>b-b-but where do I get my protein edition

A place for discussing all things vegan ethics, politics & health

Meat consumption is ruining the environment.
- Pollutes rivers
- Forests cleared for livestock
- Causes soil degradation
- Massive inefficiency
- Major contributor to global warming.

Vegan Health

Animals ethics crash course -

The most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient as retards should have the same moral status

(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Ad Hominem - e.g. vegans are faggots

Strawman - e.g. vegans want white genocide

Appeal to nature - e.g. meat is natural and therefore ethical

Tu Quoque - e.g. vegans buy computers

Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think. (most philosophers are moral realists and believe moral propositions can in fact be true)

Meatcucks please realise the difference between normative ethics (what we ought to do) and descriptive ethics (what beliefs do people have). Normative ethics is what is being discussed with regards to veganism and morality.

- people should not eat animals for x reason (relevant normative claim)
- people eat animals for y reason (irrelevant descriptive claim)

Honest Advertising for Omnivores

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Other urls found in this thread:

So I never really pay attention to this General, but is this a troll general or what? I see it pop up occasionally on fit and I see some responses. I'm not sure if the entire thread is basically an argument or actual vegans discussing stuff together

It's usually

>vegans prove their point
>meatcucks talk shit and lie to not accept the truth
>vegans prove them wrong yet again
>meatcucks go away
>thread dies with vegans as winners who presented evidence for their claims

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that picture has false data in it. kale only has 8.7 grams of protein for 100 calories

steak has around 10 grams of protein per 100 calories

in addition, 100 grams of kale(or any green vegetable) is an insane amount

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There are a lot of options to choose from. You don't need meat at all.

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yeah just if you want to be healthy and happy

Vegans are healthier than meat eaters though. Nice strawman.

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It turns into a shitshow every.fucking.time. Love it

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How many pounds of watercress do you need to consume to get a 100 calorie portion?

Don't listen to the memes. Hitler loved animals. He literally made the first general animal protection laws in Germany. Only Jews are supporters of the meat industry.

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To any meat eater interested in veganism or even vegetarianism: dont take into consideration this meme graph, there are far more better vegan protein sources, like beans, chickpeas,lentils,peas, pb, nuts and so on

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Oh hey look another falseflag thread with a retarded infograph and a reddit OP.

I may have overread it but where exactly are your arguments or evidence against my claims?

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lol dumb vegcuck, 100cal of cabbage is like 476g. Brb eating half a kilo of shit-tier tasteless veg when I could just chow a little bit of dead animal.

>Did you know the moon is a hologram?
"Lol no it isn't retard"
>where's ur evidens lul

Will vegans ever learn?

>;-; waaaaa I need to chew more ;-;
>p-please kill more animals because chewing is too hard for me

Meatcucks are pathetic.

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What about vitamin B12 which is necessary for red blood cells development? You can't get it anywhere except meat iirc.

You haven't proven literally anything. Veganism is healthy. Eating meat and drinking milk is not. End of discussion unless you show some actual evidence.

Yay another meme argument that has been disproven the last hundreds of threads. Arguing with meatcucks is like talking to mentally challenged children.

I'm actually vegan, you're obnoxious and retarded and this obvious falseflagging is annoying.

Could that possibly be because there are more health conscious people per capita in the plant based camp than there are in the omnivorous one? Ordinary slobs don’t tend to give a shit about their meat consumption; however they also don’t exercise and they don’t give two fucks about constantly eating processed and fast foods.

Are there any studies that take this into account? Is there a study only of athletes or other health conscious populations and the health effects of their eating habits?

Can you post proof about that? Since you ask everyone else for proof for their claims

>vegan and not supporting teaching others about the benefits of veganism


>well you have proven me wrong
>b-b-b-b-but b-b-b-but

How about you take a look about all sources I have provided so far?

