/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

'haha full squats are bad for your knees.. ah shit' edition

ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift enthusiasts discuss the objects of their enthusiasm.

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Other urls found in this thread:

canditotraininghq.com/app/download/963608289/Candito Advanced Bench Program.xlsx


>tfw excellent bench press progress
>tfw finally have great focus for pursuing my degree
>tfw i can actually see myself making it

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>Tfw RTS' logo is actually:

is MikeT exposing himself as a jew?

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What does /plg/ think of Candito's Bench 5-day program?

canditotraininghq.com/app/download/963608289/Candito Advanced Bench Program.xlsx

>taking bench advice from someone who benches 150

RDLs, high reps, moderate intensity
paused bench press, moderate-high reps, moderate-high intensity
OHP, high reps, low-moderate intensity
accessories (high rep shrugs for sure, rest TBD)

no clue yet

feels heavy stuff for after i get proper drunk playing my weekend drinking game

existential feels

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Had a wicked hamstring cramp a couple hours ago. Iā€™m supposed to deadlift today. Never happened to me the day before deadlifts, what am I in for?

good warm up = you'll be fine
shit warm up = an even worse cramp is in your future

If you have pattellae pressure issues then actually the more you bend your knee the more it will stress it.
So it has some truth to it in some cases.

Sorry guys, was away for a while on business...

I understand if it's not affecting your training much, but there could be a lot of reasons for you feeling like it's not affecting you.

Some questions, for me to get a better picture:

What kind of volume and percentages are you hitting?
How tall and heavy are you?
How's your pre training nutrition?
Are you taking up sugars before/during or pre-workout before a session?

4-5 mins is appropriate for you if you're doing steady state lifts in higher rep ranges like 4-6 (I assume that'd be the bulk of your programming?)
It may even be on the high side for you, if you're lifting on a working set and going to the failure point of not being able to squeeze an extra rep; you relative intensity would be very high and 4-5 min would be appropriate rest for most.

on warmup sets, anywhere from 1:30 to 3:00 should be fine for most, ramping up as you get closer to your work set.

As for studies and articles, I found some non-paywall stuff that may pique your interest/autism:


I disagree. although you may have a slight bias towards CP (depending on tempo of the set), you'll still be lifting at around 87% as a relative intensity.

Read the articles, I've covered most of what I'm going to in this thread already, my sweet mang.

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does anybody in nu-plg remember our queen?

Would Auto Regulation be something worth looking into for someone who struggles with consistency in regards of weight they can lift?

Huge if true...

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That's more than at least 80% of PLG

nope, what young lady held that title?


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how fix knee caving on squats

Strong hips

ok so i have weak hips

what do i do to get strong hips, pls spoonfeed

go fuck yourself

More squats, front squats, deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, those hip machines; big volume for big muscles.

but my deadlift is already almost 80kg ahead of my squat

and how does squatting more fix this is this b8 i dont get it

I guess Garagebro was right. The travel really took it out of Tom Martin. He won, but 3/9, damn son.

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goddam will gbro ever be wrong

what is it about tren that just the travelling takes alot of you

Hips can be a weak point for diddly but not usually to the same extent as with the squat. An 80kg difference means something is wrong with your squat.

will focusing on pushing the knees out on squats eventually fix this

must say the caving only happens on work sets

squat more with a weight that doesn't make your knees cave in you fucking retard

quick rundown?

Knee cave causes the knee angle to open up more and shifts the hips back and up, and if your torso angle doesn't adjust accordingly, your torso becomes more horizontal. The results of this: quads have to do less work (because the range of motion around the knee joint is reduced) while the back and hips have to do more work (because the torso is more horizontal, there's more range of motion still to go through). This is in line with your deadlift being so much higher than your squat. Your body is adjusting its position because if it doesn't, you would fail the lift because your quads are told to produce a certain amount of force that's higher than what they're capable of.

Get stronger and bigger quads.

>big volume for big muscle
Yeah, it's the exact opposite

so youre saying weak quads and 2 other dudes are saying weak hips

guess i just need to get stronger overal

t. clueless manlet with shit lifts who has been lifting weights for maybe 4 months

does anyone have that screencap of Dan Green listing his dosages

Could be one of many reasons: valgus deformity, weak abductors/tight adductors, lack of arch support in shoes, weak glute medius and many more.

Go see a good sports physio or movement/recovery specialist instead of asking people on an Iranian internet quilting forum son.

>Shake it off, Old Roy

>Go see a good sports physio
doesnt exist

Post a video of your squat, there's multiple diagnosis.

They can at least diagnose, user.
I agree that most of the stuff they do is no better than you can do yourself with a foam roller and some basic anatomy knowledge.

small volume for small muscle?

