This is one cup of fruit.What the fuck is this? I thought fruit was good for you. I can get all this shit + more from a multivitamin.
Is fruit a meme?
Is fruit a meme?
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I thought there more vitimins+minerals
Vegetables > Fruit
Fruit is okay in moderation, but don't be like your typical gym bimbo and think fruit juice is good for you
Fruit is a mini meme. It's better than candy, but it's mostly sugar and Vitamin C. Add it to your yogurt and eat it as dessert, but don't fall for it
> Curbs sweet cravings.
> Low in calories.
> Fiber helps sate appetite.
> Fiber keeps you regular.
thats not much fiber dickhead.
Leave my dick-shaped head out of this.
>cup of fruit
Buy an apple and shut the fuck up faggot
nobody ever got fat because they ''hate too many fruits'' you dumb piece of shit.
that's because it seems to be a processed fruit salad or something
>Is fruit a meme
this is why nobody should take this board seriously
most fruits are meme tier.
kiwifruit/citrus are the best source of vitamin C and you should eat a small amount everyday for this. apples are good for your teeth/jaw and provide good fibre
but stay away from stuff like bananas which are glorified sugar
>13 sugar, 2 fiber, 12 total carbs
All fruits aren't the same of course, most have high amounts of sugar, berries are probably the best the rest should be taken in more moderation
Stop eating shitty fruit. Buy mixed berries in bulk. They have the most vitamin and mineral content, are high in fiber, and low in sugar.
ill just take a spring valley multi vitimin
One or two pieces of low nutrient fruits like an apple or peach will be in your advantage. Useful for digestion more than anything.
More than this or fruit juice you're entering the meme.
Blueberries are god tier
my neighbor gave me a 5lb bag today, should I just blend them up and drink them?
if your statement is true the shit on the bottom of the bag is already blended you blueberry expert
What? She gave me a 5 lb bag of frozen blueberries for helping her do some shit. None of it is blended
Depends on the fruit. Citrus is usually really good for vitamin C. Bananas are good for Potassium, etc.
Pretty much all of them are very high in fiber.
again, why not just take some supplements?
Why eat food at all? Just take a multivitamin and drink the soylent that is undoubtedly filling your fridge so you can blaze it up 420 and watch Rick and Morty.
Agreed. I don't even eat food anymore, I just chug soylent all day and pop vitamin supplements. Food is a meme.
Fruit is a big fucking meme.
In order of importance
Nothing found in fruit isn't also found in either meat, fat, or vegetables.
It's like an edible soda it has so much fucking sugar in it.
great memes but it was a legitimate question., i'll rephrase it, is there any real benefit eating your vitimins that come from plants and animals and shit vs supplementing?
Vegetables are bad for you.
Bioavailability is one factor.
Another factor is that your body can't process everything at one point and then slowly release it throughout the day. Think of it like drinking 4 glasses of milk with 4 meals vs drinking 1 gallon in one sitting.
>vegetables are bad for you
No grains are bad for you as is too much fruit.
Fuck off keto fag.
vegetables are indigestible and destroy your guts.
makes sense, thank you
rate my shake
>1 cup blueberries
>1/2 cup frozen mixed fruit
>1/2cup oatmeal
>1 cup milk
>1 cup yogurt
>2tsp peanut butter
>3tsp egg whites
If you can eat your dietary requirements versus being forced to use vitamin supplements you should always opt to eat. Many supplements are linked to elevated cancer risk (vitamin E supplementation and prostate cancer comes to mind), whereas a large portion of fruits fight cancer.
Because the vitamin in the pill is sub-tier compared to the original source.
Just like a 1g protein of freshly caught salmon shits on 1g protein of processed powder milk (aka whey)
>No grains are bad for you as is too much fruit.
Citation needed. Not all grains are the monster known as modern hybridized wheat.
Bananas are good for carbs aren't they?
>having sweet cravings
not gonna make it
Raspberries, Blueberries, and Strawberries are all good to eat
Because in most cases multi vitamins just give you expensive pee
Nope, mostly sugar. The only reason you even need vitamin C is to process carbs.
Think I'm wrong? Explain the Inuit people (eskimoes)