Are there any colleges in the US/UK/Canada that aren't complete soypits?
Most Veeky Forums Universities
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University of Waterloo
>Are there any colleges in the US/UK/Canada that aren't complete soypits?
Most of the best gyms in North America (barring olympic training facilities) are at universities. However, good luck finding a campus where the marxo-feminist cult isn't in control.
My alma mater was UCI. It's a UC. It's not Berkeley but it's still a California state university and it's cucked to hell and back. Kobe Bryant used to train here and then he got #metoo'd before that was known as #metoo
I miss the ARC.
This is true Stick to the southern states for less chance of being cucked
Alabama for example, I would doubt it's being run by feminists.
Cal Poly SLO:
There’s no excuse for being a couch potato at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo, now that Sundt has completed a $51 million project that updated and expanded its student recreation center. Students and university employees now have a number of new fitness features to enjoy, including six racquet ball courts, two basketball courts, a multipurpose athletic court, 19,000-square-foot leisure pool, 1/8-mile indoor track, three sand volleyball courts, lobby and workout rooms. (
Every piece of equipment/ machine/ what have you.
To add to this fsu from personal experience is not cucked, though UM is slightly (not full on California tier)
tech schools
Loughborough is the most Veeky Forums uni in the UK
Currently sitting in a UCLA dorm. Ama
How's that NCAA tournament going for you?
no college in the USA is ever a complete soypit m8. We play a shitton of college sports, workout in A++ gyms and have pools, fields, rec centers in every uni. I’d be surprised if any college OUTSIDE the US is not a complete soypit barring canada cause similar culture
Just go to a state school you cuck.
Loughborough University is so alpha that despite being the joint best sports university in the world, barely anybody on here has heard of it.
>where history begins
this is one of the shitties slogans ever. it doesn't even mean anything
Disagree as this is all the same in the UK, (you're not the only country in the world to do sports) but sports in the UK are way more alpha than the US. Rugby, football, field hockey>American football, basketball, baseball for fitness. We make sure all the faggots go to specialist 'arts universities' and all the rest of our universities are pretty based.
If you can get in the University of Notre Dame is very not soy. Due to the Catholic background most of the students are quietly right leaning and like 90% of the student body participates in some level of athletics
>If you can get in
it's not that hard lmao but yeah I agree
Pic taken in Adelaide, Australia. If Marxism can spread to bottom of this barren fucking wasteland 30 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, do you really think there's hope for any university in the Western world? Go to your local gym, do your study, watch your anime and eat your oats, but make no attempt to find sane people at uni.
true, try to stay away from nigger areas like new orleans, memphis and tennessee though
I live in South Bend. You are incorrect.
32-34 average ACT is pretty difficult, at least I think so
hey I'm sitting on campus RN, tell me how I'm wrong!
Ucal's...opinions discarded
>34 on the ACT is difficult
I bet you think benching 2pl8 is difficult too
I see you faggots every day around town. I work with your alumni. You are wrong.
The Naval Academy is pretty red pilled, they tried adding edimame to our salad bar and a bunch of people won't eat it bc they don't want to become SoyBoys. Also everyone is addicted to Ultra-white Monster.
I mean I got in, but for the average person I do think it is difficult, if it were easy everyone would do it
Yikes, do you want to tell me how I'm wrong?
Stop squandering that tuition money. Maybe Ivy Tech is more your speed?
Actually I have almost a full ride, it was cheaper here for me than Ohio State. Do you have any real reasons?
maybe colleges that specialize in agriculture, warfare
this is pure soy faggotry
51 million dollar recreation center...
anti-soy is a grungy basement with some barbells and weights, soy is super extravagant shit like this to attract retards to go to school there and get fleeced for their parents money while they study demisexual panethnic studies
No, you're right. Your up-jumped novus ordo liberal arts college is stellar. Great job, Rudy.
autism chinahole
As you can see OP, people hate the school because it's a wealthy cushy finishing school for rich white kids. Make of that what you will
roll tide
>so disheartened that he moved to San Fransisco
Michigan Tech because soys and blacks can't deal with that much snow.
>rich white kids
>not the greatest source of leftist degeneracy in America
I would argue that there's a difference between upper middle class white kids (the kind I think are soyboys) and the actually wealthy white kids whom tend to be pretty conservative.
>implying you won't get cucked by a nigger athlete
Roastie SEC girls won't even look at a black man without making a scowl yet if he wears a football uniform they'd spread their legs in seconds.
Boston College is the same. My history classes have been consistently solid and we're still actually Catholic unlike Georgetown
lmao this was not true at Ole Miss. Football players couldn't get with top tier sorority girls unless they were white
The difference you're imagining doesn't exist. Upper-middle-class whites probably lean conservative as a group, if anything, and wealthy leisure-class types are just as likely to be Yoko Ono as they are Donald Trump Jr.
