Ok faggots, I'm in
how do I train my neck?
Ok faggots, I'm in
Other urls found in this thread:
neck curls
neck pulldowns
neck presses
Here, try using this.
you forgot neck muscleups
worked for farmer burns
Standing DB press.
try it next time at the gym, you will see.
DB press works your neck? I thought it only targeted delts, traps and tris.
I literally wanna get a thicker neck and take the neckpill but I can't trust Veeky Forums with anything, too many memers. These exercises are probably memes or something.
Can I do any at home so if I fall for them at least I don't look like a retard at the gym?
Yes, but a huge part of the neckpill is have enough confidence to look ridiculous in public.
You will never make it with this "Oh I look stupid in the gym". Stop giving a fuck what others think. Get so big that people start doing neck curls in hopes of looking like you.
Legit what you need are neck curls and neck extensions. Once your neck gets a bit stronger look into doing wrestling bridges. No memeing, this made my neck way bigger.
stop talking about doing neck exercises like it's a cult
I do extensions and flexions, 2 sets of 20 for each of them, every second lifting day (3 days a week) Only about 2 months into neck training at the time of this pic
those are two completely different angles
luckily I've been measuring, it's grown close to 1.5 inches since I started training it, I've even had people mention my neck size
Nice gains bro
How exactly do you do extensions? I've been doing curls and extensions for a while and the sides of my neck have blown up massively but from a side view my neck is super narrow. How do I get the back of my neck thicker?
spamfuck pushups
just do neck bridges.
I just put a 25lb plate on the back of my head and go from touching my chin to my chest all the way back look strait forward (laying down on a bench) then I always try and hold for the last rep as long as possible. Might just be a genetic thing though, I feel like my neck is just massive from the side view and much more narrow strait-on
Not a sip
this destroys your neck. You'll fuck the nerves too
looking like scott herman's lil bro with the hair + insertions + juicy neck lol
Guys what is an acceptable neck size at 6'1?
Hang yourself and keep adding weight.
at 6'1" you're looking for about 17" give or take half an inch for taste
Thats what I was thinking aswell. Started out with unironically a 14 in neck, now sitting at 15,5. How long do you reckon is gonna take to reach 17? Been working my neck religiously for the past 2 months, on top of my normal workouts
I found my neck responded a tonne really quickly like yours did but has started to fall off, I think getting from 16 - 17 is going to take some real time
Starting routine?
the only exercise I have ever really felt my neck in is handstand pushups
I do this, white brother:
1st Workout (of the week)
>Neck Curls 3x20
>Neck Extensions 3x20
2nd Workout
>Neck Curls 3x25
>Neck Extensions 3x25
3rd Workout
>Neck Curls 3x30
>Neck Extensions 3x30
Then next week, I add 2.5lbs and repeat
Weighed neck hangs
Good stuff Broseph, keep it growing till your neck looks convex
Anyone else just use their hands for resistance? I feel like weights are unnecessary for neck training and doing neck bridges can fuck up your neck if you don't do them right.
You don't even have to use your hands.
>Ark: Survival Evolved mode.
that's goiter-mode brah
>A lot of security guys will come up to me and complain about working out, but having skinny necks, and ask how I do it. I tell them to listen to [SLAYER's] 'Reign In Blood' and headbang the whole way through after working out."
Run on the treadmill with a mirror in front of you, trying to keep your head still while your body bobs around. Get your cardio up to where you can run for 30 minutes, every other day and you'll see massive neck gains.
just headbang to a lot of heavy metal
worked for me