Urology / Dick Health PSA

Hey Veeky Forums, urology resident here. Just thought I'd spread some knowledge and general fun facts about dick health for you guys as well as some secret strats to increase performance...I'll also stick around for a while and answer some questions if you bros are interested.

>95 to 99% of penises in the united states fall between approximately 5 inches to 6.25 inches in length and approximately 3 to 4 inches in girth erect. There are outliers, but they are few and far between.
>There is no objectively successful way to increase penis size. Every hyped method currently shilled will just lead to ED and soft tissue damage
>Woman are HORRIBLE judges of penis size and volume. My only guess as to why this is the case is because if they were actually correct only males with Veeky Forums's internet average penis size (7.5x5.5) would reproduce.
>Things that actually affect penis size: cardiovascular health, weight, alcohol, smoking (nicotine), stimulants, and masturbatory methods (more on that later...). If you are having any dick problems at all get these under control and I'm willing to guarantee your issues will disappear...
>Porn, the death grip, and masturbating more than ~5 times per week will destroy your weiner
>those "god tier cum" infographics are for the most part absolutely correct, not only for semen, but for erections as well: L-arginine/L-citrulline Choline, Zinc/Magnesium (ZMA), and pelvic floor exercise (kegals).
>Every time you piss/shit do 50 kegals...you're welcome


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Other urls found in this thread:


>If you either can't get an erection with an actual female present or suffer from premature ejaculation do the following:
1. Stop jerking off in general for 7 to 10 days
2. Stop watching pornography
3. Purchase a fleshlight/onahole and high quality water based lubricant (it's less embarrassing than blowing your load early or not at all in front of a girl when you eventually do get laid...)

4. Use sex toy every other day
5. Set a baseline of how long it takes you to cum
6. Work to improve time by ~30 seconds each session
(Is this autistic? Yes, but it takes precision autism to cure sexual and dick retardation)
>STDs are never worth it. Use a condom and skip foreplay if you are just hooking up with a random trashbag. Be pragmatic when selecting actual datable partners, get tested together, then start going in raw. If she is offended by you suggesting this in 2018 she probably has herpes or retarded anyway...
>Also, it's ridiculous that this has to be said, but don't ever use 2 condoms at the same time for fucks sake

Hope this has been helpful for at least some of you guys.

thanks based urology man

what are your thoughts on watching porn but not jerking off? I don't really get off to it but i like watching porn.

Took meds for chlamydia 3rd time I've had it never had symptoms before but this time burned like razor blades when pissing took meds Monday Saturday now still burns when pissing but a lil better ..How long till it gets better?

>do kegels as s blanket statement

Onevwayvticket to premature ejac city you moran. You have to do reverse kegels or your dick will spasm out and cum instantly

I would say don't, but that's from a general psychological health perspective.

>Finish your meds completely
>if still persists see doctor again
>realize that you are living in a world we're sexually transmitted viruses and bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to traditional methods of treatment

Dr urology pls respond

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I took all my meds single dose regiment all at once Am I still transmitable atm?

Not the urology dude, but if you mean purely biological, then I don't think it matters. Peen goes up when horny, goes down when not.
What might concern you is that everytime you watch porn, you activate the same neurological pathways, thus strengthening them, which is not good if you plan to stop masturbating to porn alltogether. The reason is that you're solving half the problem at best, and it will only get harder and harder (heh) to not jerk your lil' ding dong to porn. Nobody has endless willpower

Hey bro, if i cum two or three times in a day, the slighest amount of urine in my bladder makes me feel like i have to piss real bad. Do i have prostate cancer?

Excuse me
>hey bro
*hey Dr bro

Will hgh or any peptide or anything make my dick bigger?

You're fucking retarded

Doubtful, but holy fuck have some self-restraint

Only if you have experienced some sort of developmental issue that caused you to not experience puberty normally. See OP again...

Are you supposed to measure bonepressed or not?

What do you mean I'm retarded?

