Guys i have chronic lower back pain and my doctor just keeps giving me meds with no other option besides major back...

guys i have chronic lower back pain and my doctor just keeps giving me meds with no other option besides major back surgery. I can't even dead lift anymore. is it time to try the chiro?

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Maybe the option is major back surgery. Chiros are hacks.

This is me but I just suck it up. Weighted deadhangs with the belt resting as low as possible on your ass should help relieve some of the pain.


Well what's the diagnosis

See an osteopath, stop taking meds they aint gonna do anything. If you had a piece of shrapnel in your arm, would you just ignore it and load up on painkillers or take it out and bandage it up?

Ignore and load up my man

Mobility work; stretches; roll your legs; stretch your hams, psoas, quads, hip muscles; strengthen your abs. Thank me later.

I'm aiming to be the buffest looking MD in my hospital in 5 years time.


And that McGill guy

Chiropractors are a bunch of quack psuedoscientists

they can't figure it out

what the fuck is a DC?

I have a good lifting buddy that SWEARS by acupuncture. Im pretty skeptical but he really did come back from a bad knee and back injury from skiing and never complains about pain. Dude is a 2-3-4-5 lifter and is always telling me to get acupuncture if i complain about any joint or muscle pain.

Could be BS but might be worth a try if your only other option is major surgery

How long have you have the pain?

Also stop exercising your back for now you idiot.

No deadlift, squats, rowing or any kind of lifting that hit lower back for 4 weeks exactly.

Then go back slowly.

I'm an MD.

I injured my ass/back dowing core shit then exacerbating the injury squatting. Then stopped for one week, felt good and injured it again deadlifting.

Then I stopped completely for 4 weeks then resumed it and within two weeks I hit new PRs on both squatting and deadlifting.

Honestly over training is a thing!!

Exercising more than twice a week is a meme.

Not allowing your muscles and nerves to heal is detrimental to your gains.

Buy the "Become a supple leopard" book and use it wisely. Thank me later.

its time to read Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill

"Doctor" of chiropractic. They think they're the shamans of healthcare. Look up their history of you want, they are quacks and can't cope with fact that their profession is irrelevant, so they go on a jew tantrum and sue other healthcare workers using "their" techniques.

The thing is placebos can actually work if the patient believes in them and thinks they'll have a good outcome

you have back pain because your back is weak because you don't do deadlifts and squats

see a few physical therapists with a docarate in physical therapy before surgery

standing desk
sleep with tons pillows underneath knees and supporting arms
build core more
build buttocks muscles

you need to listen to the joe rogan mell gibson ep
if you have monies doktors will injekt stem cell into yore body any u will become super duper man !!!

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You got options:
Physical therapy
Self mobility (stretching, foam rolling, lacrosse ball)
probably some others

whether you can afford these or not or are willing to do them is another question

I had bad lower back pain bc my core was extremely weak. I worked a lot of core and learned how to breathe and sit correctly and my lower back pain went away on its own.

Just go see the pop and crack guy op, dont listen to these fudders going on about muh quackery. Once you crack you never go back.

>Self mobility (stretching, foam rolling, lacrosse ball)

look here The guy is a physical therapist and a trainer and he knows his shit.