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vegans are retarded

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Can you go into depth as to how you’ve proven me wrong? I asked an entirely legitimate question. Have studies been done to see how the general health of both plant based and omnivorous populations differ when it comes to athletes and other health conscious individuals?
I’m not here for an argument I’m here for information. Obviously I am an omnivore but I do believe that most of your food should probably come from plants. Help me see why I should completely drop meat other than animal welfare.

>humans ate meat for hundreds of thousands of years
>animal fat and all included
>humans developed their advanced brain with this diet
>however meat is bad for you because this outdated sloppy industry-funded study says so
I have yet to find anyone who'd be able to point out what's bad about eating fish, for example. Not a single person or study

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the problem is with the non-euro meat industry, its the only one with animal protection laws. In USA and other relevant countries they suck a fucklot.

Also I would like to add the example that vegans hate, there is a ethnic group that 100% only ate meat. That is Eskimos.
yet vegans refuse to think humans arent capable of that.

>humans developed their advanced brain with this diet
Do you really believe this? According to your logic sharks and wolfs should dominate the world, if eating meat makes you smart.
Humans are meant to be vegans.

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I know some vegans, they are cool guys, they are never talking about their positions and never promote veganism. But this toxic vegans who screams at every possible moment:"i am vegan", they are faggots, like sjw and other scum

>humans are meant to be vegans

lmao r u dum fa m??

How about you prove my pic wrong instead of using ad hominem?

just the retarded answer i'd expect

The biggest problem, just like with any topic that has to do with nature, is the still not developed east and how you will never get them on board with anything. I live in Finland, there's a bit over 5 million of us. We could all stop using cars altogether and eat nothing but vegetables for the rest of our lives and generations and literally nothing would change. So from ethnical point of view it's a wasted effort, I'm way better off spending that time thinking about who to vote. These changes happen through politics

And yeah, I don't have any studies to cite but the most healthy groups of people all have only one thing in common, which is that they eat straight from nature and most processing they do is cook their meat on a fire. I've read about a person who doesn't do even that. There are tribes who eat no meat, groups of people who eat meat almost only meat, groups of people who live on a mixed diet. Even groups of people who eat non-plant based carbs mostly, like rice. All as healthy as you can imagine, with only freshness connecting their diets. Doesn't take a genius to understand what's going on

>Do you really believe this? According to your logic sharks and wolfs should dominate the world, if eating meat makes you smart.
You're really fucking retarded never speak to me again

Veganism is mental illness.

reminder that eating meat is cucking yourself

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This is great and all but vegans should be shilling the everloving shut out of supplements it's not about eating less meat it's about how to minimize overall consumption while not losing functionality, eventually we should be living purely on pills/powders

>flax seed
>multigrain bread

Nice try shlomo not fooling anyone gtfo of here with your numale diet

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it has estrogen in the name wtf else do you need to know broski?

>Linking to reddit
>Reddit spacing
>Muh animal rights
So, why are you on /fag/ instead of going back?

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Is your last name retard?

>he doesn't eat a 4ft cube of watercrest a day
>never gonna make it

t. brainlet

My dad ate meat and is 186.5 cm
His vegan brother is 186 cm

Check m8 vegans

Cool, how many pounds of cabbage is 100 calories? Delete this thread you brainlet.

Thanks, I always try to explain this but they seem to just forget as soon as I’m done.

/fraud/ also links to a reddit wiki
there is nothing wrong in using information from other comunities online. even when those comunities are gay

If you control for obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and fiber intake there are no convincing health benefits to a vegan lifestyle. As you already pointed out comparing a group that is (overly) health conscious to the general population that leads a sedentary lifestyle, consumes calories in excess, regularly drinks alcohol and maybe even smokes is like a comparison between apples and oranges and therefore completely unscientific. To think that you can't eat both meat and vegetables or that you will inevitably overeat on an omnivorous diet is a false dichotomy.
Also irl you occasionally meet an honest vegan who will admit that the healthy plant based diet only lasts until they find all the vegan junk food like oreos and then it's back to eating unhealthy just without meat, dairy and eggs.