I have prostate problems if I don't shoot regularly Get terribly ill. I don't have a gf so how am I supposed not to masturbate? Last time I did no fap for a week I had to go get an antybiotics for my prostate it was so fucked. Help

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Pic related

masturbation is normal...watching porn for over an hour a day while squeezing your dick hard enough to crush an aluminum can is not. Proceed accordingly

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Hey doc, I need some help.

Recently I've got a gf and I have an issue. When going for sex we do foreplay, we both get really excited and everything, but when the time for penetration comes, well... it's just difficult.

It's hard for me to put it inside her. Putting on the condom doesn't help as it takes away the feeling, but obviously that's a must. Sometimes everything works and we fuck, but when I start going at it deeper she suddenly stops enjoying it and says it even hurts her.
When penetration doesn't work at first my erection loses fire and then we can't do nothing at all.

How can I basically improve my erection quality. I'm not fat and I do cardio 3 times a week (running). My diet is fine and everything, I don't know what's the deal.

My foreskin does not retract at all, can only see the japseye when erect. I don't have any pain when having sex and have had catheters put in before without the doctors saying anything is wrong. Do I have phimosis or is it just normal anatomical variation?

wait, how firmly are you pressing? I might be able to gain some length

Was virgin up until two weeks ago. Had sex with two girls since then, but didnt really get properly hard with either of them. What do? Didnt really feel too nervous. My head is super sensitive though.
Also anyone got a protip for sliding it in smoothly when its dark?

is there any legit way of fixing curvature? mine has a curve to the left and downwards at the same time

My penis head is way too sensible, like, it actually hurts to touch it. Makes it awkward as fuck when girls try to give me a handie and they stroke the head instead of the shaft. What can I do to reduce penis sensitivity?

I'm uncircumcised btw

I can't keep an erection during sex, sometimes even getting hard is difficult. I stay hard for a minute or two and then the dick goes limp. Only way I can cum is if I get a blowjob (and that takes a long time) or during masturbation. How do I fix my dick?

How fat are you, user? If you're skinny then just slightly pressed but if you're a lard then press the shit out of your fat pad.

Now you see how there is discrepancy in measuring...

Can you physically retract your foreskin with no pain?

What do you mean by your head?
>wet weiner
>place on clitoris
>apply pressure
>slide head down

I actually forgot to mention that it OP by the flashlight method will actually help with this...
In theory:
>Place fleshlight in between couch cushions
>lay on your stomach
>insert dick
>hump directly down

You have a normal unmutilated penis. Enjoy it. I say this as someone who as circumcised.

what was going in your mind when you decided to spend your professional career learning about, staring at and operating on dicks?

Put your dick under your hand and use your hand to find the vagina, then guide it in.

I cannot expose the glans but I've never needed to, if that makes any sense

How the fuck do you do kegels? Just piss and stop for 15 secs?


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>What do you mean by your head?
Exactly the same as

Is it possible that I have an STD? I fucked a girl raw about 2 months earlier. I was her number 2 and I heard she was clean, she also said she was clean. I was a virgin at the time so what are the chances something went wrong for me? Thanks based penis man

so what you're saying is I have a big dick for being legit 7x6 even though I drink tons of coffee and chew nicotine gum every day ? thanks doc

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>tfw I'm into post orgasm torture
>tfw I will never be able to tie a guy like you up, give him a nice enjoyable handjob, and then once he thinks it's over start rubbing his head until he's squirming and crying

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Hi dr op
im a final year medical student in Australia
any advice regarding entering the urological field
any advice on good research topics i could be exploring

Hang on, let me grab my crystal ball... okay, about 1 in 10.

Doc, for a few months(maybe a year) I had a painful varicocele. I went to radiology today and they told me it's actually rather small. What are my options?

Is using penis pumps dangerous? I've been doing it for a month now both wet and dry. My erections are much harder now. I saw its listed as a erectile dysfunction solution by mayo clinic or webmd

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not op, but do you mean erections after using the penis pump or regular erections?


