Buying new jeans

>buying new jeans
>all the slim/tapered fit jeans are made for twinks with stick legs
>all the regular/loose fit jeans are made for landwhales

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>Buying a new shirt
>they're all too tight up top, and too lose down low

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time to switch to wranglers, bucko

hi brett

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One user recommended old navy athletic fit and there’s always the classic levi 531
I actually found some black skinny jeans from h&m that are surprisingly enough amazing quality I think they shipped them to the wrong store or something because a month later the same brand had different buttons and different material so they’re hit or miss

Congrats, OP. You can finally start wearing grown up pants.

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I have the same issue with shirts
>one size is too tight around my arms and chest
>annother is like a dress around my waist

Are wranglers good? What kind should I get?

Take the tailor pill
Used to suffer through standard sizes until I started going to the tailor and having stuff made for me
Now my clothes are far more durable and fit perfectly always

>athletic fit

You are welcome.