Not that guy, but explain why vegans are the retarded ones when there are mountains of evidence and studies on it's benefits, compared to an omnivorous diet.
That's just the health aspect, let's just ignore the suffering and killing of sentient beings, which are intelligent, have a will to live and experience life just like you do and don't want to live a "happy" life just do die on day X. Or the dairy/eggs industry that is throwing male chicks streight in the shredder and don't forget the cows that need to get raped in order to produce milk and then take their child away, just so humans can drink the cow's milk, which is actually rasing estrogen contrary to the popular "soyboy" meme (Number 16)

>Oh gee we Vegans sure are retards for actually wanting to keep this planet alife


Oh shit nigga I can just eat 21 lbs of watercress and get all the protein I need ahaha

I doubt that your uncle grew up as a vegan, since we are forced to start out our life with the food choices out parents make for us and most people aren't vegan.
Considering your uncle grew up vegan; You sure as hell shut me up with your anecdotal evidence.

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>Appeal to nature
>An argument
Select one. Food is abundant today, which is why it isn't a necessity to seek out high - calorie meat. It is perfectly feasible to consume all your nutrients and fats with a plant based diet.

Do these 21 lbs of watercress you need to eat press on your brain or is it just that a vegan diet makes you unable to write in a non-brainlet manner?

It isn`t, though. Why do vegans need to lie in order to justify their lifestyle choices?

Yea thought so nigga check m8 vegans

Maybe it's because I'm not enirely sure about the puncuation and some words in the english language, since it isn't my first or second language, but I'm pretty sure you were able to understand my post and I don't eat any cress or cabbage. You sound like you are in denial about the truth.


Those stupid vegans actually care about animals, the planet and their health what a bunch of assholes!

What is "m8 vegans" ?
I just googled it and a handbag came up post a link.

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Vegetarians are ~2% and vegans ~0.5% of the population. Twice as likely as omnivores to be politically liberal. The vast majority of them eventually return to eating meat. Almost one-third of them reported specific health-related symptoms and only about one-third of former vegetarians/vegans stated interest in returning to vegetarianism/veganism.

High-fiber diets may reduce the half-life of vitamin D3 in blood plasma.

A study of German vegans shows that their diet is deficient in vitamin B12, which may negatively impact their cardiovascular health.

Health aspects of vegetarianism should be considered in the light of possible damaging effects arising from vitamin B-12 deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia.

Blood plasma levels of omega-3 fatty acids are lower in vegetarians than they are in omnivores.

Vegetarians are more prone to having iodine deficiency.

Vegetarian diets reduce testosterone in men. This study used a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, and not the more strict vegan diet.

Supplementation of creatine improves cognitive functions of vegetarians, but does not do so in omnivores, suggesting that the lack of creatine in a vegetarian diet may cause a suppresed cognitive function.

Vegetarian diets are especially dangerous to children and to nursing or expectant mothers. Some case studies:

Maybe its because a vegan diet makes you a brainlet, who can tell?
Anyone who eats there is a subhuman and should be euthanized ASAP
>Cruelty at pig factory
Why should I care about pigs being treated like shit, though? Is there even a marginal chance that either a) their suffering has a negative effect on me, or b) I end up in their situation?
>their health
Vegan-ism dosn`t equate being healthy; The inverse is also true. Chances are that if you don`t manage to have a healthy meat-based diet you are just a lazy retard.

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>Why should I care about pigs being treated like shit, though?
Because it lowers the meats quality.

Good point, but one I never bothered to actually research.
Are there any health- and nutritional-related effects "happy" meat has, or does it mostly change the taste?

Based scienceposter
Incoming posts using blog links and Facebook images to try to prove you wrong

ITT: a race to the bottom to prove who is the most retarded. But keep outdoing each other. I find it humorous.

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Literally none of these studies is even about vegans though.

>there are people out that that choose a diet that's missing 50 nutrients and take a shitload of synthetic pills form big pharma all because they have some moral conundrum about eating animals, even though animals eat other animals
oh wow, its like a religious cult eh?

