>libido is almost kill >still can't look at people's eyes during my daily commute >autism refuses to go away >only one wet dream and I couldn't even fuck her, only lick her tits, didn't cum either, beta turbovirgin even in a fucking wet dream
no fap is all in your brain u stupid shit you hear all those "nobrain will heal your spirit" shit, then after going on nofap you get the placebo effects, but really there isn't any
Nathaniel Thomas
>>still can't look at people's eyes during my daily commute
just practice
Ethan Collins
>libido is almost kill Push past it >still can't look at people's eyes during my daily commute Force yourself to >autism refuses to go away Embrace it, Chad is peak autism without the worried caring what others think >only one wet dream and I couldn't even fuck her, only lick her tits, didn't cum either, beta turbovirgin even in a fucking wet dream Dreams don’t count anyways
Nofap hasn’t done much for me except make me horny 24/7 and way more energetic/motivated. Found I’m more confident too, but nofap is often just a small piece of that. Sounds like you have a lot of issues that need more than nofap to deal with
Michael Green
Keep going. I'm on day 13, been as far as 76 before. Absolutely going to 90 this time. About the wet dreams- in my experience, there's a progression. First I had wet dreams about porn, then I had wet dreams where I came seeing naked women, then I finally had wet dreams where I was actually having sex with women. The brain slowly corrects towards the natural good. Give it time.
Camden Davis
>worry that porn has been killing my desire for real, 3D girls >decide to join nofap and noporn >after a few days, start to get super horny over provocative images of clothed women >libido starting to go through the roof >broke down today and went through some lewd pics >didn't fap, but fantasies abound >start thinking how great an actual woman would be >start fantasizing about getting a blowjob from a girl I know >start wanting to fuck her >don't have her contact info, want to go out and find her >tfw I realize I don't think I've ever felt like that >tfw porn always put sex in my head but never in the real world >tfw porn made me a narcissist >tfw going to try and find this girl at the gym tomorrow >tfw nofap turned me into a vociferous sex fiend nofap might only be in my head, but all my problems are only in my head, too
Nathaniel Campbell
sounds like you got your balls back
Benjamin Nelson
wait...don't tell me you did nofap without also doing nofart. you're supposed to do them both dude.
Anthony Smith
Day 3 here. this is the millionth time I've tried it but I usually cave after a few days. I am so fucking horny that I'm noticing shit. in a school project group I'm in I sat down with the girls in the group and one of them is kinda cute in a business-woman kind of way. I noticed she was copying my body language and I'm certain she thinks I'm hot and I was sincerely debating on seeing if I could take her home or something but I know that I shouldn't shit where I eat. I'm fucking losing it and the only things keeping me sane are my workouts and even then all my energy comes back after a few hours. Nofap is really really hard.