>Always thought that I was 6.5 cuz thats what it was when i last measured years ago
>Measured again just now and it's 7.5

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I mean as in I don't have any complaints, should I still get myself tested? I'm about to get it on with another 1 in a few days

>95 to 99% of penises in the united states fall between approximately 5 inches to 6.25 inches in length and approximately 3 to 4 inches in girth erect.

How true is this statement?

>pelvic floor exercise (kegals).
>t do 50 kegals...you're welcome

Are you mentally handicapped? Yes, you should get tested. And if it come out negative, you should get tested again in a few months. That is literally the only way to be sure. And stick to condoms from now on to avoid these scenarios.

Odds are you're fine and have nothing, but it's best to know for certain before the symptoms start if you can, as finding out too late limits your options.

Holy shit fuck you

>95 to 99% of penises in the united states fall between approximately 5 inches to 6.25 inches in length
>this line is probably meant to assuage people who have average-sized dicks into thinking they're normal

>tfw 4.5 inches

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thx for anwsering my dude

How common is an std from oral sex? I've heard mixes of responses. Thanks op

>precision autism to cure dick retardation

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Med student here. Is specializing in urology interesting? Should I consider it? Is there a potential for worthwhile career path?
Will urology ruin my love for dicks forever?

Cock push-ups.

Inside of a woman. Preferably with a biological vagina.

Money. Pools and pools of money. Also your mom.

Yes, it's possible.

If your penis is large enough, I encourage you to go fuck yourself.

Start looking at penises because you will see at lot of them. Also jelquing is pretty hot right now.

12 months of NoFap.

No. They actually cause very painful cases of varicocele. You may need to go to radiology today.

Kek, are you serious? A gay urologist?

Anyway, if you got a Y chromosome you're good, dunno about women urologists. The pay is pretty good and frankly if you love handling dicks you might as well turn a career out of it. But be careful, if you're open about you being gay, I'd expect lawsuits for misconducts, because people might suspect you fondling them a bit too long.

Not even kidding about that last part, kek

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Why does my dick hurt if I fap more than once a day?

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>if you're open about you being gay
>as urologist
Good thing I'm not that stupid.
I also thought about picking up gynecology. I could be more open about my orientation couse women love themselves some gay stereotypes and I could easly go with it and profit of of it.
But all those dicks tho...

You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Discord yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc. Self improvement, nofap and even relationship advice.
We also have some fun channels like memes or a channel dedicated to tinder thot patrolling.
For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
We have lots of guys participating, but only one Female. So femanons dont leave her to be alone

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!

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it's like a straight man going into gynecology

you will be seeing these 80yo dicks, greazy fatties who haven't washed it for weeks or these dicks festered with STDs and flesh wounds and it will ruin you

Wtf... is this real? I must have like a 9" then.

I always measured from the hairline, I always measured from how much of it would actually go in... lol. The average is 6" with people measuring like this????

Also, as I'm thinking about it, it must be weird as fuck to handle so many dicks on a daily basis as a straight guy. How long has it taken before you got used to fondle those hairy balls without blinking an eye?

>feel a lump on the base of my dick, hurry to doc
>get in, he tells me to lay down cause he's preparing, i'm expecting him to put on gloves and shit
>handles my dick with his bare hands, feeling the lump and balls
>tells me it's just a hair that grew the wrong way, i'm free to go

i never left a doctor's office as quickly as that day, shit was gay af. W-was i molested?

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Is that 5 to 6.25 inches bone pressed or not?

You're just taking dopamine hits in that case. Still the "Your Brain on Porn" would apply.

She might have a yeast infection. Happened with an ex of mine. Have her see an OBGYN

What's hte longest it can take for symptoms to show? Thanks, OP.

What year are you in residency? Any particularly cool or memorable cases?

I've been with urology attendings on several cases now and they were pretty cool. Watched a little kid get their UPJ obstruction fixed the other day; I love that we can just go in and fix problems directly as opposed to something like psych where you can basically just manage symptoms. Definitely has me interested in surgery.

