blondies BTFO
feels good being mediterranean master race
Blondies BTFO
Dark brown hair and white here, feels good man.
Nah, we are like a fetish fuck to anyone non-white. You can see their eyes light up and it becomes obvious
Tanglo here, feels good
This thread is about to get shilled hard, see if you can spot their tricks.
both men in the picture are white though
we already had this thread yesterday
0.89% of women prefer men who get their self-worth from internet meat market studies
Wow you're really stupid aren't you
Damn... Snowniggers are REJECTED
>collar over lapel
Surprised no one noticed in a prada shoot
Fuck the haters. Doe eyed girls are qt af
What if I have blue eyes but dark features?
Problem is still your laughable height.
Master race
Dark brown hair/green eyes master race here. You blonde cucks don't have a chance.
>believing what (((dating plattforms))) say
>constantly post that one study from okcupid showing that white men were most desirable
>deny a dating website's study when it specifies exactly which white men were most desirable
Don't be a sore loser faggot, do you seriously think pasty whites are manly and more attractive to women?
>darker men but still white
kek. maybe because dark features look more dangerous, but not dangerous enough to be a black person?
Dark features are GOAT, with the exception of light eyes. Dark hair + light eyes = best. But dark hair + dark eyes is still better than light hair + anything.
I don't know what it is, the whole of southern europe is the best looking.
>constantly post that one study from okcupid showing that white men were most desirable
Nice strawmen.
>it's only true when it fits my narrative and thoughts
lmao /pol/acks are the most pathetic collective of weak minded faggots.
Stay in your containment board, brainlet
Nice try. I'm 6'3"
Feels good mogging pathethic nordcucks.
There are no such thing as ''darker, but still white''
Also I wonder who could be behind these posts.
both look soy desu
>Is racial preference racist?
This. Tall, dark and handsome has been a thing since forever.
nice cherry pick loser
It's an active shot, he's driving his auto and looking at something out the window; I assume they would have photoshopped it out if it were an issue
Left looks like the common turkroach
so basically italian
what about grey
>tfw just turned 35 and now have visible greys on both sides of my head and in my stubble
Should I dye my hair or let it go naturally like Clooney? I have very similar hair to him.
>meds have unironically tricked themselves to thinking they're superior by posting """""studies"""""" aka blogposts by jews and cherrypicking pictures
keep coping harder
unironically the guy on the left looks more masculine
>I'm new
Then you should lurk more
Let it do its thing. Little grey is sexy
The guy on the left is fat Indian.
Right looks better but still looks feminine
Everyone in my family is blonde and pure Aryan in general.
My blonde sister said she would never date dark haired men. She just feels disgusted by them.
>implying that’s not some birtfag soyboy who bleached his hair
Brits are de facto nords
He's Irish
Brits are inbred and lost all their good looking women to viking raids
Hahaha lying on the internet like this. Dumb nordcuck
I'm just glad Veeky Forums finally agrees whites > others
nobody cares about your fat sister's opinion
Might be correct but meds have that short height thing going on and I also doubt women like men who live with their parents till they're in their 30s t. BBC (big bavarian cock)
Women don't want italian men with them goofy bug eyes nor do they want pasty looking white boys that look like trolls. Nice try.
lmao'ing at all coping american mutts in this thread
There probably are some people like that but they must be really fucked in the head or something.
I am straight but would turn gay for I seriosuly can't imagine girls turning that beatiful nigga down
It's almost like... women like attractive features in men of all races
>Dolph Lundgren
>IQ 160
>Height 6'5"
>Nord as Fuck
>every woman wants him
white women belong to the BBC, you white bois cannot compete
thats a tanned nord. His hair is dirty blonde and his eyes are blue.
> t. Jamal
He truly is Emperor-King Chad. Jesus Christ.
fucking this, lol
every time someone says 'beautiful brown eyes' when talking about a girl makes me groan
thas rite thas rite, bavarians WWA?? givin these bitches the strudel
I can see he's attractive but I'm not attracted to him. That's the issue I find I have and my other female friends have -- blond men can look perfectly structured but they don't make women go crazy like a darker haired guy would.
not being a tanned nord.
You're not female and you don't know any female
This is the most retarded thread in existence.
Women might have some conscious or subconscious racial and ethnic preferences but it all comes down to how attractive you are, you fucking losers. A black man with a attractive facial features will have more success with women than a white man who doesn't have those features. Case closed.
I am from Denmark and sorry, you won't be mogging anyone at 6'3.
>of all different races
Blonde people don't trigger lust, the trigger the feeling of love.
Blondes look more pure for a reason.
You can't have a mixed person looking nordic or scandinavian.
But you can have mixed people who look like every other race.
>t. Blonde manlet.
Is that the caddy from happy gilmore?
>every time someone says 'beautiful brown eyes' when talking about a girl makes me groan
lmao you sound like such a wimpy faggot
>shitskin detected
I have been mistaken as Italian and Spanish a small handful of times. Never saw the last one coming
>dating platform
Top kek
I even have natural highlights and soft, silky curls
i wonder how many guys out there look like this but are DYEL or obese
So what u be sayin iz that black wimmin is the best
Pic related me and my boyfriend
They don't tell you blondes prefer blondes?
I'm honestly not concerned though
Can't meme insecurity into existence over this one OP
>no u
>M-muh Aryan genes
Lmao, women crave Mediterranean dick. You should see the Austrian and German blondes that come to Croatia during the summer. They all get wet when seeing tall, manly, tanned balkan guys.
Tfw 5"11 not dark not handsome
>I can see he's attractive but I'm not attracted to him. That's the issue I find I have and my other female friends have -- blond men can look perfectly structured but they don't make women go crazy like a darker haired guy would
Nice larping faggot.
Poor little blondlet. Don't cry too hard when we take your women from you.
that's my point
Il stick to asian girls
not everybody in croatia is dark
my best friend from croatia is a ginger
You have no clue how crazy Spanish/Italian/South American exchange students go over blonde guys here in Germany. Women always love what's "exotic".
White skin + darker features make for nice contrast and look very masculine on a good facial structure.
I've had success with women because of these features a lot and their mothers/grandmothers always bring up the tall/dark/handsome description when they mention me
t. 6'3 balkanite
this is basically my color pattern if i get some sun.
(eyes included)
too bad he is way more chad than me (i'm still ~5-7kg too fat and i have slightly asymettrical face)
>hey lol i cherrypick some model haaha med masterace andthen i cherrypick some blond retard hahaahaa u mad nord boi
You do sound mad though
>denmark: average male height 5'11"
nordcucks are truly pathetic with their e-statting
t. Alphons Medici
he probably saw a mirror
Denkmark average height is 6'0 you retard.