Looks like you can't read.

Name one essential nutrient other than B12.

Ah right there is one is about the one vitamin everybody on a vegan diet should know about.

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>acidic protein which leeches
>calcium from bones

Most modern pig breeds are descentants from belgian stocks, which aside from being meaty and low fat as fuck (for pig meat), carry genetic defects in stress reaction mechanisms which result in PSE meat and DFD meat.

You can simply look those up to get started on the basics of stress-related meat quality.

Vitamin D (it's an animal hormone), Vitamin A (beta carotene is not it), creatine, carnosine, taurine, heme iron, dha, zinc, calcium, cholesterol, etc. Of course you're ignorant about nutrition and probably don't know about anti nutrients and bio availability so you think you're getting these from plants.

>According to your logic sharks and wolfs should dominate the world, if eating meat makes you smart.
that's not what he meant you autistic fuck. also that meme pic doesn't prove shit. humans evolved like that because WE COOK OUR FUCKING FOOD SO WE DON'T NEED BIG TEETH AND CLAWS AND SHIT BECAUSE OUR FOOD IS ALREADY PARTIALLY DIGESTED FOR US. cooking has completely altered our evolution and allowed us to become what we are today. people have eaten lots of meat and other animal products since people fucking existed. even our ancient ancestors ate meat before they evolved into homo sapiens, so you can shove your bullshit vegan rhetoric up your ass.

Afaik the meat of stressed out animals is more chewy. Didn't bother researching it either but it stands to reason that meat of well kept and well nourished animals is both tastier and healthier than that of mistreated and undernourished ones. And even if there are no health benefits personally better taste alone is compelling enough.

>bro it's easy to eat enough protein, all you have to do is eat 20 pounds of cabbage a day!

/pol/ loves jews which is why they hate Nazi beans and Nazi bread

>protein per 100 calories
lmao. you'd have to eat like a fucking cubic meter of kale to equal one steak

and an over 100 y/o hypothesis that's entirely disproven almost as long.

Dietary D is pretty sparse all around though, we're supposed to get most of it during summer and have it stored for winter. A is not an issue, most people can sufficiently convert beta-carotene and there are retinol sources too. The rest of your list is either not essential (in the sense that dietary intake is not necessary) or wrong. Overall kinda valid though and a reason I consider fish healthy.

At least for Vit D, there IS some D2 in plants. Its not as effective as D3 from animals, but it is there.

I can eat salmon or eel and get more than enough vitamin d for the day, regardless of the weather, and no D2 is not the same. Also, weather you believe in geoengineering or climate change, there are cloudy days even in the summer. Only about 2/3rds of the population can convert beta-carotene to A, kids and older folks are especially unable.

The rest are not essential? Let's see your brain health after a decade of no dha, cholesterol, saturated fat, creatine, and carosine? Let's see your bone, muscle, and inmune health after a decade of no calcium, heme iron, and zinc? Not to mention all the trace minerals you're missing, all the other amino acids you're missing, and the relationship between these nutrition and the absorption of other nutrients (i.e., supplementing for just D is retarded since you also need K and calcium, or how you need folate and B12, etc); which is why whole foods are the superior method of eating anyways.

The fact is, if you have to take supplements then your diet is simply not the most nutritious diet. At least admit that you're doing it for moral/religious reasons and you're being ignorant about nutrition.

>D2 is not the same.
That is what I said, though.

> Let's see your brain health after a decade of no dha, cholesterol, saturated fat, creatine, and carosine?
Cholesterol, creatine and carosine are produced in our body in adequate quantities and nobody completely avoids saturated fat, as long as you eat anything coconut you get enough (I'd say it's more dangerous to consume too much than too little which is extremely easy). Calcium is plentiful in vegan foods, just a little bit of tofu for example and the rest is also easily availabe in some foods and at worst just eat fortified cereals (inb4 LOL SUPPLEMENTS SHIT DIET).