Regular erections. Hours after pumping

>STDs are never worth it

Don't be silly.

As far as I know - and also what common sense dictates - he should've worn gloves, even if he had washed his hands beforehand. If you had felt violated you should've said that you don't want to be touched without him wearing gloves. You could also file a formal complaint instead of running away.

Penis pump guy. So youre saying i should stop and go see a doctor?

Doc, should I take Finasteride for hair loss? 26 yo

>Every time you piss/shit do 50 kegals...you're welcome

Yeah, a gay gynecologist might even be a good sales pitch in current times. That is until the islamists throw you off a building.

You get used to it. You'll disect so many dicks till it feels like fileting a chicken, and then when you get to touch and handle real ones you kinda just see them as a bunch of meat. Pretty much how you don't think about touching an animal's dick/vagina when you're slaughtering them, if you've ever done that.

No, you goddamn fucking idiot, he was inspecting you. Be thankful he didn't use a glove, he could feel everything better that way. Actually, if a doc puts on gloves for an inspection it's usually because he thinks he might get infected. I guess he correctly took you for the incel type so no chance of STDs, kek

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how to get rid of fish smell? my pecker is uncut and gets foul as hell by the end of the day. i shower every day and thoroughly wash under my foreskin.

Pls use me

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>Porn, the death grip, and masturbating more than ~5 times per week will destroy your weiner
i've jacked off ~~2x a day for 10 years straight. how long do i have till my dick is destroyed? it seems to be fine as of last night when i fucked down my girl

kys degenerates, or seek professional help

>not treating every patient as the potential infection source
>epidemiology training needed asap

He should have only worn gloves if he suspected infection and needed to protect himself from exposure. Gloves, even nitrile, will dull sensitivity and dexterity and might mean the doctor could miss something he may not have otherwise.

Is there anything I can do about extreme downward curvature? I look like pic related when fully erect.

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UROLOGY MAN, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU! Recently, my penis has started getting extremely fishy-smelling about 10 minutes after ejaculating. I have extremely good hygiene and have never had this issue before in my life. Could this possibly be caused by my protein powder? Is it safe to contain taking it, if so? No one has been able to answer my question; you're my last hope, Dr. bro.

Mr Weiner doctor bro, what will nofap do to your dick balls and prostate?

yeah, you can kill yourself

So with the bonepressed method i gain some lenght but that isnt really usable while having sex. Will lowering my bodyfat let me gain it for real?

bump for interest. it gets really uncomfertble after week 2

bc u r not chad

What happens if i hold my cum in

Til that I have an average dick. Thanks bro

Dear Urology Guy,
I had varicocele surgery (left nut) and within a year it came back. Should I bother doing it again or just leave it? There's no pain.
Thank you

I've got no doubts about the 5 to 6.25 length, but how is girth measured? 3 inches sounds way too thin to be considered a normal circumference

Average girth is probably closer to 5". No idea where he got 4" from. Indian studies I guess.

>in the united states

Hey doc i have severe phimosis and cant retract my foreskin even when not erect. Since im going to be operated in a month or so(the operation is not on my dong) are there gonna be problems with the catheter?

not him, but variocele has 15% chances f coming back after a surgery. redo it, but laparoscopicsurgery is better, and the best option would be an embolization done by interventional radiologist

I've seen people picking up dropped gloves and continuing the operation with those, seen dissections performed with bare hands and whilst eating a sandwich, etc

Sure, you care initally, but long hours and low wages eventually wear everyone down. Some doctors I've seen looked and acted like they unironically had a death wish.

Government healthcare was a mistake.

Draw it back hard once, keep it drawn back, let it heal.
I suggest a free weekend, hurts a lot, but you'll be normal afterwards

t. Brother had phimosis and that's how the doctor fixed it when he was a child.

Many thanks

This was a joke by the way, go to a doctor