general coffee thread.
How many Veeky Forumsizens enjoy a good cup of coffee after a workout?
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Have your coffee before the workout son, rather than after your session. Dont get me wrong I love coffee but drinking it after a a workout will result in water getting pulled out of the muscle when you really want the muscle to fill up on water and glykogen.
before and during.
>He doesn't sip these between sets
>not carrying a hot flask of your favourite blend of coffee around
Not gonna make it
i used to do that when i first started lifting last summer, the problem was that even if i took a huge shit before working out ie my ritual. i would allways have to take another mid workout and somtimes it was multiple shits during a workout which was a pain in the ass. ill stick to after workout user.
usually have a fresh brew after each exercise. I go through too much, help me.
keep sipping user, where all addicted
I get up I drink like a cup of black coffee without sugar, take my potein and zinc and I workout.
After Im done I usually eating my breakfast and having one more cup of coffee this time with whole milk and I take another zinc.
Makes your life feel great even if it isnt.
b...but a fresh brew after each individual lift.