What opinion does Veeky Forums have of blood type diets?

What opinion does Veeky Forums have of blood type diets?

>Inb4 trend diets, calories in vs calories out, etc.

Just curious

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fucking bloodlets

Is there any possible way to find your blood type yourself at home?

I mean, sure, if you have a laboratory microscope... Or just go donate blood, it's free and they tell you your blood type, or if you have blood-related issues, they recommend you to get proper tests.

Yes. You need to poke yourself and get a few drops of blood. Boil them. Depending on how long before they are gone you can find out your blood type.

They're retarded. Literally invented to rip off idiots.

brb gonna get some of my sisters blood and boil it.

Colossal bs. I remember reading some shit book before entering med school... Later i discovered that it was uncientific bs

I've got optimism pumping through my veins

>Blood type - B+

It's pseudoscientific bullshit.

>It's pseudoscientific bullshit.
Yes I'm surprised it's not more popular on Veeky Forums

Well, calories in calories out is irrefutable physics. So attempting to claim inb4 status on that would be like attempting to claim inb4 status on gravity, the sun, etc.

Now, it is POSSIBLE that different kinds of foods might interact differently with different blood types, in terms of cravings/feeling hungry. So there MAY be something to it, if only as a mental game to help you feel less hungry while in a caloric deficit. (Which, ultimately, is the point of ANY diet plan.)

>blood type diets?
is that a real thing?

>tfw O-

>"And now welcome to the arena...the blue team's BLOOOOOODDDLLEEEETTTERRR"

Attached: Arena_(Quest)_Two.png (1634x1048, 2.23M)

You can buy a home test kit with your neetbucks or phone your doctors. It's probably on record from birth provided you're not in a 3rd world country like america

>laboratory microscope
Are you retarded or just a fucking ignorant hick?

Blood type related coagulation is basic lab shit, anybody can do it. It's literally physiology 101.

judge me

It's like horoscopes but pretending to be science

O+ masterrace

>tfw we were stationed in England during the mad cow scare
Blood banks HATE ME

>Be the Virgin Blood Type AB
>has to receive blood from everybody else and can only donate to one other type
>>overall just selfish
>has to get prodded with needles multiple times

>Be the Chad O- Blood type
>universal donor
>literally saves Stacy's life with just blood
>everybody needs you
>everybody mirin your sweet blood gains

honestly if you arent a blood chad you may as well just kill yourself

O- we are descended from angels and gods, we are literal demigods walking on this planet, google it folks!

>tfw chad blood type AND “very high concentration of red blood cells” according to the blood bank people yet i dont even do cardio

O+ here as well
Can donate to any positive blood type, but can only take O-/+

asian mongrel

O- cuck reporting in

Also 0- less likely to get cancer (but more likely to get certain viral diseases than other types) and best chance of pregnancies being carried to term by any other blood type mother

how do i know you are niggers?
if you aren't Rh negative you are not white. the + sign is for monkey (Rhesus) pollution and dirtyness which negative types lack, that's why they can take clean blood but dirty up normal people's systems

grab multiple samples and inject them and see which ones make you feel bad

>tfw B- (less than 1% worldwide)
>keep getting asked to donate to strangers but im not a cuck
it's literally all i have going for me and makes me feel important

>calls others niggers
You seem confused. Have some chicken.

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Why dont you say that to my face when you've been in a car crash and they dont have you special snowflake piece of shit blood.

>O+ cause every other bloodgroup is fucking stupid

lmao my dad is literally german descent with green eyes and bright hair, I was born with the same blood type as his, my mom is black tho and idk her blood type

AB+ masterrace reporting in

>tfw A-

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My mom told me A and B can both have 0 (so really A0 or B0) and the standard test won't show it, so A and B people usually don't know if they are "true" A (AA) or half A (A0) for instance.

Momscience or true?

>Chad O-
Tell me how I know you haven't heard of the Bombay blood type hh

I call bs

That's try, actually. The AO is the genotype, but the phenotype is A because the O is recessive. I believe it's the same for +-, where you can have both genotype and only express one, but don't quote me on that one.

Fucking kill me

Okay, but could there be any functional difference between the genotypes of same phenotype? Could it make a difference that you are A0? My mom's anecdote was that she always thought vegetarian / vegan memes should work for her because she's type A, but now she thinks she might be A0 and that would change things.

>tfw B-
>fucked if I ever need blood
At least I get 20$ when donating.

Angry B+ detected

You get O- and B-

same, are you baltic/slavic/iranian to any degree? those countries seem to be the only ones where there are more than 1% B-


>Functional differences between genotypes of the same phenotype
No, the phenotype is the expression. Aside from the idea itself being a meme, if a vegan diet were more beneficial for AA types, then it would be more beneficial for AO types, because they both have the same phenotype, which again determines the expression.
The only functional difference between genotypes is the difference in how genes are passed on. An AO will pass on either A or O, whereas an AA will only pass on A. That's it.

Mother says I am O- because she is and she didn't have to take the supression meds to birth me, beyond that I dunno, never been harassed by blood banks or anything.

In theory I would be willing to sacrifice my blood on occasion for those who need it in a tragic accident (car crash or the like) but my blood will probably end up going to africans or some degenerate. Plus, I'm not all that convinced that "blood-letting" in any sort of frequency is all that healthy for you.

lol cope more
i just know you are all google searching how to change your blood type. try drinking bleach it will clean your blood just fine

they are not always necessary, a blood type test should be the first thing they do to you when you are born idk why you have to guess

Fucking faggots, O- checking in

i am A+ will i ever make it ?

my dad is O-

It's meme shit partially stolen from the former meme shit in japan of blood type being a contributor of personality traits. They used to have literal horoscopes on the morning news for blood types. It's less of a thing now but you still get the odd chick asking your blood type

t. Lived in japan

It is in some cases. My uncle (and dad to a lesser extent) have some haemochromatosis or some shit like that. Basically it's too much iron in your blood and the standard treatment is regular blood letting. In severe cases, such as my uncle, you also need to cut high iron foods like red meat

dunno how that makes fit feel.