Also even vegans started shifting the focus towards a plant based whole foods diet. You're being very autistic over a couple nutrients here. Oh and anti-nutrients is a stupid buzzword almost always used by idiots.

Just coming in to share my practical tips, vegan for 5 years and been roiding for 3
>Soy isn't evil if you take iodine supplements
>Soy is processed trash though
>/sips/ have b12 and are vegan
>Calcium and B12 are in Almond Milk
>Pea and Rice protein powders form an uber whey when combined (no difficulty digesting, carries flavour well, mild taste (can be sweet or savory), mixes well, good texture for bars or baked goods)
>Mush or blend legumes to make them easier to digest and no gas (i.e: turn chickpeas into falafels, kidney beans into burgers, black beans into brownies, butter beans into cookie dough, lentils into soup)
>Mix brown rice protein in any of the above to make a 1:1 protein:carb instead of 1:2 ratio. It has no flavour and just acts like flour
>Gram flour (+brown rice protein) + savory spices = omelette
>Gram flour (+brown rice protein) + baking powder (+sweetener) = pancakes
>Mushrooms and tomatoes provide umami. Grilled portobello mushrooms take up a meaty texture; soy sauce or hickory smoke gives them a beefy taste if you're into that
>Vital Wheat Gluten is your best friend. Hail Seitan.
>VWG can make what I call bread+ (basically bread fortified with extra protein) if you have time on your hands
>Vegan diet isn't about how many vegetables you can eat. That shit bloats you the fuck up.
>500ml Almond Milk, 30g flaxseeds, 10g nutritional yeast, 200g frozen berries, 50g spinach, and 50g kale blended together hits basically all of your micronutrient requirements for ~500kcals. Good while cutting. Just add 15g Pea Protein and 15g Brown Rice Protein, sweetener, and if you like then myprotein flavdrops are vegan except strawberry and raspberry (toffee is divine)
>Honey is the result of the single most barbaric thing humans do to animals. What farmers do to queen bees is the reason I went vegan.

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>Could that possibly be because there are more health conscious people per capita in the plant based camp than there are in the omnivorous one? Ordinary slobs don’t tend to give a shit about their meat consumption; however they also don’t exercise and they don’t give two fucks about constantly eating processed and fast foods.
>Are there any studies that take this into account? Is there a study only of athletes or other health conscious populations and the health effects of their eating habits?

Or maybe its reverse, that health oriented athletes and the like choose to be vegans (because they believe its better) and thus live longer?

You do realize that rice is from plants right?

That's not a strawman dumbass, it's a false dichotomy.

Great tips m8, care to elaborate on the honey part?

>1 glas of milk
>300 calories

1 glass = half a litre now?

But why plants and not animals?

In terms of cruelty sentience and inflicting you are not making a difference.

In terms of environment you aren't either, a switch would simply over burden the amount of land available, let alone fertile land, you are being highly ignorant of what can grow where and in what quantities.

If you want to be vegan because you are a sentimentally inclined religious/moral zealot than fine, do as you like but don't pretend to speak from a position of legitimacy or accepted common knowledge, your zealous sentimental inclinations obviously hinder any objective view of the matters involved.

>i get enough calcium and nutrients from plants because biological substances like anti nutrients
Stop, you're literally twisting reality in order to make yourself better believe what you want to believe. Go away shill.

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Maybe nothing.

The point is that the studies which look at this correlation and tremendously lacking in true objectivity and controlling factors.

In other words they are shit studies where the conclusions drawn are not reliable at all.

Shark deaths and ice cream.

*destroys your argument*

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There is no credible scientific evidence that 'antinutrients' are real.

Some people who have sensitivities (eg. gluten or lectin intolerance) can't digest foods that contain some of these, but for the vast majority of humans with a healthy, balanced diet that is not critically lacking in some way the purported negative effects of any and all of the compounds that ""infographic"" lists are nonexistent.

You can legitimately support veganism without that kind of pseudo-scientific garbage, and are undermining any credibility that you could have cultivated.