Are there still actual chads here?

Are there still actual chads here?
People who have their shit together, popular, charismatic, good social skills, etc

It seems lately that the rare guy that is actually strong and aesthetic is a big loser

Attached: JPEG_20180207_005711.jpg (314x451, 23K)

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Probably not. But I know there's a shit ton of Chadlites and looksmaxxed gymcels here.

Attached: chadcel1.png (227x311, 59K)

Not many chads probably know what Veeky Forums even is, and the ones that do here are most likely former autists.

I have never seen a chad IRL

Well I think I have made it.

>Great carreer as a web developer, love my job
>2.5 years into a great relationship, never had any second thoughts
>Have a great circle of friends, can carry myself very well in social situations
>Could be bigger, but I feel like I'm good enough as far as my body goes. Still lifting 4x/week in mornings
>Get to travel a lot because of my job, can afford to travel at least 2x/year for my own vacations

Attached: IMG_20180311_134447-01__01.jpg (2602x3555, 2.56M)

That being said I still don't consider myself a chad, since that's not a thing you can actively become. Just that I have my shit together


Never gonna make it

>implying there's a better way to maintain medium length hair while at the gym

used to be one, fucked shit up tho

>Have their shit together
That's like 0.1% of the population