I think that once you have become a golden era Simpsons joke you lose the right to call your life "fabulous"
FPH FAT PEOPLE HATE Rag on a stick edition
there aren't enough pixels in the world
>tfw this was a Judge Dredd panel 30 years ago
>reality today
People still watch this bitch?
She looks even fatter. Guess she gave up weight loss and moved onto embracing being a circus side show.
I don't think she ever intended to lose the weight, she's gone full fat acceptance and rants about how it's not fair to expect her to exercise and how society needs to approve of her
daily reminder that this is a /pol/ thread trying to normalize fat shaming
fat shaming is good.
t. fat guy
I imagine this song could be popular with Veeky Forums.
Daily reminder that this can just as easily be you.
Oh shit son. Imagine the horror.
reminds me of that pic of an asian hobo
How are your wife's kids? Did Tyrone pay child support this month?
Honestly its not just fat leftists fat /pol/tards say that the health system just brings money for the le jooz haHa
Friendly reminder that fat shaming has always been normal
>triggered fatty blaming /pol/ for what has always been a staple of Veeky Forums
You don't want to sniff that.
/pol/ is full of fatties you clown
I suspect this poster is from /pol/ and is hoping to make liberals look retarded, but then I've been wrong on that a lot lately...
just seeing
Share your experiences with NoFap.
For how long you didn't fap? Did you see any results while working out? what are your tips for the nofap begginers?
How the fuck do i stop attaining godtier hentai?
This made me lol
I just can't see this happening, what is going on here?
It's actually got a pretty lulzy backstory. The girl is a fat acceptance blogger who writes all kinds of articles about how fat girls deserve hot muscular men. A lot of people called her out for being delusional so she hired a male prostitute and claimed he was her boyfriend
I literally had to train to fuck a fat bitch once. 600 lbs of her being pushed back and forth in a rapid motion really puts a number on you.
dude pol is the retard right libtards are the retard left they are almost the different side of the same coin
I'll bite, what made you want to fuck this actual tub of lard?
I just wanted to know what it was like. ive always had a fat fetish. but now leaning more to fitter girls. I've been with tons of different women of different sizes, like a appetizer tray
So close to sexts, couldve been optimum bait
Don't stop attaining godtier hentai. Start sharing more with me.
>tfw I remember when cracked was actually funny and had entertaining articles.
Place Is a fucking shithole now I imagine it was unbearable just a few years ago
I remember too friendo. But I doubt myself: Was it truly memory or were we just young?
I heard a lot of the original guys from cracked were let go a while back when some other company bought cracked
man i wish i could get this FULL
i only made it to 285 before i got super disgusted and started cutting.
Fuck /pol/
t. fatshaming commie
The Andrew Jackson animation was one of the last things I remember being legit funny.
Is this real?
>normalize fat shaming
>implying fat shaming hasn't existed forever but only recently have leftists began complaining about it
Commies and nazis need to hang
Not sure if real or satire.
Do fat people even drink water?
Related topic: how do whales get hydrated? They fucking live in salt water.
Imagine having to put him back on the cart...
Marine mammals have specialized kidneys that produce highly concentrated urine to keep the internal/external solute ratio in check
fucking kek
pop off james
>that's a bad thing
if only you knew.jpg
This is what fat people actually believe. That their gigantic gut is full of air. It actually explains why they think their weight magically appears out of thin air
>Do fat people even drink water?
Soda has water in it
Fucking PUSSY
I hate thes faggots.
t. Mixed race
We sure live in a fucked up society. Just think - 100 years ago there wouldn't have been insecure, self righteous, hideous fat chicks around every fucking corner that you have to put up with in, and pay medical bills for via tax
holy shit. imagine how much that must have hurt him. serves him right though. I kind of want to see them just leave him there to die like a slug
>people need to TRY and make liberals look retarded
>these are the "people" telling you to go back to /pol/
why does such a hot guy go for the fat whales?!
People can't help what they like.