Can't imagine the autistic temper tantrum he had.

I dont say stuff for the sake of it, its why i post less now

I only found out about an hour ago, my friend told me, hes hoping to total more than that in ireland in a couple of weeks

Can I insert a 20 rep squat set into the standard greyskull program?

I admire his persistence but the guy is going to fuck his shit up pretty soon at this rate.

I have shit bench genetics, can I drop It?

Yes. Have fun.

I mean replace the usual 3 x 5 squats with a 1 x 20. Also, can't tell if you're being serious

>I have shit bench genetics
Translation: you're too lazy to put in the volume and the bodybuilding necessary to fill out your upper body frame to make the lift viable for you.

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Sure. If it serves your training needs, do it.

I've done sheiko and I hit almost 20 sets of triceps per week

>20 sets of triceps per week
Wow i do that in like one day.

You do 20 sets of tris isolation per workout? I doubt that

What's your bench right now?

If your bench is shit and you're an intermediate/not competing then I don't think Sheiko is the answer. An upper/lower split with cuntloads of bodybuilding would be better imo.

>I dont say stuff for the sake of it, its why i post less now
can you atleast explain why you thought the flight would affect him

105kg im also 110bw

You dont need me to tell you all the things being on an aeroplane does to your body

The flight to australia is fucking long so everything is exacerbated

95kg 1rm at 72kg bw

I've also tried nuckols int bench 3x but no gains

Lads, I fucked a girl last night and she told me she was married after. She said it was an open marriage, but I still feel pretty fucking weird.

I'm working up to a second attempt speed deadlift single today and probably am gonna try 505 lbs or so. Should be comfy.

should the press be added to PL?

>open marriage
Get yourself tested i bet 500 you got something.

I mean, I used a condom. I probably will get tested soonish though.

>pulled that from a 2.5" deficit yesterday

Smesh it Chad.

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Lmao if you didnt you could force some cuck to raise your child.

Wouldn't call nuckols 3 day a routine with a lot of bodybuilding. Think GZCL, Cube, Juggernaut type volume. Also, check your technique/recovery and diet.

I'd prefer to help raise my own kids when I eventually have them.

N-not a chad

Every time lol
>wah wah bench is hard
>im also a massive twink

>lifting somewhat heavy objects
>having sex
>loving life

You're doing it right.

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>lifting somewhat heavy
He's not tho, but he tries.

bench press is a constant struggle for me due to shoulder instability

it took me forever to somewhat sort out the impingement problem. now recently I have had problems with the area where the chest and shoulder connect

what can I do to reduce the stress on this area?

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congrats m8, I hope you will make it

I'm not a twink, I have thin bones though

stretch, get a massage, lower weight, or take more days off

this desu

>I'm not a twink

I watched a video with Koklyaev and Serebriakov. Both of them had injuries and the latter had an operation due to a chest injury, was pretty bad apparently. Both of them suggest doing a shoulder width grip bench. I did that when my shoulder got fucked and it felt a lot better.

Looks like the myotendinous junction. Just gotta be careful, try to reduce how much your pec stretches during bench, if you feel like something is gonna tear, reduce the weight and slowly increase until you're able to handle it.

I'm 5'8

>72 kg

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There are girl who weight more than you, bench more than you and are shorter than you.

>bmi of 24

My BMI is almost 27 m8 and everyone knows I'm a twink.

>I have thin bones though
Oh god the excuses keep coming lol.

Consider transitioning.

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Okay, Mr. Skelton. You should be ~90kg if you want to lift anything decent.

massage wont do shit and lower weight and more days off is not an option for me since my bench is already piss weak and I want to finally make some progress after years of complications and injury recovery

stretch I am torn on that. my problem is instability and I feel like stretching just makes me less stable but maybe I just have to do it anyway

thank you

close grip indeed helps but I switched to reverse grip for the moment. but reverse grip means the bar goes further down than normal, instead of slightly below nipple level it is closer to the navel. this extra leverage might be bad

>try to reduce how much your pec stretches during bench
how do I do that? lower ROM? or is there an other way?

stop making her insecure

5'8 is still acceptable height for a woman

No way I'm gonna be obese just to increase bench

As usual twink making excuses. Even if you care about muh abs i'm 5'6 and have abs at 80kgs.

Time lifting?

I think you're too dumb even for powerlifting. Nobody told you to put on 10kg+ of fat.

>fucks married women
>not a chad


3 years.

Hey now, 72kg at 5'8" isn't optimal for woman's powerlifting, but it leaves you room to grow into 84kg.

Post body. After I'll post mine anyway

Where did I mention anything about porking out? Assuming you control how/what you eat and don't put on 15kg in a month, you won't be anywhere close to obese.