When do I know that it's time to invest in a lifting belt
QTDDTOT- cutie tiddy tootie
i just ordered a pioneer belt yesterday. im at 1/2/3/4 for 5 and i only ordered one because someone said that a easy way to spot a dyel at the gym is if they have a valeo belt
to accurately measure the calories, do I weigh my pasta before or after cooking it?
Get a belt whenever you're sure you're going to keep lifting for years.
If you're using the nutrition facts on the box, weigh before.
If you weigh after, you need to make sure whatever program you're using to record specifies cooked weight.
Counting calories is taxing in the long term. I only do it at the end of my cuts.
if you do insist on counting calories don't make it harder on yourself than it already is. So the answer would be before cooking.
I am 1/2/3/4
Will a belt help me get 2/3/4/5?
What does it do to ensure more gains? I have scoliosis and I've slipped a disc before in a high school sport. I just want to keep my spine safe while getting bigger and pushing my limits
>two minutes
>It's 7 minutes long
why do women even bother with training boxing or martial arts
So they can delude themselves and feel independent
So I'm on Greyskull and I missed 3 days of lifting. Then came OHP Day, and then a rest day, and then Bench Day.
I expected my Bench to drop but, holy shit, it dropped an entire 20 pounds. Is this shit normal? I also had a nosebleed a few minutes before I headed into the gym, so that might have been a factor. My Squat was pretty much okay though, so I doubt it.
It's because you ate like shit not because you missed 3 days
Guys is it possible to gain about 5 kgs in muscle weight with minimal fat gain?
I just finished losing a bunch of weight and now I'm flabby and skinnyfat. I'm at the weight I want to stay at long term. Not sure if I should continue trying to lose more weight, try to gain some muscle, or just maintain for awhile.
see /fraud/
Hey guys, currently bulking. Im 181 pounds and 6'3. At what weight should I start cutting?
> Fraud
> Noob gains.
Did you do a chest warm up
what is 'ottermode'?
Can you overcook veggies via steaming?
>jujitsu black belt
>teach a few classes here and there
>a few women in our club
>zero aggression
>zero explosivity
>zero focus
I can overpower them without even trying, I feel like a cat with a mouse. Any woman who asks me what they need to learn to defend themselves I tell them buy some mace.
visible abs
don't worry about it too much user. sleep better, carb up before heavy sessions pre workout/day before, and get back on your program.
I had been dirty bulking for the week, but my protein is on point. It's just odd to me how my other lifts didn't really drop significantly while my bench suffered a lot.
Thanks brah
Is calories restriction real for humans? I after longevity gains.
What are some good stretches to do before heading to work bros? I do alot of standing and walking.
>"Lean bulk" for over a year, weighing food and such
>Too scared to fully commit, don't want to get fat, despite being very active
>Past 12 weeks eating 2900 calories/day, essentially no gains (weighing daily, weekly averages, etc.)
>Up it to 3000 calories/day for the past 3 weeks
>Gained on average between 1-2 lbs per week since then
What the fuck is going on anons? I know that +500 is ~1lb per week. I have gained so slowly since I began, starting at 2700 and slowly increasing.
Is there any reason why I suddenly started overshooting my gains? I initially thought bloating, but it's only a 100-calorie increase, and it's been consistent for three weeks now.
I weigh/track all my food, have been for a long time. Anyone else had a similar experience?
Is there a chart of a routine and what you may look like if you follow it for long enough?
Would L-sits and handstands be better at start or end of workout?
I do L-sits at the end, because I like to keep the abs fresh for compound lifts. Handstands I guess can go either way, depending on what the rest of the workout entails.
3pl8 squat 4pl8 dead
When you hate yourself
Sets x week per bodypart for an intermediate lifter?
No because everybody is different. You'll look better either way though so idk what you're waiting for
been trying to cut back down to 10% body fat after a mini bulk, i'm 5'11 at 160 or so pounds, and my macros that i'm using are
>155 g protein
>53 g fat
>65 g carbohydrates
I ran various macro calculators and it's suggesting around this
>130=160 g protein
>anywhere from 80-180g carbohydrates
>30-50-70 grams of fat
i'm confused, also any other cutting tips would be appreciated
How much truth is in it?
So is there a list of good dumbbell exercises? The friend I go to the gym with always pesters me about doing isolation stuff but I have no idea if the shit he suggests is any good. He used to lift some years ago but I don't really trust his judgement because he's a fat fuck.
I don't want to feel like I'm wasting time or overtraining just because I don't know my shit.
I need some help.
Found out I just mostly gain fat with only some muscle. Really frustrating and can’t figure out what’s wrong. I do PPL. I get stuck at benching
Cut dairy, most of the breads you eat and keep oatmeal servings small. Start cutting and run more. Most of your carbohydrates should come from vegetables like broccoli and carrots. Eat leaner meats and fish. Do a full body and stick with this for awhile and you'll see results
how much sleep do I need to build muscle? Is 7 hours enough?
Am I seriously going to lose half my gains if I don't get that extra hour or two of sleep?
