What have you done to improve your life this week, Veeky Forums?
/sig/ Self Improvement General
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recently started trying to eat less calories for the first time in my life
this started basically in the beginning of march
I also tried fasting but I just couldnt make it through nost days without a meal (luckily I was only getting about 600 calories in those meals)
I'm thinking of fasting all the way through next week, any tips ?
Trying to cut caffeine. I had a bunch of regular Coke in the house but I have a 12 pack of caffeine free ready to go when I finish that up eventually.
Started talking to girls again. I've been avoiding them for the past few years because I wanted to get a steady income first. But I've realized that a girl who will love me when I'm poor will love me when I'm rich. The reverse isn't often true
I miss 2016 /sig/ when it was way more active and there are even some anons who moderated its wiki.
Anyway currently taking an online drawing course and frequenting art gains boards like /ic/ and shit. Hate being stuck on retail forever, and I desire to make my primary hobby worthwhile.
I started doing deadlifts again after stopping over half a year ago. I struggle to even do a set of 5 at 3 plate, but it's a start
I threw out all of my weed, pipes, bongs etc
Some people can handle it, but for me its a pure gains goblin
Cutting soda is the first step towards doing anything meaningful here
It's easy as fuck though, just last a week and you won't miss it anymore
I've been working on learning to love myself. I've been having moments of realization about different behaviors and thought patterns I have and correcting them. I'm finally able to stop myself from doing weird shit. The other day I came to realize that my self worth has always been defined by what others think of me (or what I think they think of me) and so now I'm trying to work on changing that. I want to feel free to be me and not be such a people pleaser.
Any tips you guys can give? I've been thinking about giving meditation a try.
I'm committing suicide. I've had enough of this world and want to move on to the next one. I am going deep into the woods where nobody will find me because it brings me back to my childhood growing up in rural Colorado before it became popular. I am intending to return my body to the Earth. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Goodbye Veeky Forums, thanks for everything. But I know I will never be able to beat myself.
Don't do it user. I know things seem hard, but things can always change. There's help out there
Out of all of the stupid things I've ingested and abused in the past, Soda is by far the worst. I've replaced my soda habit with straight seltzer water and that alone led me to shed 45 pounds all while continuing to sit on my ass and do nothing. It was a real eye opener for me. I should note that I also had to give up energy drinks, sweet tea, and sweet juice to really shed that weight. I wish I would have done it before my high school days, my biggest regret.
Quit being a faggot and find joy in something, anything. This life is the only one you are guaranteed to have. Going back to the moment before you were born will solve nothing, yet deprive you of everything.
Stick around breh.
I have had some dark moments. What worked for me at least was to find enjoyment line another user said. It was as simple as ordering a large pizza or getti g some sort of take out and watching a documentary or a comedy anything to distract me befire I went to sleep for the night. Things would not be quite so bad in the morning and the feelings would pass.
Hang in there brah, the sun will rise again.
We can all make it.
Haha holy shit I actually wrote most of the personal finance part of the wiki. Some mod kept removing /sig/ though, feels bad man.
Anyways I'll stick around, if any anons want any kind of financial advice lemme know.
>I've had enough of this world and want to move on to the next one
The problems of this life can't be solved by suicide You'll only be incarnated in a different body, over and over again until you worked out your karmic debt.
All of the solutions to your problems are here in your experience.
And if you end the experience to early, your problems will just latch on. You're suffering stays with your spirit until it's healed.
You can do it man, be strong.
Don't do it all at once. Try a 2 day fast and see how you feel. Make swure to drink lots of water. The first 24 hours are the worst.
Why not switch to coffee and carbonated water are replacements through the day? No calories or weird chemicals.
Are you perusing school at all?
Lighten the weight for good form and conditioning?
Good on you m8. That's why I don't keep liquor in the house. I'm fine when I'm out and about with others, but with it in the house I'm useless. I have some beer in the fridge for company but that's about it.
