>this whale claims she works out
5’9 and >200lbs
Let’s all agree, there is no way she does any real exercise other than shoveling food into her mouth
When will fats just GO AWAY?!?!!?!
This whale claims she works out
Other urls found in this thread:
her top half is nice but yikes that bottom half is fucking disgusting
>implying fat girls can't be strong
>her top half is nice
nah, those tits are sad
i feel like she does meme resistance band "exercises" maybe once or twice a week. Damnit if she lost like 30lb she would be brap queen
>mfw I would still smash
Why do you care what one random person says or does?
Because she’s on the covers of magazines and held up as a “fit” Fatass
daily reminder that health at every size is a real thing
>When will fats just GO AWAY?!?!!?!
I dunno man but I only see this shit on Veeky Forums so just don't post them here?
What a face... therefore what a waste
Do you read those magazines? Why do you allow this to bother you?
What magazines? Honestly who under the age of 45 reads magazines?
Fuck off fatty
>Le strongfat meme
What is a good rule of thumb for the average woman. Like no average (non amazon/powerlifter) woman should weigh over 140 or something?
BMI is a good rule of thumb already. A 5'0" woman shouldn't get close to 140 lbs, a 5'11" woman could probably be fine up to like 155 or so.
she just happens to have good enough genetics to still look like a human being with an obese BMI level
99% of other girls will never have a body like that when they're as fat as her
welcome to the delusional world of fat chicks
I am 155 5"11 with a bit of a gut and the beginning of v lines on my torso. I am starting ss. If I am a bit overweight should I just lift and bulk or cut untill abs and then do ss? Sorry I know its not qtddtot.
Assuming male, just lift right now. Get your lifts to a reasonable amount of weight and then cut if you still need to. You'll end up leaner and will probably want to be heavier (165 to 180 depending on your frame) after awhile anyway.
Assuming female, probably lift but I'm not a girl so I don't really know.
Lol where does she work out? A Dunkin donuts?
Ashley Graham will never get skinny because this is her brand. She has marketed herself as the fat, attractive model, which has somehow worked. If she were to get skinny, she would undermine the brand she has cultivated, and which has led her to professional success. Not to mention she wouldn't be a model if she was skinny.
She looks fucking horrible, photoshop or no, and certainly doesn't deserve the attention or accolades, like the fucking SI Swimsuit cover, but this is 2k18 and this world is fucked.
Thank you
She is not a braphog. Just a hog.
Here's the thing, this isn't a real social movement SI cares about. No young men give a shit about sports illustrated, because they can find nude pictures of pretty much any type of girl online. You probably wouldn't even think about them if not for the fat chick on the cover. I know nothing about what sports illustrated does now except that they do nude photos of athletes (which is kind of neat but not interesting enough for me to ever purchase a copy of Sports Illustrated) and now I know the fat chick OP posted is on it. So they're desperately trying to find a new market, and if they can trick fat activists into buying their aging magazine, they can stay in business a little longer.
I would pay to have her stay as far away from me as possible.
i would smash. i would smash her hard.
t. virgin
>Virgins have low standards
What did he mean by this?
Who the fuck is that and why should anyone care?
The only reason she is even a "plus size" model is because of her fortunate fat distribution and doesnt have a quadruple despite being obese. Why dont they show her unphotoshopped cow lower body instead of her milk trucks on magazine covers hmmm...
Shes also a coal burner. I thought the fat white woman with a nigger is just a meme....
*quadruple chin
bored people in a waiting room
>having the dedication to get this strong, but not enough to fast so you aren't such a fucking whale
I don't understand most human beings, but especially not women
tfw 2hightest 4 this board
literally perfect body
>*blocks your path*
gross desu
I like a little meat on the thighs. Not lard like fatty in OP but not sticks either
Fuuuuuuck I don't wanna be on nofap
Thinking it's about dedication as much as it is about bigger masses being able to pull more mass.
Cum socket for niggers, virtually worthless. -90/5, would not sniff her brappers.
what a waste of a beautiful face desu.
idk why, but I find her so attractive. Her legs could use a little toning.
Every day is leg day when you are >200 lbs
I'm only 3 inches taller and 5-8 pounds lighter and she fucking dwarfs me. I'm like 5-10 pounds away from abs so it's not like I'm that skinny either.
It's just fat. Honestly is disgusting.
I wish all girls were like her. That would truly be paradise.
Please, Veeky Forums, let us advance this cause by promoting big succulent bodies with endless luscious curves
She's in better shape than you are faggot.
No she is absolutely not you fucking shit drinking piss guzzler
Yes she absolutely is you piece of shit.
jealous loser
Show me you lying fuck
Cry more faggot
Suck moar faggot
walking counts as exercise to these people
t. Fatty
I will take sticks. It leaves room to grow. Most women gain a fuck ton of weight later in life because they are over grown children and eat until failure.
t. dicklet
>huh huh I’ll insult his penis size
t. Fatty
>hur hur I’ll deflect and not show what I look like
t. noblet
hahaha fat loser.
t.fat virgin
You’re the fatty getting offended on behalf of another fatty
hahaha mini dick loser
>You’re the fatty getting offended on behalf of another fatty
You're the fat angry virgin who is gettting angry at a beautiful woman who is a model and has millions of dollars and fans. She dates chads and it pisses you off because she doesn't fit your "idea" of the perfect,skinny woman.
You are worthless and you will never have a woman you fat,ugly NEET
Try again. 9 inches and plenty thick you dickless virgin
Does she liposuction her neck fat, or was she just born with an Angelina Jolie tier jawline and lucky fat deposition genetics?
Kind of small for an internet dick
This stupid fat fucking hog can still get this dick
i agree
Y u so upset?
Bigger than yours by 9 inches
you faggot.
I'm not,you are stop projecting
I don't have a problem with Ashley Graham like you do faggot.
Yeah. Of course. You delusional faggot
Neck yourself pig-lover
kys you angry lonely virgin. You sound like a psychopath
Why are you even alive?
It's just a waste of air and resources.
I hope your mother or father or sister murders you very soon.
She'd probably do it for free.
>sucking in her gut to hide her potato body
high test is getting turned into a meme for soyboys, you just like fatties and wanna pretend to be manly for it, high test is about ratios which she barely has
>this is the chick fat girls praise
Lardasses will get the rope
She isn’t fat, she’s American.
Lardasses will break the rope.
Fuuuuuu *adjusts chub*
not legit unless she's peeing on herself and every thing you love in this world
you should hear her talk, boner killer
we have a few 200+ fatties, you'd never know they lift, not an ounce of definition, powerlifter fatties
>Bodyweight deadlift
Pick one
Why there are no fat hunter gatherer?
t. virgin dyel
She has taken the face-pill, have you?
I'm into fatties, she's perfect
Latecia Thomas and Hunter McGrady >>>> Ashley Graham
I unironically find her hot and I am not even a chubby chaser.
If you think that women just walk around with these perfect legs then you're sadly mistaken, it's very rare to have a girl above the age of 25 to have very strong skin and a reality is that if they're heavier they will even more unlikely not have crisp skin.