How bad is the scoliosis and what type is it? Mine is only minor but I can definitely feel how the muscle imablance in my back effects my squat and I'm a novice and I'm wondering how it will effect me moving forward. What has been your experience?
how many grams of protein do you eat per day? are you cutting?
I would also like to know this
>I do alot of standing and walking.
standing and walking is what you SHOULD be doing, you should be more worried about when you're sitting down
I definitely get at least 150g of protein every day. I have a hard time getting calories in so I fill with 2% milk, which is really protein dense. I drink about half a gallon a day. Along with a steak / meat meal.
I’ve been bulking but I’ve been basically just gaining fat and no increases in strength even though I work really hard.
Could the following work in oder to lose weight and build musclemass in the same longer period of time?
Me: 6 ft, 219 lbs, male, 30+
Lifting hard 2-3 days a week (1-2 rest days in between two lifting sessions). Hard means burning around 1000-1200 kcal meanwhile. Eating maintenance or a bit more and taking care of a reasonably high protein intake (1g+ per lbs lean body mass) around these workouts aka the 4-6 hours before and the next 2-3 meals. Then go on a -500 deficit with the same protein intake. Rinse, repeat.
If not, is this tweakable?
milk is really calorie dense. how have you been tracking your stuff? do you have a scale? if your diet is on point, perhaps you need to look into the amount of water youre drinking and how much you sleep every night.
I was also drinking pic related once a day to get to my calorie surplus and micro needs. Was that a mistake?
Yes, most drinks like those are a meme, little to no protein and a lot of carbohydrates, you should pretty much be drinking only water and the odd protein shake
I drink it because I have a hard time eating. I don't have a scale but I try counting from nutrition facts as best I can.
I sleep a lot and drink a lot of water so it can't be that. It has to be my diet.
Yeah I was suspecting so. I didn't think it would have this much of an effect. Should I try cutting out any sugars possible? Like yogurts? Should I just get my carbs from oatmeal/whole grain bread and fill calorie needs with the fats/protein from milk more?
Are weighted situps worth doing?
Drinking protein is mostly a meme unless you're a vegan. You gotta get a scale and some chicken breast. Chicken breast is the cheapest source of clean and non-liquid protein with little fat, probably enough for your body to be healthy though. Boneless skinless chicken breast from where I'm from is 2.50 dollars a pound. 20% of the weight is lost when it's cooked, so it's more like 3 dollars for every pound. You can get 150g of protein from 1.5 pounds of chicken, so everyday you can meet your protein requirements from spending 4.5 dollars a day on that.
Also m80, bulking is a meme and so is 1 g per 1 lb. academic.oup.com
I've never really been an oatmeal guy, I mainly stick to broccoli, carrots and things like apples and bananas for carbohydrates. Also even if it's whole grain bread use it sparringly. Also to the other guy you were replying to, count your food as accurately as you possibly can. That extra thing you're eating that you eyeball measured can be an extra hundred or so calories, so make sure you count to the best you can. Get a food scale
Post your routine
I'll try that. I need to drink a lot of my calories because I have a hard time eating, so milk was the best thing for me to bulk. So you're saying get at least 2.4g per 1 lb for cutting at least?
If you've been doing alright with getting carbs from fruits and veggies, wouldn't me drinking the Naked juices be fine then?
Why should I get a scale instead of reading nutrition facts and eating by the amount of servings per container? I know that the juice is 420 calories per container and I just allocate that into my diet.
I know targeting the place where you want to lose weight isnt a thing and you are supposed to lose weight all around the body at around the same time but hear me out.
This week my forarms got flabby skin ( the fat isnt as dense as before ) . Before this week my arm were pretty stable throught my weight loss - the same density but of course smaller .
Last week there were my thights . 2 weeks ago you coudnt see much of cvadriceps muscle just the heads and last week boom you could see thedifference between the heads and a sign of the sartorius muscle
Before this it was the neck fat~ boom one week it was there the next week it isnt there
I used to do 5x5 for about a year. Didn't get much results. Got a little from noob gains and GOMAD, then everything stopped and only started gaining fat.
Now I've been doing PPL with this routine:
I'm hitting the clips with the plates when I bench. I'm lying down with my eyes under the bar but I still clip, any advice.
If you're cutting 40% then 2.4g per kg is required to make gains
What are your stats for the deadlift, squat, OHP, and bench?
>wouldn't me drinking the naked juices be fine then
drinking your calories is a way to easily get more calories in, and not feel as hungry. if you're trying to loose weight stick with solid food that will make you satisfied and less likely to eat more food. Secondly, when you want a source of carbohydrates.
>why should I get a scale if I can just read off of the container?
this is where your problem is. you're eating packaged processed foods. you should be measuring out simple SINGLE ingredient whole foods and tracking caloric intake from that kind of food
>do SL
>make okay but nonetheless mediocre gains
>do sheiko
>same again
>do 95-100% 1RM of a single lift three times a week, maybe accessories if I feel like it
>gains skyrocket, hit a new PR almost every single time I go
wtf? Why do I do better while dicking about than on an actual routine? Is it worth finding a routine that's similar or should I just not question this sorcery?
