Do you guys have the Palmaris Longus tendon in your forearms?
>the absence of the palmaris longus tendon is around 15 % according to the standard textbooks but widely varies in different populations and ethnic groups
Palmaris Longus
i do, but what does it do?
Mine hurts during OHP sometimes which is annoying
Though can't it be used as a graft in certain cases?
It's a left over tendon from our tree climbing days. pretty neat!
wtf i have two of those
In each forearm? Me too
>Though can't it be used as a graft in certain cases?
>when a tendon becomes ruptured in the wrist, the palmaris longus tendon may be removed from the flexor retinaculum and grafted to take the place of the ruptured tendon. The tendons most commonly replaced or supplemented by the palmaris longus tendon when ruptured are the long flexors of the fingers and the flexor pollicis longus tendon.
>implying my tree climbing days are over
I've got three.
So there.
Basically, if you have this tendon you have African blood in you.
But I had it before that research trip to Kenya?
It's prevalent in people who are less evolved. Are you saying Africans are less evolved?
Yes, If you are of Aryan decent you don't have this tendon as you have evolved past the ape tree climbing days.
>recessive genes
your ancestors literally fucked each others brains out inbreeding
>INB4 aryancope
Me too, does this mean I'm more of a chimp than a human?
Veeky Forums is full of mixed subhuman chimps
Good to be Aryan lol
It's prevalent in everyone BUT white people, hotdog skin boy.
>Veeky Forums is full of mixed subhuman chimps
>Good to be Aryan lol
I will take my superior Italian genes over your snownigger genes any day
>implying amerimutts are white people
Fuck off, you smelly indian shitskin! This board is for pure white people.
>not recognizing anglos when you see em
get out some more
You're not white.
pick one
I have it. I thought it was because I have more neanderthal genes then my European peers.
No, you have more shitskin genes
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>have this tendon
well fuck, i almost tought i'd made it
i have both....
>What am i in a tree with a suit and a briefcase?
Probably testing the branch.
nothing, its just a dumb "muh good genetics meme" it doesnt make you have a better grip than people who don't have it
It's the opposite.
You're inferior subhuman if you have that shit because your ancestors mixed with sandniggers.
i guess i wont be going around town telling people "look at mah palmaris longus breh" then
I'm 6'5 and handsome tell the sandniggers good job
No you're not.
>ligameme thread on Veeky Forums
Am I also 5'5 as well? Please tell me more about myself.
you are a nigger
> The highest prevalence of PL muscle absence was observed in Turkey in 1997 by Ceyhan and Mavt that noticed the remarkable percentage of 63.9% of absence [25]. Very high percentages of absence were also found in Egypt (50.8%) [18] and Bahrain (36.8%) [26]
its literally sandniggers who dont have it
ITT tendonlets
It is absent in ~15% of whites, obviousy not indicative of non-european admixture. Would assume absence might correlate with neolithic farmers? As that is the ancestral component removing Europeans most from east asians and africans, need some studies from arabic peninsula/levant/anatolia to check.
Like clockwork
Aryan "intelligence" ladies and gentleman
I've got four
Pics? I'm not sure the second one on your wrist is another palmaris longus. It most likely is the tendon of Flexor Carpi Radialis!
>tfw sandnigger
>tfw have two of these on each forearm
i forgot to add it also means youre a soyboy faggot
>e current knowledge is that PL muscle absence is more common in women and on the left side. There have been 10 studies that found significant difference between genders in the PL muscle agenesis. Eight studies concluded that PL absence is more common in females [2, 11, 18, 26-30]
Pick one
>The primate branch then began to evolve the thumb apparatus (and particularly the thenar muscle group) and consequently the Palmaris longus became vestigial. As there is no apparent pressure (positive or negative) concerning the muscle, evolution has largely left it alone.
I want /pol/ to go and stay go
red pill: congoids are more progressive than most europoids
>tfw to smrt too develop civilization
>he thinks progressiveness is necessarily a good trait
i know its not always the case but thats what the user was trying to imply
anyway although sandniggers have the highest absence, nigger-niggers have the lowest absence of AL
You have bested me. I cede my throne to you.
So essentially it correlates with basal eurasian/neolithic farmers, another people more primitive than congoids.
Wtf, I have 4 in each arm.
Is that why I can easily hold 3 plates when DL without straps? My grip is super sturdy
All humans evolved from Africa
>he only has one
this isn't 2 palmaris
palmarislets BTFO
You say that like it's impressive
pls tell me the mom is black
people can just not have this what
Pick one retard
>The palmaris longus muscle can be seen by touching the pads of the fourth finger and thumb and flexing the wrist.
>try this
>look at my wrist from a distance
>notice how small my wrists really are for the first time
>unironically believing in fucking phrenology of all things in the age of DNA
I don't even know what you're trying to say here, maybe take Carleton Coon's petrified cock out of your ass and try again
Palmaris Longlets BTFO
>he only has one
yeah same wtf
>lost the war to a bunch of drunk ruskies
I kek'd
i have it but it's super thin and barely noticeable
Who would have thought that so many retards visit a fitness board. It helps with flexion at the wrist and slight elbow flexion
how do I achieve something special with this super power?
t.tendonless subhuman
tfw have one in the right forearm, but not in the left. Is this possible or am i not flexing the right muscles?
In the middle
My parents are Nigerian. I thought everybody had this until now.
It's probably not as developed. I have one on my left arm too but I can barely feel it.
It's time to make some tendon gains.
dont listen to him, 85% of white people have them
>mfw i was born without wisdom teeth
far more evolved than your little cuck cord bullshit.
Does having 2 count?
I’m kinda whiteish but I know I have some African heritage
>people seriously think this is a black people / white people thing
Adam Dudley got fucked over in that fight T.B.H.W.U famalam, but of course the jap was going to win in a jap manga.
looking forward to seeing more of the ultra ripped euro dude whose fighting style is literally just "my muscles are so fuck huge and im so strong that i dont even need techniques"
>his family has become so feminised by the modern world that it literally effects his genetics
>mfw I was born without the ability to make my muscles bigger
big muscles are for primitives, evolved beings like myself dont need them
>mfw this is you
>being proud of being a jawlet
lmaoing at ur genes
You clearly don't know what recessive genes are.
"Mode of inheritance has nothing to do with whether an allele benefits an individual or not. Take rock pocket mice, where fur color is controlled mainly by a single gene. The gene codes for a protein that makes dark pigment. Some rock pocket mice have dark fur, and some have light fur. The dark-fur allele is dominant, and the light-fur allele is recessive.
When mice live in a habitat filled with dark rocks, dark fur is “better” because it makes the mice less visible to predators. But when mice live in a habitat filled with light rocks and sand, light fur is “better.” It’s the environment that matters, not whether the allele is dominant or recessive."
>wanting less chewing power.
lmfao @ your life.
>evolving into something that cant tear flesh and eat as easy
You're become a literal evolutionary step in soyboyness.
By lifting things at your wrist. It's a normal power for the rest of us, but it might be special for you since you have special needs
Wait whitey don't have that?
lemme see
>i do, but what does it do?
literally, nothing