>t. dated one of the "top tier" sorority girls
Jefferson was 100% right about class
I agree Loughborough is good for fitness, but Bath is amazing too and maybe a better goal for the slightly more academic Veeky Forumsizens. If you see their gym you'll fall in love.
As a group yes, but I'm saying that this user is not capturing the entire picture. At least of all the liberal "activists" I know, they are not the truly rich that you see at the top schools, but upper middle class kids mostly from suburban backgrounds
Clarkson University. Still a 70%.male engineering school
Voting for U of A (AZ)
Huge gym/bro culture but I've heard it has gotten more lib/sjw like over the past couple years which saddens me
All the people that I know that went to ND are weird and/or fat
haha thanks user but I'd like to get laid in college
Yeah but Ole Miss is on another level of racism. At UGA you'd have sorority girls who "hated niggers" all of a sudden fawn over a black football player. I'm sure it's the same at UF, UT, and USC. However being a white football chad was the absolute pinnacle. Aaron Murray fucked an entire sorority class and held a party after fucking his 100th sorority girl.
>where history began*
b-but i like edimame
Bros, where should I transfer to?
How's the Ole Miss mascot doing? While I was there everyone was throwing a bitchfit over it being a "racist slave owner" so it got changed to a black bear, but since I left it's supposedly changing again?
OCAD University
Do you know a guy doing nursing named Joe he does ROTC. I think he's a senior
Plus I didn't think people I knew at BC were all that Catholic
>tfw too poor for uni
>going to a community college
>check out the "gym"
>it's a couple of treadmills, stationary bikes, and a couple of meme machines
>not a single free weight
>still have to pay extra to use it
I'd make the argument that any university with a strong geology or agriculture program will be decidedly non-soy. Summers spent prospecting or conducting agricultural experiments tend to weed out those types.
>where history begins
What does it even mean?
lmao Notre Dame being treated like some elite university.
Top 10 or BTFO. You probably wouldn't even cut it in The League.
most aren't bad. They are compartmentalized. In a self segregated kind of way. You don't have to deal with sjw soyboy faggots if you don't want to.
go cats
Important events that will be recorded in history somehow began there.
Then it's important events or people or whatever, not history.
If it's such a great uni I wonder why they settle for such cringe-inducing slogan.
sup fags
>32-34 average ACT is pretty difficult, at least I think so
Derp and:
6'2" is pretty tall
$200,000 salary is pretty high
Being a millionaire is pretty rich
...for mortals
Yeah, that's what's cringe inducing, and not the "hey everyone look how smart I am" attitude you're adopting here.
How’s penn state? Thinking of going there
>you are 16 years old, 5'7, and poor
>Most Veeky Forums Universities
Obviously the most Veeky Forums is Florida Institute of Technology
Any Melbournebrahs online? Accounting Masterrace, reporting in
my bud goes to uni of a and its cucked
u memphis is a niggers paradise. white women love blacks here
>being this mad about people not liking your uni shit motto
>accounting masterrace
Are you a brainlet?
Mathematics is clearly master race
>Literal Chinese colony
>Are you a brainlet?
Perhaps, but not a moneylet
BCIT my dude.
Accountants don't make all that much
>Mathematics is clearly master race
gonna become a high school maths teacher? u got meme'd hard boyo
CPA's in Florida start in the 60's and move up from there.
Oh we're massively over inflated I agree, but that being said the 4 year grad rate is around 96% and at least everyone I know has a job lined up for after graduation so we at least have something going for us.
They become history, because they're so important. Holy moley it's not complicated guys
>has women and commies
Nice one faggot try vmi. Way more traditional and puts out better offices
University of Glasgow here
It's soyboy general but oh well still a good library
As a geology student, can confirm that our dept is pretty fit, not a single fat person above first year, and I can only think of a single person in faculty who isn't pretty trim
Nah, 30, 6'2", decamillioniare
Oxford. Virtually the whole population does some sort of sports, and politically people are pretty chill, so even if you disagree, no-one foams at the mouth about it
Have fun when I already have job offers from 3 different quant funds and a bank you faggot
Oh the irony
Georgetown is full soyboy, i want to goto Arizona state for grad school.
>intentionally being obtuse to annoy people
>anyone actually annoyed must have personal connections to what I'm being obtuse about
come back after you graduate middle school
I went to a CSU in SoCal and it wasn't all that bad.
The students were typically liberal, but there was only one I ran into that was an extremist to any degree. The professors were all very level-headed; even after the election, they never made much mention of politics.
Didn't run into a whole lot of fit people (Probably because all my classes were with artists and nerds), but the ones I did make friends/acquaintances with were pretty chill.
idris elba is black hitler
it's true
sjw and transfags aren't nearly as bad as it is here
>t. guelphfag