Meditation is an AWESOME habit to keep up. I'll keep on it for a few weeks and fall off the bandwagon, but it's super useful and makes the day feel great. I think I'll try again tomorrow morning. As far as valuing yourself for yourself as opposed to outside standards, I think it always goes back to seeing your past self as the other to compare yourself to. Anytime you think about past you, he's an idiot, and you've improved since then. You don't want a day to pass where you haven't improved in SOME little way. That's the guy you compare yourself to.
But like... why? Your shitty suicide note isn't even as good as the ones people have been writing on Veeky Forums.
Brah, I lost 10lb quitting DIET soda. Good job user.
You could also drink a Coke zero instead of the regular to help you transition.
How do I fix my skin, bros?
I swear to God I would love the way I look if it wasn't for the acne and shit.
I'm sorry if this isn't a good place to ask, but I didn't see a thread for skincare.
>face scrub 2x a week
>face wash 1x week
>figure out type of facial hair and skin sensitivity level, buy safety razor blades and pucks of soap that are kind on your skin
>use alum block after shaving
>use face moisturizer after
>avoid alcohol based aftershaves
>wash your pillow covers weekly
>stop smoking (lol never gonna happen)
These are what you can do that are the "not extreme" ends of the spectrum.
As far as going to a dermatologist and that fancy doctor shit, I have no idea.
face wash 1x day*
No, I only watch a lot of concept artists in yt and stealing free resources from /ic/, so far both do me good. I don't have extra free time to commit doing artschool, be it offline or online. Even though artschool is good for maintaining discipline, good ones tend to be expensive.
What's up financebrah good to see you around. I started to trade buttcoins this year, I think I'm far too late (long story short it's sorta fucked nowadays) and I'm not economically intelligent enough to make significant gains.
>tfw still stuck at retail
>tfw too brainlet to gamble
Contrary to the rest of the people here. I'm against suicide but I hold it a true alternative.
Could you elaborate on the reason that brought you to this resolution?
I've been struggling for a while.
I've been unemployed for a long while now and I'm trying to get a job in Development. I trained myself and I have a couple of Apps in the Play Store...
But I'm struggling to get an entry level job because of my lack of experience and I'm not getting internships because I'm not enrolled into college.
At this point (and I'm serious) I would fucking work for free just to get team experience.
I almost got a job but I'm also struggling with the fact that I'm living in Berlin and some super entry-level jobs favor some German... and my German exists and is improving but I'm far from fluent.
I soldier on.
This week I started going to the GYM again (I was sick, a really bad one). I worked on another app I got coming.
I've been thinking about doing a Veeky Forums app. Something to track AxBxBCx splits. Maybe....
I read the sticky but I don't really understand what its saying.
>workout A
>Back Squats 5x5
>Chinups / Pullups 5x5
>Benchpress 5x5
>Barbell Curls 2x10
>Wristwork 2x10
>Calves 2x20
What does the 5x5 and 2x10 mean?
It doesn't tell you what weigh to start with, is this just whatever you can do 10times before stopping?
I really want to get Veeky Forums but it seems the sticky is a bit of a brainlet filter.
Do you have a father?
consider reading This thread before going through with it.
nice, I'm not that user you were talking tto but I'll try these out. (I have crater face from acne and picking forever)
Thank you so much, user.
Yeah I never got on the crypto train either, it's actually a pain in the ass to buy where I live in NZ and could never be bothered going through the hastle. I've had a few friends on it and they've had a wild ride haha
5x5 means 5 sets of 5 reps. 2x10 means 2 sets of 10 reps.
You can always start just with the bar and add weight if it's too easy.
thanks, I was kinda confused with that stuff
>b..bu..but duuude weeed lmao
you gonna make it
Why does rural Colorado look like Skyrim?
Going to the gym along with the parents, two-three times per week. Learn computer programming and agile.
Hey finacebrah! I worked with you 3 years ago to have the /SIG/ up and running. And yeah, some faggot mod deleted the threads and that made me quit Veeky Forums
Here's the old sticky
I'm glad this shit is still around.
Working to curve my eating. Cutting back on starches, getting more vegetables, meditating once a day and some yoga (though I don't think I'm doing it right), and attempting to get back into lifting.
I can't get over how much meditating helps. I still sometimes get freaked out about things and easily upset, but not nearly as much as I used to.
