good advice?
yikes queen




Eh, that's when she maxed bulked for competition.

I don't agree with his opinions on lifting, but what you said makes zero sense. The world needs 3-5x more white people. It's only bad when primitive races breed because they are a burden on society and mankind.

reminder that Comanesci was objectively the hottest female athelte of all time



was this shit seriously 6 years ago?

Bodytype reminds me of Rei Ayanami

>living off welfare
no he doesn't, He gets a small bonus/deduction for having children. Would you refuse that?
>no job
his job is Burzum, MYFAROG, making videos, and homesteading/raising a family. I can't think of a better life or more honorable way to make money.
>shitting out kids
They are well-spaced, well-raised, and very bright children. The world needs more like that. Just because most people have an abortion and a cat nowadays doesn't make 6 children spread over 10 years "shitting out"

good luck with the birthing complications and hormone imbalances

Rip to your descendants kid, COLONIZED


More like far right, amirite


t. Dangerously low test

She looks like a trap in progress, and ironically enough (just guessing now to) this is PROPABLY related to what has become the General topic in this thread, aka women fucking up their hormones with overtraining, dieting and/or rons

>that girl throw at 0:18

Reminds me of every girl in grade 4-9 pe class

Chad QT Athlete and Virgin Couch girls

lmao this guy is a literal imbecile who went to jail because of murder and burning down a church. if anything, he needs to be removed from the genepool instead of making kids