how can i get this body type?
How can i get this body type?
Never move or eat
How can I get this body type?
eat doritos, walk to work but only for 10 minutes.
Fork downs 1xAs much as necessary
If only girls like this had a round ass...Some might have one but it's so rare. Most of them have flat butts.
his torso is literally 60% chest
I found one day a girl that was really small but had a huge and well rounded ass, I couldn't believe my eyes, and she even got some nice tits, I never got mesmerized as in that day
Nice man. They don't even need a huge ass imo, but it should be well rounded.
Become anorexic. I'm saying this unironically. This person is not healthy.
how can i get this body type?
found the roastie
Larp Auschwitz
thats a boy
a cute boy
Starting Starvation by Marxist Rippletits
What's healthy to you?
>inb4 posting fat chick
Debate the alt-right
Anything slimmer than pic related is malnourished.
>inb4 you can't tell the difference
What is worse for a female? Not being virgin or being tattooed?
Who are you and why are you asking me this question? I'll give you my opinion anyway for a kek:
Virginity is a social construct and doesn't really matter, as long as the girl isn't a roastie then it's not a concern. I personally find any tattoos on girls ugly and it gives the impression that they are impulsive and not forward thinking since tattoos are permanent and there's no way to truly know if you'll still like the tattoo when you're older. So I think having tattoos is worse. Any girl who has copious amounts of tattoos I will instantly dismiss them as potential partners.
>Social construct
Have an upvote good sir, r u just like Rick, lmao
Being tattooed, not even close.
Being you
Well thanks, i'm happy that, being myself a male, you point out that i have very unfeminine traits.
How can virginity be a social construct... but you don't like tattoos because they are indicative of some unpleasant traits?
If getting a tattoo points out "impulsive" behavior, i would say that liberally gifting your intimacy is an equally "impulsive" behavior.
Having sex is at least risky (risk of pregnancy, risk of diseases). Why would you not consider that people who choose to untangle sex from a commitment to a single lifetime sexual partner are not bad people? They have no love for themselves, their feelings and intimacy are worthless, they give out everything they have without respect, AT LEAST they are incapable of rationally compute costs and benefits.
Being (you)
Being completely 'sexually liberated' and giving out at every opportunity is different from having one or two sexual partners from previous relationships. I don't disagree with your point, sluts are trashy, impulsive and live hedonistic lifestyles.
The question then becomes, where do you draw the line between a slutty and a non-slutty relationship past? 2, 3, 4 ex bf, or 1 casual partner, and at what age 3 is not slutty but 4 is?
What the fuck is it with american white girls and them having THE SHORTEST LEGS OF ALL RACES.
Literally fucking dwarfs, jesus christ, they look like human corgies. At least europeans have long delicious legs.
Or be in alt right....look up pol meet up
Never seen jap girls
Dam u whites cant pik wife material
Here, have this.
no food until you reach goal. running will speed things up.
Lots of cardio. 900 cals max a day.
Warning though, if you ever stop - you'll fatten up like a fucking balloon.
Try aim for something a little healthier is my ultimate advice. fit > skinny