I never know whether to include the bar or not for these so I'll just say the plates:
Deadlift 190lb
Squat 100lb
OHP 40lb
Bench 110lb
These are what I use for 5 rep sets. I don't know my 1 rep max for them, I don't test that.
It took you a year to notice that you weren't graduating from these baby weights? I've wasted my time replying and trying to help you. You must be some retard or something. Holy shit.
What's the best setsXreps combo for smith machine calve raises?
Well dude, why do you think I'm posting here? I'm stuck and I don't know why that's the case. jesus.
What do you think of my Greyskull variant? I'm only squatting 1x per week because my thighs are very thick compared to my upper body that if I posted a pic it would be laughable because I fell for the SS squat 3x a week meme for 8 months.
3x5 Bench/OHP (Alternate)
3x5 Incline Bench
3x5 Chin-ups
3x5 Bench/OHP (Alternate)
1x5 Deadlift
3x5 Dips
3x5 Bench/OHP (Alternate)
3x5 Squat
3x5 Chin-ups
This is my first time cutting so I think I'll do alright eating solid food since I eat so little in the first place. The other guy said eat lean stuff like chicken and increase protein to like 2.5g per 1lb.
I'll try switching to less processed stuff and getting a scale. So I'll probably do chicken, oats, and fruits/veggies and cutting out the yogurt/naked juices. Thanks for your help man.
>I never know whether to include the bar or not
Are you retarded or is this the newest newfag meme? Of course you weigh the bar in your total.
If you're cutting and can't grow muscle, only maintain, what's the point in doing anything besides compounds at the gym? Like just quat, bench deadlift every session and that's it?
haha fuck me now I know
i dont see much of a point( i am also cutting)
i also do some accessories work for the lats like rowing pull ups/chin ups, and lat pulldown machine.
I also do some biceps in between the bench sets just because flex' a'cep
Redpill on me diet soda.
Are chocolate bars an acceptable form of bulking?
I currently eat a balanced diet and use enough whey protein but to save money I stay around 2600 kcal at 180 pounds. Enough calories or should I grab some cheap chocolate snacks?
Same as with any other exercise: 8-10 reps for hypertrophy/endurance, 3-6 reps for strength. Aim for a total number of 20-30 reps regardless.
Eat more nigga
As long as you don't guzzle it 24/7 it's perfectly healthy. People who tell you artificial sweeteners are bad for you are either brainlets, conspiracy theorists, or both.
It won't kill you but I wouldn't rely on them to make up your calories. Good carbs are your friend here.
How accurate are cardio machines? it has power output in watts. doing 10 cal a min but its not physically demanding
>eating 1500 calories for a few months
>Lose a lot of weight and start looking good
>Lately it looks/feels as if nothing is happening
I am still losing weight according to my scale but for weeks now I have looked exactly the same, I have this sort of thin layer of fat which if I could reduce even slightly would make me look ideal
Post your best dumbbell hypertrophy exercises
>db flies,bicep curls,overhead extensions,lat raises,lunges
Bench plateau?
I'm stuck for the past month month and a half at 70kg for 3x5 and i cant seem to get past it.
My lower intensity higher rep have gone up, my db incline has gone up too but i cant seem to progress at all on this thing
I've been cutting since january and i didn't manage to make any progress on the upper body compound movements since i've started cutting
(my squat went from 80 to 100 and my deadlift from 100 to 140 ) but my bench has stagnated
Any help
you forgot db incline press
At what age does your dick stop growing?
it just keeps on growing as long as you give it HGH.
nah man thats just your nuts shrinking so your dick looks bigger
can i go from 67 kg to 70 kg in 4 months without gaining a lot of fat?
definitely not.
I've measured the volume of my balls before i started injecting. After the first month of injecting in random parts of my body without much gains i started injecting right at the base and that showed a lot of results
Yeah roids.
yes,you can get even higher assuming you dont have 10% body fat
i must be in 15% maybe more.
72 kg or just too unrealistic?
my meals consist of 4 hard boiled eggs and the other one is a 2 banana one glass of milk and 4 eggs shake
What should I do to increase resistance if I can already perform 100 reps of neck curls holding two 45s and can't hold a third one. Anyone with experience? I'm thinking maybe stacking resistance bands, or using an onlympic dumbbell as a loading device.
Im 23 and met a girl on tinder, it said she was 18, and she is dtf. I later found out she is actually 17, should i still go through with this?
Np , stay string my dude
Recalibrate your TDEE.
How accurate are fitbits and other smart watches for calculating TDEE? I get they're constantly measuring heart rate but are they reliable?
Poorfag college student looking to meal prep here. I was just going to use the cheapest containers at a place like Walmart for storage. I've heard a bit about estrogen like compounds and other endocrine disruptors that leak into food from plastic though, especially when microwaved. Getting a glass container for microwaving and actually eating the meal would be a good idea, right?
Can you convert dumbbell bench press weight to equivalent barbell press weight? I know dumbbell press is generally harder, but what is the ratio really?
I have begun training at home some time ago and currently I'm pressing 50 lbs dumbbells, so I wonder what would be the equivalent barbell weight.
whats a good 6day ppl
Bruh, look at these dudes. That is too much lower back rounding, right? Why is rippletits hurting these men?