Finding it hard to progress!

I've been hitting the gym for 7 months now and I just can't seem to progress in tightening certain parts of my body!
Help me Veeky Forums ! I need advice right now!

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That fucking grinch stance

Eat 1500cal a day until your abs are visible. Start running white at it. Once they are, eat 3000cal a day while lifting hard.

And stop taking estrogen pills.

Why! Do you ! Type ! Like this!

But I don't take estrogen pills..

That's my normal stance..


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well mate. you spent your life not doing anything good to your body.
not eating what you should have, spent countless hours playing zelda and shit and now you expect an overall change in just a couple of months?
you're in for a marathon and not a race.
also, you should see a doctor and make sure your hormone levels are alright. not saying you have klinefelter, but you sure look weird.

Wow and I thought I was bad after six months. Seriously look into getting on TRT, OP. Hips wider than shoulders are not normal for a male, and you clearly have gynecomastia, this is a medical issue.

1: Get a proper programme. I imagine you go into the gym and just do whatever you feel like. Find a programme, count your reps and stick to it.
2: Count your calories. Eat a slight caloric deficit, maybe of about 300 cals and weigh yourself every week first thing in the morning to make sure you're on track.
3. Go to the gym at least X3 a week.
For someone whos been there 7 months you look quite bad. Just follow the above and you'll be fine.
Consistency is key and don't bullshit yourself.

those hips don't lie

There is no hope for you as a natty, start roiding

fast, you will lose that flubber in no time

Absolute spot on evaluation. I've seen that stance a bunch, and always wondered what to call it.

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my sides

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Increase exogenous estrogen intake
Do only decline bench

You can get full tits if you follow this advice.

la creatura...

Are you in your mom's room? Why are there 50 beauty products on your dresser?

Eat at 500 calories under maintenance every day. Follow a strict gym routine regularly.

I see a lot of people go to the gym and just do completely random shit, and their body never improves. Are you sweating your balls off 3x a week for 1.5 hours in the gym? Are you getting enough protein? Your pic says you aren't.

You look better than the last time you posted. Eat less and lift more.

sorry about the gyno user

i dont help pajeets

First i wanted to make a comment about your race but desu with you your stance bothers the fuck out of me. What kind of man naturally stands with his legs glued to eachother ? You are a man right ? I feel uncomfortable just looking at you, i can't imagine how being you feels.

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This is a blue board!

Nice Calvin Kleins they look great on you.

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lmao perfect.

there has to be something in the american indian diet that makes you all look like this wtf

Saw your post on bodyweightfitness on reddit. Look into your hormones at the doc.


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Why are there so many poos on Veeky Forums

no amount of lifting will make you less of a shitskin

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>dont follow the whey
>dont find the gains
One Gslp save them all

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What program are you doing?
How many calories are you eating each day?
How much protein are you getting each day?

If the answer to any of these questions is "I dunno just whatever" then you will likely never see progress.