Could a completely untrained male defeat an accomplished female martial artist?

Could a completely untrained male defeat an accomplished female martial artist?
>twin sister practices BJJ
>she has like 11 years of experience and is a brown belt
>5'9/10 and is around 145 lbs
>be me
>have done 0 BJJ
>6'4 and 195 lbs
If I challenged my sister to a fight, would I have any chance at winning?

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No you wouldn't and not because she is trained

If you just tackle and hammer fist them brock lesnar style and are easily twice as strong and atleast 1.5x as heavy you could definitley win

>you wouldn't and not

>What is groundgame
You’d get your shit snapped the fuck up after trying your clumsy takedown you fat faggot

Yes, there's a reason why weight classes exist

I kind of doubt you could take a female brown belt at 145 (if you grappled you would almost certainly lose for example), but I think the fight would be a lot closer than most of this board thinks.

It doesn't work like that, not everyone is a carbon copy just slightly larger or smaller. It comes to skill, athleticism, intelligence, height reach and mass when it comes to a fighters ability. There's a few heavyweight boxers n mma fighters I know would get clapped by more skilled lower weight fighters

Yeah, among trained fighters. You’re having a giggle if you think some 200lb normie wouldn’t get their shit pushed in by a 120lb twink who actually trains because they’re heavier.
It depends if she’s actually good at BJJ, doesn’t train at a McDojo and has actually fought rather than just sparred.

this desu, although bjj mcdojos aren't particularly common. as martial arts go, bjj is very legit

you're gonna get tapped most likely lol