Boogie is old news, I present to you someone much worse

Pic related

His name is WingsOfRedemption. He is a 32 year old 500 pound manbaby that makes a living off being a dick to his teammates and crying for donations. He has constantly scammed viewers out of money for weight loss trips and personal trainers, and continues to be a whining cunt who bans his own twitch subscribers and donators.

Just watch this video for proof

He's streaming right now on Twitch @Wingsofredemption

Attached: WingsOfRedeption.jpg (1000x563, 58K)

Fuck this guy, he was always such a prick when he made tons of money with CoD. muh kaydee

What kind of a loser watches other faggots play video games

This fat redneck has been whinging about his weight since at least MW2 came out, which was 2009, for all I know he's been doing it since CoD4 as well.

Only reason to tune in is to watch this faggot cry and beg for money at this point, not for the actual gameplay

This. I'd rather just PLAY.
I feel the same about sports.

Sometimes I watch for the group banter I miss from gaming.

> Tfw youll never be 15 playing cod until early in the morning just shi.t talking each other again


I used to watch this fat faggot on some podcast a few years ago, does anyone remember what it was?


PKA until the hosts kicked him off for being such a cunt.

Kuzhoh, can you please stop, real talk

This dude is still relevant? I liked his cod stuff but he's even worse now

All those old COD youtubers are pretty much dead now.

does nobody realize he has a stationary bike behind him

He broke the bike because he was too fat



I'm not here to conversate. Talk about the game

It’s worth checking out his stream for the chat alone

They all fucking hate him lol


Why give these colossal fags any attention? They attention whore for a living. You literally bought into his scam

Holy shit I remember this guy from watching PKA like 6 years ago.