Cannot agree more. One day I just said no more. Been about six months now I believe. Occasionally I slip and try a Monster. But then I just remember how disgusting they are.
I find it hard to keep balance between being social and being Veeky Forums. How much does social drinking retard progress, really? Srs
Pic related to thread not post
Good advice except for the daily routine. You need to wash face with a pH neutral cleanser, apply a BHA (google) once a day and a moisturizer twice a day.
Currently shifting my creative habits from writing and playing music to poetry and short stories. It's frustrating at times but when I see my poems begin to take on a full meaning after redrafting I feel true fulfillment.
This coming week I need to get back into meditating. Wish there was somewhere private to go on campus to do so.
you sound like an excuse maker
get a job doing anything. Go work construction and learn a trade while simultaneously working on your faggot development hobby
You have 24 hours in a day. 6 for sleep. Get to fucking work. Get an entry job and work hard at it and then you'll have some dignity and meaning in your life. Sit down and make a calendar of small steps toward your goals and stick to it.
Men don't like to work, they NEED to work. Go work and give it your best no matter what job you get and move up the ladder into something skilled. Then if your stupid app bullshit doesnt get off the ground you can still make $30 an hour installing tile or pulling cable and be proud that you're building something and making the world a better place every day
>waiting for companies to send me shit so I can cross off 1/3 of my March to-do list
check this out:
remember diet is everything for losing weight. you probably already know that though
>meme diets
pls no
It's just low carb and offers tips on what to eat. Much more useful than "just don't eat any carbohydrates bro!" and that's it
not him but thanks for the link - I'll take whatever I can get
I read 3 books. Elon Musk's biografy, A Brave New World and 1984. I used to love reading and at some point 10 years ago I just stopped. Idk why. I just sank hours upon hours browsing Veeky Forums. I now substitute about 75% of that time with reading and it feels fucking amazing.
Dont do this, this is shitty advice If you are already learning german and you know how to code well enough dont settle for a shitty construction job, you have potential just keep working on that man.
>Have no gf
>Stop watching porn
>Have gf
>start watching porn again
I swear my body is just getting pissed off that she's not on my dick everyday - help brehs
do a flip, faggot
man I'm about to attempt the same change and was in the same situation. You have given me hope. I have a stack of novels ready to go
See you in a jake paul vlog
Veeky Forums sometimes has skincare threads.
As for this you should wash your face twice a day, and NEVER scrub your face, especially if you have sensitive skin. Otherwise good advice.
Use a cleanser and moisturizer twice a day. Treat your skin like the slightest abrasion will cause you to break out (this may actually be true). Try out some different products, and expect to see results after like 2-3 weeks of testing. If you go through a bunch of different kinds of products and it doesn't work, see a dermatologist and ask for a prescription treatment.
And for fuck's sake, be consistent about whatever you do. If you're doing something inconsistently, you might as well not be doing it at all.
t. solved his acne with the help of a dermatologist
Getting closer to some decent lifting standards. Can almost hoist 135lb over my head and I added OHP to my work out about two weeks ago. Closing in on 2 plates for bench as well as 3 plate squat. Trying to get some swimming in on my none lifting days.
got a car to get a job now i'm going to have to get a job if i want to keep this damn thing
currently on medicaid because lolunemployed and the dentists they have are all shitty ;_;
Applied for a higher paying job and had a phone interview
increased my bench and shoulder press
hating myself a little less each cday
I hate how crooked my teeth are. It easily puts me down to a 5 when I'd otherwise be a 7 or 8. Still have two years before I can afford Invisalign...again.
starting to take protien supplements. I've been lifting for two years where I go to the gym 5 days a week. In the two years I only increased my max bench from 125 to 165.
Turns out I was only taking around 20-50 grams of protien a day, and now I'm taking close to 200. Of course all of this isn't just powder, I've been upping how much I eat.
I started eating more meats a few weeks ago and I have gotten a few pounds heavier.
I love working out too much and finally had enough of getting no results.
Thanks user. I'll look into everything you listed, at least start washing my face more often.